Jan TeorellProfessor
About me
Jan Teorell, Professor of Political Science and holder of the Lars Johan Hierta professorial chair, received his PhD in 1998 from the Department of Government, Uppsala University, on a dissertation on intra-party democracy. In 2004-2006, he served as Project Coordinator at the Quality of Government Institute, Göteborg University, responsible for creating the Quality of Government Dataset (www.qog.pol.gu.se), which won the Lijphart, Przeworski, Verba Award for Best Dataset by the APSA Comparative Politics Section at the 2009 Annual Meetings (together with Bo Rothstein and Sören Holmberg), and the Varieties of Democracy dataset (www.v-dem.net), which won the same award in 2016 (together with a large international research team). His research interests include Swedish and comparative politics, comparative democratization, state making and party politics.
Jan Teorell teaches the undergraduate introductory course to comparative politics and a Master's course on Democratization and Autocratization.
Research projects
The Local Roots of the Nationalization of Politics
The Non-Democratic Origins of State Capacity
Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)
A complete dataset of roll-call votes in the Swedish parliament, 1925-2022
Teorell, Jan. Determinants of Democratization: Explaining Regime Change in the World, 1972-2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Bartelson, Jens, Martin Hall & Jan Teorell, eds. De-Centering State Making: Comparative and International Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018.
Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Adam Glynn, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Staffan I. Lindberg, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Seim, Svend-Erik Skaaning, and Jan Teorell. Varieties of Democracy: Measuring Two Centuries of Political Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Bäck, Hanna, Flores, Alejandro Quiros & Jan Teorell. The Selection and Tenure of Foreign Ministers Around the World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
“A Deliberative Defense of Intraparty Democracy”, Party Politics 5(3): 363-382, 1999.
“Linking Social Capital to Political Participation: Voluntary Associations and Networks of Recruitment in Sweden”, Scandinavian Political Studies 26(1): 49-66, 2003.
Hadenius, Axel & Jan Teorell. “Cultural and Economic Prerequisites of Democracy: Reassessing Recent Evidence”, Studies in Comparative International Development 39(4): 87-106, 2005.
“Political Participation and Three Theories of Democracy: A Research Inventory and Agenda”, European Journal of Political Research 45(5): 787–810, 2006.
Teorell, Jan & Hadenius, Axel. “Democracy without Democratic Values: A Rejoinder to Welzel and Inglehart”, Studies in Comparative International Development 41(3): 95-111, 2006.
Hadenius, Axel & Jan Teorell. “Pathways from Authoritarianism”, Journal of Democracy 18(1): 143-156, 2007.
(For updated data on authoritarian regime types, see under Wahman et al. 2013 below.)
Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell. “What Is Quality of Government? A Theory of Impartial Government Institutions”, Governance 21(2): 165-190, 2008.
Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell. “Impartiality as a Basic Norm for the Quality of Government: A Reply to Francisco Longo and Graham Wilson”, Governance 21(2): 201-204, 2008.
Teorell, Jan & Catharina Lindstedt. “Measuring Electoral Systems”, Political Research Quarterly 63(2): 434-448, 2010.
Bäck, Hanna, Westholm, Anders & Jan Teorell, "Explaning Modes of Participation: A Dynamic Test of Alternative Rational Choice Models", Scandinavian Political Studies 34(1): 74-97, 2011.
Coppedge, Michael & John Gerring, with David Altman, Michael Bernard, Steven Fish, Allen Hicken, Matthew Kroenig, Staffan I. Lindberg, Kelly McMann, Pamela Paxton, Holli A. Semetko, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jeffey Staton & Jan Teorell, "Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: A New Approach", Perspectives on Politics 9(2): 247-267, 2011.
Rothstein, Bo, Marcus Samanni & Jan Teorell, "Explaining the welfare state: power resources vs. the Quality of Government", European Political Science Review 4(1): 1-28, 2012.
Dahlström, Carl, Victor Lapuente & Jan Teorell, "The Merit of Meritocratization: Politics, Bureaucracy, and the Institutional Deterrents of Corruption", Political Research Quarterly 65(3): 658 - 670, 2012.
