Stefan Ene
About me
My English title is GIS-developer and as such I have been involved i most activites related to GIS and cartography at the department of Human Geography.
I have been working with GIS and Cartography since way back in the 1980:ies in various projects and as a teacher and have thorough experience in most software in this field (Mapinfo, ArcGIS, MapInfo, Idrisi Terrset, and QGIS amongst others).
I have also been involved in establishing a GIS-lab at Gaborone University in Botwana (from farm to table) and produced GIS/Cartography software for Secondary- and High School education as well as student litterature for the University level.
From the fall of 2023, I will gradually wind down my involvement at the department and have started a new site where my Gotland origins are given free rein.
However, I will be watching over the GIS activities at the department for a while and my email is open for questions.
PS/ If you are looking for a really good popgroup have a look at
My main interest is within the fields of GIS and cartography (with a special faiblesse for geographic visualisation).