Stockholm university

Juho HärkönenProfessor of Sociology

About me

Ph.D., European University Institute

From February 2018 I am on leave from Stockholm University and Professor of Sociology at the European University Institute.

I am Professor of sociology at Stockholm University. I study social inequalities over the life course, and particularly the interactions between families and inequalities in education and the labor market. More specifically, I study the causes and consequences of divorce, individuals' and families' attachment to the labour market, and the role of demographic factors and health on socioeconomic attainment and intergenerational inheritance of social inequality. Related to these questions, I ran a project on trends and implications of socioeconomic differences in family change (funded by the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research, FORTE), and co-led (with Fabrizio Bernardi, EUI) a work package in FamiliesAndSocieties. Currently, I am PI of the Stockholm Node of TITA and of a research project on inequalities in early health, both funded by the Academy of Finland, as well as for the Stockholm Node of CRITEVENTS, funded by Norface.

Since 2017, I am editor (with Laura Bernardi, Lausanne) of Advances in Life Course Research.


Stockholm University


  • Johdatus monitasomalleihin (multilevel analysis), University of Turku
  • Introduction to Population, University of Turku
  • Life Course Research, University of Turku
  • Social Stratification, University of Turku
  • Growth Curve Analysis, European University Institute, Bamberg University
  • Event History Analysis, CREST/ENSAE, European University Institute
  • Longitudinal Research Methods, Karolinska Institute


You can find more information on my research under my research profile.

Selected publications

Härkönen, J., Lindberg, M., Karlsson, L., Karlsson, H., & Scheinin, N. 2018, forthcoming. Education is the strongest socioeconomic predictor of smoking in pregnancy. Addiction

Brons, M.D., & J. Härkönen. 2018, forthcoming. Parental education and family dissolution: A cross-national and cohort comparison. Journal of Marriage and Family

Albertini, M., M. Gähler, & J. Härkönen. 2018, forthcoming. Moving back to ”mamma”? Divorce, intergenerational co-residence, and latent family solidatiry in Sweden. Population, Space and Place

Härkönen, J. 2018, forthcoming. Single mother poverty: How much do educational differences in single motherhood matter? In Nieuwenhuis, R. & Maldonado, L. (eds.) The Triple Bind of Single Parent Families. Policy Press.

Härkönen, J., F. Bernardi, & D. Boertien. 2017. Family dynamics and child outcomes: Key findings and unresolved questions. European Journal of Population 33(2): 163-84.

Erman, J., & J. Härkönen. 2017. Parental separation and school performance among children of immigrant mothers in Sweden. European Journal of Population 33(2): 267-92.

Lagergren, J., G. Andersson, E. Bihagen, S. Drefahl, M. Feychting, J. Härkönen, M. Talback, & R. Ljung. 2016. Marital status, education and income in relation to risk of esophageal and gastric cancer by histological type and site. Cancer 122(2): 207-12.

Härkönen, J. 2015. Divorce. In Scott, R. A. & Kosslyn, S. M. (eds.) Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. John Wiley & Sons.

Härkönen, J. 2014. Divorce: Trends, patterns, causes, consequences. Pp. 303-322 in Treas, J. K., J. Scott, & M. Richards (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. John Wiley & Sons.

Manzoni, A., J. Härkönen, & K.U. Mayer. 2014. Moving on? A growth-curve analysis of occupational attainment and career progression patterns in West Germany. Social Forces 92(4): 1285-1312.

Härkönen, J. 2014. Birth order effects on educational attainment and educational transitions in West Germany. European Sociological Review 30(2): 166-179.

Dahlin, J. & J. Härkönen. 2013. Cross-national differences in the gender gap in subjective health in Europe: Does country level gender equality matter? Social Science and Medicine 98:24-28.

Erola, J., J. Härkönen & J. Dronkers. 2012. More careful or less marriageable? Parental divorce, spouse selection, and entry into marriage. Social Forces 90(4):1323-45.

Härkönen, J., H. Kaymakcalan, P. Mäki & A. Taanila. 2012. Prenatal health, educational attainment, and intergenerational inequality: The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study. Demography 49(2):525-52.

Dronkers, J. & J. Härkönen. 2008. The intergenerational transmission of divorce in cross-national perspective: Results from the Fertility and Families Surveys. Population Studies 62(3):273-88.

Härkönen, J. & J. Dronkers. 2006. Stability and change in the educational gradient of divorce. A comparison of seventeen countries. European Sociological Review 22(5):501-17.

Research projects