James DennisonResearcher
About me
James Dennison’s interests include political attitudes and behaviour, political psychology, quantitative methods and the politics of migration.
His current research projects include understanding how issue salience shapes party systems, explaining variation in attitudes to migration, and conceptualising the meaning of left and right. He has published in academic journals including the Journal of European Public Policy, European Union Politics, West European Politics, Social Science Research, the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Party Politics and others. He regularly advises and gives evidence to international and European institutions and has appeared in media including the Financial Times, the Economist, the Washington Post.
As well as his position in Stockholm, he is also a Part-Time Professor at the European University Institute in Florence, where he was awarded a PhD in 2017, and has held visiting positions at Harvard University, the University of Oxford, Universidad Carlos III and the University of Sheffield, where he taught quantitative methods.
Research keywords
European electoral politics, the politics of migration, political attitudes and behaviour, the radical right, green politics