Stockholm university

Jennifer MolinetPostdoc

About me

I am a microbiologist and biotechnologist interested in understanding the genetic and molecular basis of yeast adaptation to different environmental conditions through experimental evolution processes. Previously, I have focused on the adaptation of yeasts to fermentative processes such as wine and beer, and on the generation of new yeasts. I am currently studying the adaptive potential of different species to high temperature stress relevant under relevante global warming scenario using long-term experimental evolution in the Rike Stelkens lab.


I am a postdoctoral researcher in the division of population genetics in the Rike Stelkens team.
Currently, I am working on the adaptive potential of different yeast species to high temperature stress relevant under relevante global warming scenario using long-term experimental evolution.

Research lines of interest:
-Yeast genetics.
-Experimental evolution
-Adaptation to stressful conditions.
