Gebrenegus Ghilagaber Yebio
About me
Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics.
Mottagningstid / Reception hours
Måndagar 13:00 - 14:00 eller enligt överenskommelse / Mondays 1 PM - 2 PM or by appointment
Akademiska utbildningar / Academic degrees
- PhD (1998) & PhLic (1996) in Statistics, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- PhLic (1993) in Demography, Stockholm University, Sweden.
- MSc (1986) & BSc (1982) in Statistics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
- Survival models (Event-history analysis).
- Demometrics (applications in demography and public health)
- Multilevel and multiprocess modelling
- Selection and causality
- Bayesian methods
- Football Analytics