Hanna HenrysonSenior lecturer
About me
I am a teacher and researcher in German-language literature with a PhD from Uppsala University. My research is mainly focused on literary representations of social inequality and living conditions in cities, as well as on the role and function of literary discourses in social processes. I am also interested in narrative structures of representations of urban life. In my dissertation, defended in December 2020, I examined contemporary German-language literature's response to the large-scale gentrification that has profoundly altered Berlin's social and urban structures after the German reunification. The dissertation was awarded the Westin Prize (website in Swedish) in 2022. My previous research has also focused on literary representations of different forms of housing (large-scale housing projects, communal living) and resistance to urban change in fiction and non-fiction. Since 2016, I have been an active contributor to conferences and collaborations within the international research network Association for Literary Urban Studies (ALUS).
In my one-year postdoc project "Moral and the Metropolis: Social Types and Figures in Berlin and Vienna 1890-1914", funded by the Sven and Dagmar Salén Foundation, I was affiliated with the Department of German Studies at the University of Vienna 2021-2022. I am currently continuing this research on social aspects of modernist urban life as well as contacts between the Swedish- and German-speaking cultural spheres.
I take an interest in how my research can be connected to didactic issues and have co-edited a volume on language didactics (in Swedish). I teach German-language literature from various periods with a special focus on the long 20th century. I am also a board member of the network for German-language literary studies in Sweden, GLS (website in Swedish and German), that aims to spread research on German-language literature to a wider audience within and outside academia.
My reserarch interests include aspects of
- urbanity and housing in literature
- modernist and contemporary literature
- German- and Swedish-language cultural contacts
- narratology, especially genre and character theory
- literature and language didactics
Henryson, Hanna: 'Staden i boken: Materialitet och form i Irina Liebmanns dokumentariska stadsskildringar'. In: Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap, special issue 'Litteratur och materialitet' (eds. Sara Pärsson & Ellen Frödin), 32(2-3), 2024. Open access
Henryson, Hanna & Sulimma, Maria: "'Nothing was solved, only accelerated': Contemporary Berlin Novels as Gentrifictions". In: Narrative Journal, 32(1), 2024, pp. 60-79. More information
Henryson, Hanna: 'Gentrifiktioner: En undersökning av sociourbana förändringsprocesser i Berlinromaner från 2000-talet'. In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala: Årsbok 2022-2023 (ed. Merja Kytö), Uppsala: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala, 2024, pp. 71-89.
Henryson, Hanna: 'Die Endlichkeit des Seins: Malte Perssons Untergangslyrik'. In: Neues Lesen Skandinavistik: Rezensionen, 6 July 2023. Open access
Henryson, Hanna & Knittle, Davy: 'Representing a Long Emergency: New Approaches to Urban Change in Literary and Cultural Studies'. In: Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, special issue 'Representing Urban Change Beyond Gentrification' (eds. Henryson & Knittle), 10(1), 2023, pp. 15–30. Open access
Henryson, Hanna: '"Community is the one true capital": Ideologies of urban self-build groups in Anke Stelling’s Berlin novels'. In: Forum for Modern Language Studies, special issue 'Urban Utopics' (eds. Michael Kelly & Mariano Paz), 59(1), 2023, pp. 39–55. Open access
Henryson, Hanna: 'Tipping Points: Gentrification and Urban Possibility'. In: Salmela, Markku, Ameel, Lieven & Finch, Jason (eds.): Literatures of Urban Possibility. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp. 165–189. More information
Henryson, Hanna: Gentrifiktionen. Zur Gentrifizierung in deutschsprachigen Berlin-Romanen nach 2000. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishing, 2021. Open access
Henryson, Hanna: '"Kuvertcirkeln": Resultat av aktiverande språkundervisning på högskolenivå'. In: Tornberg, Ulrika, Thegel, Miriam & Henryson, Hanna (eds.): Språkdidaktik i praktiken. Metoder, exempel och reflektioner från högskolenivå. Uppsala: Skrifter utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk 103, Uppsala universitet, 2020, pp. 15–32. Open access
Tornberg, Ulrika, Thegel, Miriam & Henryson, Hanna: 'Det språkdidaktiska kunskapsområdet: en introduktion'. In: Tornberg, Ulrika, Thegel, Miriam & Henryson, Hanna (eds.): Språkdidaktik i praktiken. Metoder, exempel och reflektioner från högskolenivå. Uppsala: Skrifter utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk 103, Uppsala universitet, 2020, pp. 7–14. Open access