Wahman, Michael, Jan Teorell and Axel Hadenius. "Authoritarian Regime Types Revisited: Updated Data in Comparative Perspective", Contemporary Politics 19(1): 19-34, 2013. (NEW updated data on authoritarian regime types available here)
Persson, Anna, Bo Rothstein & Jan Teorell, "Why Anticorruption Reform Fails: Systemic Corruption as a Collective Action Problem", Governance 26(3): 449-471, 2013.
Lindberg, Staffan, Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Jan Teorell et al. "V-Dem: A New Way to Measure Democracy", Journal of Democracy 25(3): 159-169, 2014.
Oskarsson, Sven, David Cesarini, Christopher T. Dawes, James H. Fowler, Magnus Johannesson, Patrik K. E. Magnusson & Jan Teorell, "Linking Genes and Political Orientations: Testing the Cognitive Ability as Mediator Hypothesis", Political Psychology 36(6): 649-665, 2015.
Teorell, Jan & Bo Rothstein, "Getting to Sweden, part I: War and Malfeasance, 1720-1850", Scandinavian Political Studies 28(3): 217-237, 2015.
Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell, "Getting to Sweden, part II: Breaking with Corruption in the Nineteenth Century", Scandinavian Political Studies 28(3): 238-254, 2015.
Gerring, John, Maxwell Palmer, Dominic Zarecki & Jan Teorell. "Demography and Democracy: A Global, District-Level Analyis s of Electoral Contestation", American Political Science Review 109(3): 574-591, 2015.
Teorell, Jan. "A Quality of Government Peace? Explaining the Onset of Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1985-2001", International Interactions 41(4): 648-673, 2015.
Coppedge, Michael, Staffan Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning & Jan Teorell. "Measuring high level democratic principles using the V-Dem data", International Political Science Review 37(5): 580-593, 2016.
Teorell, Jan, Daniel Ziblatt & Fabrice Lehoucq. "Introduction to Special Issue: The Causes and Consequences of Secret Ballot Reform", Comparative Political Studies 50(5): 531-554, 2017.
Kuo, Didi & Jan Teorell. "Illicit Tactics as Substitutes: Election Fraud, Ballot Reform, and Contested Congressional Elections in the United States, 1860-1930", Comparative Political Studies 50(5): 665-696, 2017.
Teorell, Jan. ”Partisanship and Unreformed Bureaucracy: The Drivers of Election Fraud in Sweden, 1719-1908”, Social Science History 41(2): 201-225, 2017.
Teorell, Jan & Michael Wahman. ”Institutional stepping stones for democracy: how and why multipartyism enhances democratic change”, Democratization 25(1): 78-97, 2018.
Ingesson, Tony, Mårten Lindberg, Johannes Lindvall & Jan Teorell. "The martial origins of democracy: a global study of military conscription and suffrage extensions since the Napoleonic wars". Democratization 25(4): 633-651, 2018.
Bäck, Hanna, Jan Teorell & Staffan Lindberg. "Cabinets, Prime Ministers, and Corruption: A Comparative Analysis of Parliamentary Governments in Post-War Europe." Political Studies 67(1): 149-170, 2019.
Knutsen, Carl Henrik, John Gerring, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, Mathew Maguire, Michael Coppedge & Staffan Lindberg. "Economic development and democracy: An electoral connection", European Journal of Political Research 58(1): 292-314, 2019.
Teorell, Jan, Michael Coppedge, Staffan Lindberg & Svend-Erik Skaaning. "Measuring Polyarchy Across the Globe, 1900-2017", Studies in Comparative International Development 54(1): 71-95, 2019.
Teorell, Jan & Staffan Lindberg. ”Beyond Democracy-Dictatorship Measures: A New Framework Capturing Executive Bases of Power, 1789-2016”, Perspectives on Politics 17(1): 66-84, 2019.
Persson, Anna, Bo Rothstein & Jan Teorell. "Getting the basic nature of systemic corruption right: A reply to Marquette and Peiffer", Governance 32(4): 799-810, 2019.
Knutsen, Carl Henrik, Jan Teorell, Tore Wig, Agnes Cornell, John Gerring, Haakon Gjerløw, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Daniel Ziblatt, Kyle L. Marquardt, Dan Pemstein & Brigitte Seim. “Introducing the Historical Varieties of Democracy Dataset: Political Institutions in the Long 19th Century”, Journal of Peace Research 56(3): 440-451, 2019.
