Hanna Hjalmarson
About me
My major research interest is how we are socialized as consumers through influence from family, peers, and the media. This was also the topic of my dissertation, where I focused on young consumers (age 9-19) and their parents. The main issue here was the link between consumption patterns and well-being. Another interest is healthcare marketing, as I am also a registered nurse. Currently, I am working on how to increase the following of recommendations in relation to COVID-19 through the use of different social marketing appeals, and the effects of different response styles when filling out questionnaires and surveys.
Most of my time is however spent on teaching consumer behavior, advertising and PR, research methods and related topics, along with tutoring student theses. I am also director of the workplace practice course at Stockholm Business School.
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
A new model of how celebrity endorsements work
2016. Lars Bergkvist, Hanna Hjalmarson, Anne W. Mägi. International Journal of Advertising 35 (2), 171-184
ArticleThis research introduces attitude towards the endorsement as a mediating variable in the relationships between celebrity source and endorsement factors and brand attitude. It also includes perceived celebrity motive, a variable rarely studied in the previous literature, as an endorsement factor. In a survey study, respondents evaluated four celebrity endorsement campaigns. Mediation analyses show that attitude towards the endorsement mediates the effects of three variables on brand attitude; these variables are celebrity expertise, celebritybrand fit, and perceived celebrity motive. Moreover, results show that if consumers perceive that the celebrity was motivated to do the endorsement not only by money but also by product quality, this has a significant positive effect on attitude towards the brand.
Celebrity Endorsements: The Mediating Role of Attitude Toward the Alliance
2012. Hanna Hjalmarson, Lars Bergkvist.
ConferenceThis paper introduces attitude toward the endorsement as a mediating variable in the relationship between the independent variables attitude toward the celebrity, celebrity-brand fit, and celebrity expertise, and the dependent variable brand attitude. A field experiment with celebrity-brand pairings from real-world campaigns was carried out with young, female consumers as participants. Mediation analyses showed that attitude toward the endorsement mediated the relationship between all three independent variables and brand attitude.
Effects of Green Seals of Approval on Brand Perceptions
2012. Lars Bergkvist, Hanna Hjalmarson, Patrick Crotty. Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 3), 81-92
ChapterThere is a fair amount of research on green consumption and some research specifically focused on green seals of approval (hereafter referred to as green seals). For example, there are studies on the general communication effects of green seals (D’Souza et al., 2006; D’Souza et al., 2007), their appropriateness for specific product categories (Montoro-Rios et al., 2006; Montoro-Rios et al., 2008) and their origin, standards and classification (Horne, 2009).
Contribution of Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) to Familiar Brands
2011. Hanna Hjalmarson.
ConferenceThe purpose of this paper is to examine how the impact of cause-related marketing (CRM) on familiar brands varies with level of brand/cause fit and product category involvement. According to the results of an experimental study, effects of CRM were scarce. Following previous research, it was expected that CRM messages, especially high fit messages and especially in high involvement conditions, would have a positive influence on advertising effects, but this could not be supported. The results nevertheless warrant further research on the topic.
Marketing to Consumers in Different Shades of Green
2010. Hanna Hjalmarson, Monica Maquet, Emma Sjöström. Corporate Social Responsibility, 121-146
ChapterThis paper revolves around Swedish consumers’ perceptions of a TV marketing campaign informing about the certification of Chiquita bananas by the non-profit organization Rainforest Alliance. The certification means that Chiquita bananas have become more environmentally friendly, though not as friendly as to be marketed as ecological in Sweden, making this an interesting case to study. Through interviewing and surveying banana purchasers in the store, it was found that awareness of the campaign had a positive influence on the chain of advertising effects, but that more ecologically aware consumers, as well as consumers more sceptical to advertising, were less inclined to purchase, and had a more negative attitude to, the Chiquita brand. However, there was no relation between ecological awareness and ad scepticism in this sample. Implications for the marketing of (more or less) green products are discussed.
Trivial Attributes as Taste Enhancers
2010. Hanna Hjalmarson, Fredrik Lange.
ConferenceIn this study, we find that the addition of trivial attributes can improve product taste, brand attitude, and purchase intention. That trivial attributes had significant influence on product taste, important in all food and beverage categories, adds to the complexity of sensory perception. In an experiment with berry liquorice pastilles, the effects of trivial attributes seem to be stronger if pastilles taste “intrinsically” bad and if they are introduced under a well-known brand. However, the addition of trivial attributes also have positive effects for an unknown (fictitious) brand.
Aspects of Materialism
2007. Hanna Hjalmarson. The Future of Nordic Business Schools
ConferenceMaterial values is an elusive concept which seems to vary in structure and level across age groups and gender. This study examines these variations in relation to satisfaction with various life domains.
The strongest correlations are found between the various sub-components of material values and satisfaction with advertising and the media, especially for young consumers. For this age group (with the exception of teenage girls), the relations between material values and satisfaction with various life domains are moreover positive, whereas they are negative for adults. Thus, a tentative explanation for why some adult consumers hold on to material values even though it is not an efficient coping strategy for them, is that these values were internalised at younger age – when they were learnt because they had more successful outcomes - and old habits are hard to break.
