Erik Lidman
About me
Associate Professor (docent) of company law at the universities of Stockholm and Gothenburg, and co-director of the Swedish Corporate Governance Institute. My research is focused on corporate governance in listed companies and capital market regulation, generally with a Law & Economics methodology. Current research projects focuses on, among other things, market abuse and disclosure, the EU Capital Market Union, takeovers, dual class share structures, and corporate bond regulation.
I teach in the areas of company law and stock market regulation for law students and economist on bachelor, master and PhD level, including PhD supervision, and have consulted for a number of organisations and law firms, including the OECD, the World Bank and the Swedish Corporate Governance Board. I am also an editor of the Nordic Journal of Corporate Law, manager for the Corporate Governance Forum, vice chair for the Global Corporate Governance Colloquia, and a member of the board for the Nordic Corporate Governance Network.
I also hold a number of positions outside of academia. I am an executive of the Swedish Takeover Panel, one of Swedens representatives in ESMA:s Takeover Bids Network, a member of the OECD Corporate Governance Committee, Secretary to the Nasdaq Stockholm Disciplinary Committee and to the Swedish Corporate Governance Board.
Selected publications
(updated 2024-10-01)
In English
- Multiple Voting Rights and Takeovers, in 20 Years with the Takeover Directive, Cambridge University Press (w. Andrés Recaldé). Forthcoming, 2024.
- What Constitutes Inside Information for a Corporate Bond Issuer?, European Company and Financial Law Review. Forthcoming, 2024/25.
- Corporate Governance and Short-Termism, An In-depth Analysis of Swedish Data, Nordic Journal of Company law (Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret) 2024 no. 2/3 p. 113. (w. Martin Carlsson-Wall et al.).
- Country Report Sweden, in Sustainable Finance in the EU, Mohr Siebeck 2024.
- The Swedish Corporate Bond Market: Challenges and Policy Recommendations, OECD Capital Market Series 2024. (w. Serdar Celik et al.)
- The EU Framework on ESG, in The Research Handbook on ESG, Edward Elgar, 2024.
- The Swedish Corporate Bond market and Bondholder Rights. OECD Capital market Series 2022. (w. Serdar Celik et al.)
- London Allowing dual class Premium listings: A Swedish comment, Journal of Corporate Law Studies 2021/22.
- Dual class Premium listings: no reason for the reservations?, Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 2021.
- The Purpose of the Corporation: a Contractarian Perspective, in Festschrift in Honour of Rolf Skog, Norstedts Juridik/Wolters Kluver 2021.
- Editor, Festschrift in Honour of Rolf Skog, Norstedts Juridik/Wolters Kluver 2021.
- Say on pay and the detail of disclosure of remuneration, in Flexibility and Proportionality in Corporate Governance, OECD Publishing 2018.
In Swedish
- Företagsobligationsmarknadsrätt, Norstedts Juridik/Wolters Kluver (monografi) 2024.
- Röstvärdesskillnader på svenska med anledning av ISS Benchmark Voting Policy, kommande i Juridisk Tidskrift 2024/25.
- Det svenska vinstsyftet och hållbar bolagsstyrning, Svensk Juristtidning 2024.
- Innebörden av ”allmänhetens förtroende för aktiemarknaden” som lagstiftningsändamål, i Festskrift till per Samuelsson, Juristförlaget 2024.
- Utvecklingen på den svenska marknaden för företagsobligationer och eventuella regleringsbehov, Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret 2023 nr 1.
- Finns det en värdepappersmarknadsrättslig princip om likabehandling av obligationsinnehavare? Juridisk Tidskrift 2022-23 nr. 4
- Informationsmässig likabehandling enligt aktiebolagslagen, Svensk Juristtidning 2021.
- Kontrollägande och uppköpsreglering – Likabehandling vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden och effekterna i bolagsstyrningen, Corporate Governance Forum (monografi) 2020.
- Tre frågor om värdering av minoritetsaktier med anledning av det nya fusionsdirektivet: "aktierna eller bolaget", minoritetsrabatter och illikviditetsrabatter, Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret 2021 nr. 3