Brambor, Thomas, Agustín Goenaga, Johannes Lindvall & Jan Teorell. “The Lay of the Land: Information Capacity and the Modern State”, Comparative Political Studies 53(2): 175-213, 2020.
Hegre, Håvard, Michael Bernhard and Jan Teorell. “Civil Society and the Democratic Peace”, Journal of Conflict Resolution 64(1): 32-62, 2020.
Lindvall, Johannes, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin & Jan Teorell. ”Sweden’s Parliamentary Democracy at 100”, Parliamentary Affairs 73(3): 477-502, 2020.
Cornell, Agnes, Carl Henrik Knutsen & Jan Teorell. "Bureaucracy and growth", Comparative Political Studies 53(14): 2246-2282, 2020.
McMann, Kelly, Brigitte Seim, Jan Teorell & Staffan Lindberg. "Why Low Levels of Democracy Promote Corruption and High Levels Diminish It", Political Research Quarterly 73(4): 893-907, 2020.
Gerring, John, Tore Wig, Wouter Veenendaal, Daniel Weitzel, Jan Teorell, & Kyosuke Kikuta. "Why Monarchy? The Rise and Demise of a Regime Type", Comparative Political Studies 54(3-4): 585-622, 2021.
Gerring, John, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Matthew Maguire, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell & Michael Coppedge, "Democracy and human development: issues of conceptualization and measurement," Democratization 28(2): 308-332, 2021.
Bäck, Hanna, Jan Teorell, Alexander von Hagen-Jamar & Alexander Quiroz Flores. "War, Performance and the Survival of Foreign Ministers", Foreign Policy Analysis, 17(2): 1-21, 2021.
McMann, K., Pemstein, D., Seim, B., Teorell, J., & Lindberg, S. "Assessing Data Quality: An Approach and An Application". Political Analysis 30(3): 426-449, 2021.
Teorell, Jan. "Rules of recognition? Explaining diplomatic representation since the Congress of Vienna." Cooperation and Conflict 58(2): 155-174, 2023.
Goenaga, Agustín, Oriol Sabaté & Jan Teorell. "The state does not live by warfare alone: War and Revenue in the Long 19th century", The Review of International Organizations 18:393-418, 2023.
Esaiasson, Peter, Annika Fredén, och Jan Teorell. "Details Matter: Secluded Areas and Voting Secrecy with French Ballots." Election Law Journal 22(4): 327-336, 2023.
Bäck, Hanna, Hellström, Johan, Lindvall, Johannes & Jan Teorell. "Pre-electoral coalitions, familiarity, and delays in government formation", West European Politics 47(1): 88-112, 2024.
Knutsen, Carl Henrik, Kyle Marquart, Brigitte Seim, Michael Coppedge, Amanda Edgell, Juraj Medzihorsky, Daniel Pemstein, Jan Teorell, John Gerring & Staffan Lindberg. “Conceptual and Measurement Issues in Assessing Democratic Backsliding”, PS: Political Science & Politics 57(2): 162-177, 2024.
Andersson, Per & Jan Teorell. "The Double-Edged Sword: How State Capacity Prolongs Autocratic Tenure but Hastens Democratization", Journal of Conflict Resolution, forthcoming (onlinefirst available here).
Book Chapters in Edited Volumes
Teorell, Jan, Mariano Torcal & José Ramón Montero. “Political Participation: Mapping the Terrain”, in van Deth, J., J.R. Montero & A. Westholm, eds. Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies: A Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge, 2007.
Teorell, Jan, Paul Sum & Mette Tobiasen. “Participation and Political Equality: An Assessment of Large-Scale Democracy”, in van Deth, J., J.R. Montero & A. Westholm, eds. Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies: A Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge, 2007.
Teorell, Jan & Axel Hadenius. “Determinants of Democratization: Taking Stock of the Large-N Evidence”, in Berg-Schlosser, D. (ed.), Democratization: The State of the Art. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2007.
