Stockholm university

Franziska MüllerPhD Student

About me

As PhD candidate within NOWSTARS project, my research focusses on self-employment and temporary agency work in the Swedish labor market. More specificly, I'm curious about perceptions of employability and how they are shaped by contextual factors.

After a Bachelor in Business Administration I graduated with a M.Sc. in Applied Technology and Learning from Gothenburg University in 2016. Parts of the research work in my Master thesis resulted in a publication in 2019. After that I have completed free-standing courses in Psychology alongside a full-time career in the private sector to meet entry requirements for a PhD position within the field. I have been accepted to the PhD program in autumn 2021.



  • Stöhr, C., Stathakarou, N., Mueller, F., Nifakos, S., & McGrath, C. (2019). Videos as learning objects in MOOCs: A study of specialist and non‐specialist participants’ video activity in MOOCs. British Journal of Educational Technology50(1), 166–176.


  • Müller, F., & Stöhr, C. (2016). The role of video as learning component in two MOOCS in Swedish higher education. Proceedings of the 2nd MOOCs in Scandinavia Conference, 21-26.
  • Santor, S., & Müller, F. (2016). Kiron Open Higher Education: Refugee education using MOOCs. Proceedings of the 2nd MOOCs in Scandinavia Conference, 32-33.

Research projects