Stockholm university

Jani TurunenResearcher

About me

Jani Turunen is associate professor of Demography and Social work and researcher at the Department of Sociology and the Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA) as well as senior lecturer in Social Work at Södertörn University. His research interests are family demography and family sociology in general and family structure in particular. His dissertational research was on stepfamily dynamics in Sweden focusing on stepfamily formation and children's well-being in different family forms. He is currently PI for the Forte funded project "Shared Physical Custody in Sweden: Development, determinants, stability and outcomes of a new form of family organization" as well as the project "Leavers and stayers - Migrant and non-migrant life trajectories in Sweden and Finland" funded by the Baltic Sea Foundation. He is also involved in the Forte funded project "Divorce in old age: Predictors and consequences of late life divorce". 

Three recent publications: 

  • Ohlsson-Wijk, S., Turunen, J. & Andersson, G. (2020). Family Forerunners? An Overview of Family Demographic Change in Sweden. In Farris, D. N.  & Bourque, A. J. J. (eds.), International Handbook on the Demography of Marriage and the Family, International Handbooks of Population. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
  • Ma, L., Rizzi, E., & Turunen, J. (2019). Childlessness, sex composition of children and divorce risks in China. Demographic Research 41: 753-780.
  • Turunen, J. (2017). Shared Physical Custody and Children’s Experience of Stress. Forthcoming in Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 58(5): 371-392. DOI: 10.1080/10502556.2017.1325648 

Research projects