Bäck, Hanna & Jan Teorell. “The Stability of Partisanship: Evidence from a Russian Panel Study”, in Bartle, J. & Bellucci, P., eds. Political Parties and Partisanship: Social Identities and Individual Attitudes. London: Routledge, 2009.
Teorell, Jan & Axel Hadenius. “Elections as Levers of Democracy: A Global Inquiry”, in Lindberg, S., ed. Democratization by Elections: A New Mode of Transition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009 (the conference paper version of this chapter won the APSA Comparative Democratization Section Award for the best paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meetings).
Teorell, Jan. “Good governance”, International Encyclopedia of Political Science. SAGE, 2011.
Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell. “Defining and measuring quality of government”, in Holmberg, S. & B. Rothstein, eds. Good Government: The Relevance Of Political Science. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
Dahlström, Carl, Victor Lapuente, and Jan Teorell. "Public administrations around the world”, in Holmberg, S. & B. Rothstein, eds. Good Government: The Relevance Of Political Science. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
Persson, Anna, Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell. “Rethinking the nature of the grabbing hand”, in Holmberg, S. & B. Rothstein, eds. Good Government: The Relevance Of Political Science. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell. ”Causes of Corruption”, in Heywood, P, ed., Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption. London: Routledge, 2015.
Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell. "Quality of Government", International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier, 2015.
Bartelson, Jens, Martin Hall & Jan Teorell. ”Introduction: de-centering state making”, in Bartelson, Jens, Martin Hall & Jan Teorell, eds. De-Centering State Making: Comparative and International Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018.
Bartelson, Jens & Jan Teorell. ”After de-centering: a new research agenda for state making”, in Bartelson, Jens, Martin Hall & Jan Teorell, eds. De-Centering State Making: Comparative and International Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018.
Teorell, Jan. “Measuring Institutions: What We Do Not Know“, in Ménard, C. & M. Shirley, eds. A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018.
Teorell, Jan. "Democratization", in Grasso, M. & M. Giugni, eds. Elgar Encyklopedia of Political Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023.
Knutsen, Carl Henrik & Jan Teorell. "Development and decline of democracies: the role of institutional factors", in Vatter, A. & R. Freiburghaud, eds. Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2024.
Publications in Swedish (selection)
Petersson, Olof, Jörgen Hermansson, Michele Micheletti, Jan Teorell och Anders Westholm. Demokrati och medborgarskap. Demokratirådets rapport 1998. Stockholm: SNS förlag, 1998.
Teorell, Jan. Demokrati eller fåtalsvälde? Om beslutsfattande i partiorganisationer. Ph.D. diss. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1998.
Teorell, Jan & Anders Westholm. “Var det bättre förr? Politisk jämlikhet i Sverige under 30 år”, i Medborgarnas erfarenheter: Demokratiutredningens forskarvolym V, SOU 1999:113, ss 13-52.
Teorell, Jan & Anders Westholm. “Att bestämma sig för att vara med och bestämma: Om varför vi röstar – allt mindre”, i Valdeltagande i förändring: Demokratiutredningens forskarvolym XII, SOU 1999:132, ss 137-204.
Teorell, Jan & Anders Westholm. “Ett Europa i nationens skugga: Om det svenska valdeltagandet på europeisk och nationell nivå”, i Valdeltagande och Europaparlamentsval: Slutbetänkande av Rådet för utvärdering av 1998 års val, SOU 2000:81, ss 71-120.
Teorell, Jan. “Demokrati och deltagande: Tre ideal i teorin och praktiken”, i Gilljam, Mikael & Jörgen Hermansson, red. Demokratins Mekanismer. Malmö: Liber, 2003.
Bäck, Hanna, Jan Teorell & Anders Westholm. “Medborgarna och deltagandeparadoxen: Att förklara olika former av politiskt deltagande.”, i Esaiasson, Peter & Anders Westholm, red. Deltagandets Mekanismer. Malmö: Liber, 2006.
Teorell, Jan & Torsten Svensson. Att fråga och att svara: Samhällsvetenskaplig metod. Malmö: Liber, 2007.
Teorell, Jan. “Samtalsdemokrati med förhinder: En kritik av Fishkins medborgarpaneler”, i Hermansson, J., C. Karlsson, & H. Montgomery, red. Samtalets mekanismer. Malmö: Liber, 2008.
