Anna Ingrid Kristina HollanderProfessor emeritus
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Kan rättssäkerhet upprätthållas när barn skyddas mot omsorgsbrister enligt 2 § LVU?
2017. Katarina Alexius, Anna Hollander. Tvångsvård av barn och unga, 199-217
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Barns behov och vilja vid tvångsvård till följd av omsorgsbrist
2014. Katarina Alexius, Anna Hollander. Barnrätt : en antologi, 21-38
ChapterVid omhändertaganden av barn ska barnets bästa vara avgörande för de beslut som fattas. I den praktiska tillämpningen innefattar begreppet ofta tolkningar av barns behov, såsom dessa definieras av kompetenta vuxna, och barnets vilja, såsom denna uttrycks av barnet eller uttolkas av vuxna. I denna studie undersöks uttrycken barns behov och vilja samt hur barns behov och vilja bedöms i sociala utredningar och domar som rör tvångsomhändertaganden till följd av omsorgssvikt av barn i familjer där någon förälder har intellektuell funktionsnedsättning.
Care assessments concerning involuntary removal of children from intellectually disabled parents
2014. Katarina Alexius, Anna Hollander. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 36 (3), 295-310
ArticleThis study set out to analyse how parenting and the needs of the children are assessed by social authorities and courts in families where one or both parents have an intellectual disability (ID). The texts of child welfare investigations and court judgements in 16 cases of care orders concerning parents (30) with IDs and their children (29) in two counties in Sweden were analysed by a hermeneutic case study. The study shows that even though many of the children are described as already harmed by neglect, clear assessments of care needs are not presented and it is uncertain which of the children’s needs a placement in a family home is assumed to satisfy. The conclusion of the article is that, even though no direct discrimination can be established, the particular individual and structural difficulties of the families’ life circumstances are not taken into consideration. This can be seen as a discriminatory practice.
2014. Anna Hollander. Makt, myndighet, människa, 109-144
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Crime Victims in the Swedish Social Services Act
2009. Carina Ljungwald, Anna Hollander. International Review of Victimology 15 (3), 299-326
ArticleThis article is a legal analysis of the Swedish welfare statute and its application to crime victims. Specifically, it addresses a legal reform from 2001, when a new provision concerning crime victims was introduced in the Swedish Social Services Act (2001: 453). The article raises policy issues, relating both to the limitations on the rights bestowed and the relationship between the various types of statutory provisions incorporated in the legislation. In particular, it focuses on the dichotomy between those provisions bestowing rights and those outlining goals. The main conclusion of the study is that the legal guidance regarding crime victims in the Social Services Act is vague, indistinct and contradictory. Additionally, section 5:11 does not change the legal responsibility of the Social Services towards crime victims, nor does it lead to the strengthening of the social rights of this group. Even the preparatory material indicates that the reform does not effect any legal changes. In addition, just like many other legal reforms for crime victims, very little supervision or enforcement mechanisms exist to ensure the application of the law.
Juridik och rättsvetenskap i socialt arbete
2009. Anna Hollander, Katarina Alexius Borgström.
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Defender, spokesperson, therapist
2007. Anna Hollander, M Jacobsson, S Sjöström. International Journal of Social Welfare 16 (4), 373-381
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Rättsvetenskapliga metoder
2005. Katarina Alexius Borgström, Anna Hollander. Forskningsmetoder i socialt arbete, 129-151
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Haverier i social barnavård?
2001. Gunvor Andersson (et al.). Haverier i social barnavård?
Show all publications by Anna Ingrid Kristina Hollander at Stockholm University