En växande marknad
2007. Hanna Hjalmarson.
Thesis (Doc)I den här avhandlingsstudien undersöks nöjdheten med tillvaron i vårt konsumtionssamhälle bland konsumenter i olika åldrar. De tre områden som för unga konsumenter (9 - 19 år) som grupp hade starkast samband med den övergripande nöjdheten: (1) att vara nöjd med sig själv, (2) sina kläder, samt (3) viktrelaterad hälsa, studeras sedan närmare. Fokus ligger på nöjdhetens samspel med olika aspekter på konsumtion, där olika förhållningssätt kan tänkas vara kännetecknande för mer eller mindre nöjda konsumenter. De undersökta aspekterna är materiella värderingar, inställning till reklam, mottaglighet för social påverkan inför köp, kommunikation om konsumtion i familjen, konsumtion av onyttiga livsmedel, läsvanor och TV-vanor.
Till underlag för undersökningen ligger en enkätstudie med totalt 816 respondenter, samt en intervjustudie med totalt 200 deltagare. Urvalet, som består av skolungdomar mellan 9 och 19 år samt en mindre grupp av deras föräldrar, bor alla i Degerfors kommun i östra Värmland.
Huvudresultaten är att de flesta är ganska eller mycket nöjda med merparten av undersökta områden. Dock finns intressanta skillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper och kön. De kvantitativa resultaten kompletteras med en mängd intressanta och insiktsfulla utsagor från studiens deltagare när det gäller de flesta av undersökta områden.
Sammantaget kan resultaten tolkas enligt en modell som går ut på att vi blir nöjda med våra konsumtionsval så länge de birdrar till att uppfylla våra mål, vilket i de flesta fall sker genom att vi i form av kunskapsutvecklande eller symbolisk konsumtion får större inflytande i relevanta referensgrupper.
Från högtid till måltid
2007. Tom Andersson, Hanna Hjalmarson.
ReportRapporten beskriver arbetet med och resultaten av regeringens satsning inför valet 2006 att med hjälp av lokala föreningar sprida valinformation till medborgarna i de tolv kommuner där valdeltagandet var som lägst 2002.
Studien bygger på en enkätundersökning av unga väljare i berörda kommuner, telefonintervjuer med ett randomiserat urval av deltagande föreningar, samt hearings och intervjuer med kommunernas och regeringens representanter.
Projektet utmynnade i en mängd intressanta samarbetsprojekt, där nyckeln till framgång ofta var att föreningarna ägnade sig åt redan beprövade aktiviteter samtidigt som de spred valinformation till sina medlemmar, deras vänner och bekanta. Detta kunde t ex vara fester (därav titeln "Från högtid till måltid"), idrottsevenemang eller studiecirklar.
Genom att engagera lokala föreningar kunde man avdramatisera valet och göra valdeltagandet mer naturligt och mindre skrämmande. Trots att satsningen fick effekt på själva valdeltagandet i bara ungefär hälften av fallen fick föreningsaktiviteterna många andra positiva effekter för deltagarna och ökade deras medvetenhet och kunskaper om den svenska politiken.
Material Values, Valued Possessions, and Their Use
2007. Hanna Hjalmarson.
ConferenceThis paper reports a study of material values, other values, and possessions in young consumers. As in adults, according to definition, material values in schoolchildren are associated with valuing more, and more expensive things. High- materialism children also value publicly consumed and status-oriented things more than low-materialism children. However, in contrast to adults, high-materialism children do not value things associated with other people (e.g., photos) less than low-materialism children. In all, they value interpersonal relations as much, or more, than low-materialism children. In fact, many possessions high-materialism children value more can be used in interpersonal relations, and are perhaps therefore valued.
Positive and Negative Reinforcement in Advertising Messages
2007. Hanna Hjalmarson.
ConferenceBrands in many product categories, such as the beauty and hygiene category, can be advertised with either positive (transformational) or negative (informational) reinforcement messages. In this experiment, these types of messages are found to have different and opposing influences on memory, attitudes, and purchase intentions. There are tendencies for negative reinforcement messages to improve the memory for ads and brands, but worsen ad and brand attitudes. For unknown brands, purchase intentions are also lowered, though not for well-known brands, where they tend to increase instead.
Review of Recent Nordic Research in Advertising and PR (2000-2011)
Hanna Hjalmarson.
Advertising and public relations as a distinct academic field is a new phenomenon in the Nordic countries, even though advertising and public relations research has long been carried out within adjacent fields such as marketing, communications studies etc. The purpose here is to provide a review of the advertising and public relations research conducted by Nordic researchers in the new millennium (2000 – 2011). After attempting to define the area, literature reviews by means of database searches based on keywords/search terms were made, resulting in a final sample of 274 papers. These were further classified by means of quantitative and qualitative content analyses. The quantitative analysis, based on title information, enabled findings with respect to the journals were most Nordic advertising and public relations research is currently published, along with the nations, schools, and individual researchers that are most frequently represented. The qualitative analysis, based on abstracts, enabled findings as to what field (advertising or PR), which type of communication (commercial, social, political, internal) and which subthemes were most represented. The conclusions were that even though advertising and public relations are in practice usually both part of integrated marketing communications campaigns, from a research perspective, they represent two very different streams; and that much research is not very practically – or even theoretically – oriented. Moreover, the database search term/key word system showed serious flaws given the task at hand, lowering the reliability of the results. Resarch papers using advertising and/or public relations as seach terms need not deal with these, or even adjacent topics, giving rise to the suspicion that there are papers not using these terms that indeed are. Abstracts are often poorly written, giving little clue to why a research project is performed or what its results and implications are. The conclusions of this study are, on a positive note, that there is room for improvement and cross-over studies. On a negative note, it shows that that the Nordic advertising and public relations research field is scattered and often lacks implications for practical reality. More cooperation between academics and practitioners in this field is encouraged.
Show all publications by Hanna Hjalmarson at Stockholm University