Magnus DanielsonAssociate Professor
About me
I am associate professor of Journalism studies. In 2016 I defended my PhD-thesis at the Department of Media Studies at Stockholm University. Since then I have been Director of Studies at that same department (2016-2018), and Head of Department and researcher at Linneaus University (2019-2023). Since August 2023 I am Senior Lecturer at the Department of Media Studies at Stockholm University.
Article in journal (Refereed)
- Danielson, M. (2024). Researching Emotional Experiences as Discursive Elements – A Suggested Qualitative Method. The Qualitative Report, 29(5), 1346-1362. Status: Published
- Danielson, M., Nykvist, A. (2023). From investigative to critical local journalism : A quantitative content analysis of critical reporting in local Swedish newspapers with a new analytical focus. Journalistica. 17 (1). 1-20.
Status: Published - Danielson, M. (2023). Disclaiming, Mitigating, and Character Boosting : How Targets of Investigate Journalism Negotiate Guilt, Excuses, Justification, and Morality. Journalism Studies. 24 (4). 532-551.
Status: Published - Danielson, M., Rolandsson, T. (2020). Politicians as entertainers : a political performance of the personal. Continuum. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 34 (5). 733-748.
Status: Published - Danielson, M. (2019). Crafting Deviance : Moral Construction as Narrative Strategy in Investigative TV-journalism. Media and Communication (Mediji i Komunikacije). 5 (9). 33-48.
Status: Published - Enghel, F., Danielson, M. (2019). Bad news : seeing communication for and about development through an exposé of Swedish aid to Zambia. Journal of International Communication. 25 (2). 254-274.
Status: Published - Danielson, M. (2013). "Shaming the Devil!" : Performative Shame in Investigative TV-journalism. Nordicom Review. (Special issue). 61-74.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Danielson, M., Kemani, M. (2021). When Saga Norén meets neurotypicality : A liminal encounter along The Bridge. Normalizing Mental Illness and Neurodiversity in Entertainment Media : Quieting the Madness. London & New York, Taylor & Francis. 96-109.
Article in journal (Other academic)
- Danielson, M. (2017). Mediet som hatets prefix. Socionomens forskningssupplement. (3). 20-21.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Börjesson, B., Danielson, M., Johansson, B., Von Krogh, T., Lidbom, O., et al. (2020). Dold kamera och journalistikens anspråk på ”rätten att straffa”. Uthängd! Inte bara #metoo. Stockholm, Institutet för mediestudier. 153-168.
- Danielson, M. (2017). Paternalism, samhällsgranskning och filantropi : Mediala modeller för engagemang i välfärdsfrågan. Den kantstötta välfärden. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 306-329.
Other (Other academic)
- Danielson, M. (2016). Den granskande makten : Institutionell identitet och rättsnarrativ i SVT:s Uppdrag granskning. Stockholm, Institutionen för mediestudier, Stockholms universitet. 303.
My research interests are: journalism and power - popular culture and societal development. At present I am engaged in research projects on: news and emotions, depictions of neurodiversity in popular culture and the use of hidden camera in investigative journalism.
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Researching Emotional Experiences as Discursive Elements: A Suggested Qualitative Method
2024. Magnus Danielson. The Qualitative Report 29 (5)
ArticleAs scholars in the fields of political science, media research, and social psychology endeavor to understand crucial aspects of emotionality in the media, there is a growing need to methodologically address the communicative and discursive aspects of affective constructions in media texts. This article argues that by breaking down mediated emotional experiences represented through language in a set of identifiable elements, such as subject, emotion type, valence, intensity, proposed action, and object, those experiences could be used as workable and potent units of analysis when studying discursive and ideological media constructs of emotionality. By connecting insights from emotion science, the sociology of emotions, and media sociology, the qualitative method outlined, Emotional Experience Profiling (EEP), provides a flexible research tool conducive to an understanding of how emotional experiences represented through language in media texts are constructed and how they shape political discourse, identity, and emotional cultures. To demonstrate and illustrate the application of the method, the article provides examples from a pilot study which explores the research question: How do emotional experiences featured in Swedish far-right alternative news media construct and articulate political discourse?
Den granskande makten: Institutionell identitet och rättsnarrativ i SVT:s Uppdrag granskning
2016. Magnus Danielson.
Thesis (Doc)SVT:s Uppdrag granskning ett av de mest högprofilerade TV-program som specialiserat sig på uppgiften att granska makten. Programmet studeras i den egenskapen som en fallstudie inom forskningsområdet journalistik och makt.
Journalistisk granskning av makt utgör ett sätt på vilket det demokratiska samhället hanterar vissa typer av överträdelse, skuld och ansvar. Uppdrag granskning kan i det sammanhanget ses och undersökas som en social institution som agerar inom det rätts-moraliska området. Reportrar identifierar överträdelser, leder i bevis, intervjuar offer och vittnen, ställer överträdare till svars samt initierar diskussioner kring rättvisa, moral och samhällsansvar. En narrativ analys av fem utvalda program inriktar sig på att undersöka hur programmets granskningar konstruerar institutionell identitet samt formerar, reproducerar och legitimerar journalistikens egen makt och legitimitet då de presenteras i rättsnarrativ form.
En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Uppdrag gransknings samtliga program mellan 2001-2014 ger svar på frågorna: Vilka makthavare granskas? Vilken typ av maktmissbruk eller missförhållanden handlar granskningarna om, inom vilka problem- och samhällsområden görs de?
Fem journalister har också intervjuats i syfte att ge perspektiv på deras egna tankar, reflektioner och åsikter om journalistik och makt.
Avhandlingen utgör ett bidrag till den fortlöpande diskussion om mediernas makt och förhållande till makt som efterlyses i demokratiutredningen SOU, 2000:1 ”En hållbar demokrati”
"Shaming the Devil!": Performative Shame in Investigative Journalism
2013. Magnus Danielson. Nordicom Review 34, 61-74
ArticleThis paper considers the performativity of shaming in investigative TV-journalism. Itargues that the construction of shame is not only a constituent element in investigative TVjournalismbut also an important factor in pursuing some of its main objectives: establishingmorals, exercising social control, reinforcing journalistic identity and ideology, and competingfor attention in a diversified media theatre where drama, entertainment and emotionalthrills are the hard currency. An empirical study of the Swedish TV programme Uppdraggranskning, is used to inductively propose three categories of shaming and to give someexamples of the ways in which shaming is performed. The core of the paper is a theorydriven analysis in which the performativity of shaming in investigative TV-journalism isanalysed in the light of some converging media and societal trends.
Paternalism, samhällsgranskning och filantropi - mediala modeller för engagemang i välfärdsfrågan
2017. Magnus Danielson. Den kantstötta välfärden, 305-329
Show all publications by Magnus Danielson at Stockholm University