Faradj KolievAssociate senior lecturer, Docent
About me
Faradj Koliev is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science. Koliev's research is situated at the intersection of international relations and comparative politics, with a specific focus on international organizations and NGOs. He has previously led projects funded by Formas and the Swedish Research Council. Currently, he is working on a book project related to human rights fact-finding missions, funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Koliev has previously served as an MP for the Social Democratic Party in Sweden and is active in local politics in his town, Solna. He has published numerous op-eds in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. His academic publications have appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, Public Opinion Quarterly, Global Environmental Politics, and Climate Policy.
Koliev has taught courses in Swedish politics, international relations, quantitative methods, and international organizations, and he is supervising both bachelor's and master's students.
For more information visit Faradj's personal website.
Quantitative Methods
Swedish Politics
Political Science Research: Method and Process
International Relations
International Organizations
Koliev F, D Page & J Tallberg (Forthcoming) The Domestic Impact of International Shaming: Evidence from Climate Change and Human Rights. Public Opinion Quarterly
Koliev, F and M Lundgren (2021) Visiting the Hegemon: Explaining Diplomatic Visits to the United States. Research & Politics.
Koliev, F & JH Lebovic (2021) Shaming into Compliance? Country Reporting of Convention Adherence to the International Labour Organization. International Interactions.
Koliev, F (2021) Promoting International Labour Standards: The ILO and national labor regulations. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations.
Koliev, F (2020) Where help is needed most? Explaining reporting strategies of the International Trade Union Confederation. Political Studies.
Koliev, F, Thomas Sommerer & Jonas Tallberg (2020) Compliance without coercion: Effects of reporting on international labor rights. Journal of Peace Research.
Koliev, F (2019) Shaming and Democracy: Explaining State-Shaming in International Organizations. International Political Science Review.
Koliev, F. & James Lebovic (2018) "Selecting for Shame: The Monitoring of Workers’ Rights by the International Labour Organization, 1989 to 2011". International Studies Quarterly 68 (2): 437-452.
Koliev, Faradj and Karin Bäckstrand (forthcoming) When are SDG Partnerships Transparent? The Determinants of Progress Reporting. [in Enda Murphy et al (eds) Partnerships and Sustainable Development Goals]. Springer Nature.
Bäckstrand, Karin, Faradj Koliev and Aysem Mert (forthcoming) Institutional Capacity, Inclusion, and Transparency in SDG Partnerships for Agenda 2030: A Preliminary Assessment. [in Enda Murphy et al (eds) Partnerships and Sustainable Development Goals]. Springer Nature.
Koliev, F, T Sommerer & J Tallberg (2020) Reporting Matters: Performance Indicators and Compliance in the International Labor Organization (ILO). In Judith Kelley and Beth Simmons (eds.) The Power of Global Performance Indicators. Cambridge University Press.
PhD dissertation
Koliev, F (2018) "Naming and Shaming: The politics and effectiveness of social pressure in the ILO”
Additional qualifications
The George Washington University, Department of Political Science and Elliot School of International Affairs. Visiting scholar, 2015 (Sep-Nov)
Other articles and media appearances
(2021) "Ta hjälp av ILO för att hjälpa uigurerna”. Published in Svenska Dagbladet.
(2020) "Skam och skuld kommer inte att stoppa covid-19". Published in Dagens Nyheter.
(2019) "Sverige bör stoppa USA:s kandidat till Världsbankschef”. Published in Svenska Dagbladet.
(2017). "Låt UD ranka andra länder efter mänskliga rättigheter". Published in Dagens Nyheter.
(2016) ”The Dominance of the Ruling Party Under Uncertainty”. Published in Baltic Worlds – A scholarly journal from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm.
(2015) ”Det är inte en skam att vara fattig”. Published in Svenska Dagbladet.
(2015) ”Ny global överenskommelse ökar pressen på världens ledare” Published in Tvärdrag and LO (Swedish Trade Union Confederation). [with Oscar Ernerot]
(2013) ”Diktatorn som Europa har glömt”. Published in Expressen.[with Loreen, Hans Gunnar Adén and Fredrik Malm].