Stockholm university

Erik Palm

About me


2021 - Lecturer at JMK school of Journalism Stockholm University in Investigative, Documentary and News journalism. Ongoing.

2007 - Producer of Investigative documentaries for SVT Uppdrag granskning, SVT Dokument Inifrån, TV4 Kalla Fakta and SR P1 Kaliber. Author of books for Norstedts and Carlsson publiching houses. Ongoing.

2017 - Investigative Coach for Gotlands Allehanda, Adresseavisen in Trondheim Norway and Bergens Tidende in Norway.

2005 - 2007 Dagens Industri TV, business reporter, editor and news anchor.

2003 - 2005 Freelance news reporter and researcher. SVT Rapport, SR Ekonomiekot, SR Ekots grävgrupp.

1998 - 2003 Ericsson Mobile Systems. Marketing strategist and lecturer in future telecom technologies and sustainability.


2009 Stanford University Innovation Journalism fellow. Internship at CNET CBS.

2002 - 2004 Stockholm University JMK "Journalisthögskolan". Program for students with an academic exam.

1992 - 1997 Royal Institute of Technology(KTH)/University of Sydney. Degree in Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (Civilingenjör) with specialisation Environmental Technology.

1990-2020 Stockholm University. Degree of Bachelor of Science Main Field of Study: Psychology. Also Practical Philosophy, German and French.


2022 Finalist Grand journalism award, Stora Journalistpriset, storyteller of the year årets berättare for the last eel "Den sista ålen" with SVT Mission Investigate, Uppdrag granskning.

2022 Finalist Swedish "IRE award" Guldspaden for the last eel "Den sista ålen" and the pristine elle "Ursprungsålen" with SVT Mission Investigate,  Uppdrag granskning.

2018 Trace foundation honorary award for "Agents of Influence" about Bombardiers shady deals in former Soviet countries with the OCCRP, SVT, CBC/Radio-Canada, Novaya Gazeta and TT News Agency.

2012  A Swedish "Emmy" TV-Kristallen for best investigative documentary. "We gave them our dad"  "Vi gav dem vår pappa".  SVT Dokument inifrån.

2012 Finalist Grand journalism award, Stora Journalistpriset, investigation "We gave them our dad"  "Vi gav dem vår pappa". SVT Dokument inifrån.

2011 Winner Swedish "IRE award" Guldspaden 2011. The award was attributed to "We gave them our dad" by the Swedish Association of Investigative Journalism (FGJ).
2011 Erik's research for SVT Mission Investigate, Uppdrag granskning  on IKEA's secret Liechtenstein trust. "IKEA-Made in Sweden" was finalist for an IRE award.

2010 Finalist environmental journalist of the year, "Årets miljöjournalist", on toxic sites in Sweden. SVT Rapport.

2001 Ecodesign award Tokyo "Solar powered mobile telephony". For Ericsson.

1997 Best student in Biochemical engineering. University of Sydney. Abbot Laboratories price.



The Big Boss - Så tog Stefan Persson H&M ut i världen och blev Sveriges rikaste person 
ISBN: 978-91-1-307657-7 

Caremaskandalen - riskkapitalets fantastiska resa i äldrevården
ISBN 978 91 7331 538 8

2001 "Solar powered mobile telephony". For Ericsson.