Teorell, Jan. “Regression i tid och rum: Att analysera paneldata”, i Djurfeldt, G. & Barmark, M., red. Statistisk verktygslåda II. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2009.
Teorell, Jan. "Demokratisering av elektorala autokratier", i Widmalm, Sten & Sven Oskarsson, red. Prometokrati: Mellan diktatur och demokrati. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2010.
Teorell, Jan. ”Att mäta korruption”, i Andersson, Staffan, Berg, Andreas, och Erlingsson, Gissur, red. Korruption, maktmissbruk, och legitimitet. Stockholm: Norstedt, 2010.
Teorell, Jan. "Omval och andra omtagningar under 300 år", i Berg, Linda & Henrik Oscarsson, red. Omstritt omval. Göteborg: SOM-institutet, 2012.
Teorell, Jan. "Varför är valfusk så ovanligt i Sverige?", i Bennich-Björkman, Li (red.), Statsvetenskapens frågor. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2013.
Lindberg, Staffan & Jan Teorell, "Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem): Om att mäta demokrati och diktatur", Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 115(4): 273-292, 2013.
Teorell, Jan. "Den demokratiska freden", i Björkman, Jenny & Arne Jarrick (red.), Krig/fred: RJ:s årsbok 2016/2017. Göteborg & Stockholm: Makadam förlag, 2016.
Lindvall, Johannes, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin & Jan Teorell. Samverkan och strid i den parlamentariska demokratin. Stockholm: SNS förlag, 2017.
Teorell, Jan. "Korruption och den offentliga sektorns legitimitet", i Dahlström, Carl, red. Politisk som organisation: Förvaltningspolitikens grundproblem. 6:e reviderade upplagan. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2018.
Lindberg, Staffan & Jan Teorell, ”Demokratins utveckling i världen: Tendenser under och efter rösträttens århundrade”, i Holgersson, U & Wängnerud, L., red. Rösträttens århundrade: Kampen, utvecklingen och framtiden för demokratin i Sverige. Göteborg & Stockholm: Makadam förlag, 2018.
Teorell, Jan, Hanna Bäck, Johan Hellström & Johannes Lindvall. 134 dagar: Om regeringsbildningen efter valet 2018. Göteborg & Stockholm: Makadam förlag, 2020.
Teorell, Jan. Statsbyggnad och den globala ordningens ursprung under och efter det långa 1800-talet. Stockholm, Santérus förlag, 2022.
Lindvall, Johannes & Jan Teorell, ”Konfliktstrukturen i riksdagen och regeringsbildningen 2018-2019”, i Öhberg, Patrik, Henrik Oscarsson & Jakob Ahlbom, red. Folkviljans förverkligare. Göteborgs universitet: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2022.
Teorell, Jan. ”Demokrati – från omstridd idé till omstridd verklighet” i , Karlsson, Klas-Göran, red. Natur & Kulturs globalhistoria. 2:a bandet. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur, 2022.
Teorell, Jan. "Är det värt att kombinera kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod?", i Bull, Thomas, Mattson, Ingvar & Teorell, Jan, red. Makt Opinion Politik: En vänskrift till Olof Petersson. Stockholm: Dialogos, 2022.
Esaiasson, Peter & Jan Teorell. Hur hemlig är valhemligheten? Rapport från en studie av förtidsröstning i Göteborg 2022. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 125(4): 863-886, 2023.
Bäck, Hanna & Jan Teorell. "Statsministeromröstning och regeringsbildning: Om investiturreglerna", i Möller, Tommy, red. En författning i tiden: Regeringsformen under 50 år. Stockholm, Medströms, 2024.
Petersson, Olof & Jan Teorell. "Regeringsformens parlamentariska förankring: NBormen om bred politisk enighet", i Möller, Tommy, red. En författning i tiden: Regeringsformen under 50 år. Stockholm, Medströms, 2024.
Jacobsson, Bengt & Jan Teorell, red. Samarbetspartier i regeringskansliet: Vittnesseminarium på Riksdagshuset 17 april 2024. Stockholm: Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2024.