Stockholm university

Johan Fredrik WallénResearch assistant


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Context-dependent demographic and genetic effects of translocation from a captive breeding project

    2023. Johan Wallén (et al.). Animal Conservation 26 (3), 412-423


    Translocations are a widespread approach to conserve threatened populations. Given the rapid decline and genetic deterioration of many natural populations, translocations are expected to become even more common in the future. The success of translocations is, however, dependent on multiple context-dependent factors, such as demographic and genetic status, habitat quality and animal behaviour. The Scandinavian arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) exists in a small, fragmented population that is demographically vulnerable and exposed to inbreeding depression. In the early 2000 s, releases of arctic foxes from the Norwegian Captive Breeding Programme were initiated with the purpose of reintroducing populations to formerly inhabited areas and promoting connectivity. Since 2008/2009, 61 foxes have been released in Junkeren, Norway to re-establish an unoccupied area. We used a combination of field observations and microsatellite genotyping from the release site and two neighbouring subpopulations to investigate (i) the probability of establishment and reproduction for released foxes at the release site and in neighbouring subpopulations, and (ii) the impact on litter size and genetic composition in the recipient populations. Results showed that 18% of the released foxes were established at the release site, or in neighbouring subpopulations and 11.5% reproduced successfully. The extent of post-release dispersal into neighbouring subpopulations was also relatively high (11.5%). During the study period, the number of litters more than doubled in the subpopulations with released foxes contributing 29.5% to this increase, but no clear effect of immigration on litter size was found. There was a slight increase in genetic variation in one of the subpopulations, and a significant decline in genetic divergence between subpopulations. We conclude that despite extensive releases, demographic and genetic effects were highly context-dependent. This study highlights the challenges of reinforcement programmes in small populations and reintroductions to unoccupied sites, especially for highly mobile species in a fragmented landscape. 

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  • Genomic Consequences of Fragmentation in the Endangered Fennoscandian Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus)

    2022. Christopher Alan Cockerill (et al.). Genes 13 (11)


    Accelerating climate change is causing severe habitat fragmentation in the Arctic, threatening the persistence of many cold-adapted species. The Scandinavian arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is highly fragmented, with a once continuous, circumpolar distribution, it struggled to recover from a demographic bottleneck in the late 19th century. The future persistence of the entire Scandinavian population is highly dependent on the northernmost Fennoscandian subpopulations (Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula), to provide a link to the viable Siberian population. By analyzing 43 arctic fox genomes, we quantified genomic variation and inbreeding in these populations. Signatures of genome erosion increased from Siberia to northern Sweden indicating a stepping-stone model of connectivity. In northern Fennoscandia, runs of homozygosity (ROH) were on average ~1.47-fold longer than ROH found in Siberia, stretching almost entire scaffolds. Moreover, consistent with recent inbreeding, northern Fennoscandia harbored more homozygous deleterious mutations, whereas Siberia had more in heterozygous state. This study underlines the value of documenting genome erosion following population fragmentation to identify areas requiring conservation priority. With the increasing fragmentation and isolation of Arctic habitats due to global warming, understanding the genomic and demographic consequences is vital for maintaining evolutionary potential and preventing local extinctions.

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  • Fur colour in the Arctic fox: genetic architecture and consequences for fitness

    2021. Lukas Tietgen (et al.). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 288 (1959)


    Genome-wide association studies provide good opportunities for studying the genetic basis of adaptive traits in wild populations. Yet, previous studies often failed to identify major effect genes. In this study, we used high-density single nucleotide polymorphism and individual fitness data from a wild non-model species. Using a whole-genome approach, we identified the MC1R gene as the sole causal gene underlying Arctic fox Vulpes lagopus fur colour. Further, we showed the adaptive importance of fur colour genotypes through measures of fitness that link ecological and evolutionary processes. We found a tendency for blue foxes that are heterozygous at the fur colour locus to have higher fitness than homozygous white foxes. The effect of genotype on fitness was independent of winter duration but varied with prey availability, with the strongest effect in years of increasing rodent populations. MC1R is located in a genomic region with high gene density, and we discuss the potential for indirect selection through linkage and pleiotropy. Our study shows that whole-genome analyses can be successfully applied to wild species and identify major effect genes underlying adaptive traits. Furthermore, we show how this approach can be used to identify knowledge gaps in our understanding of interactions between ecology and evolution.

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  • Low persistence of genetic rescue across generations in the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus)

    2021. Anna Lotsander (et al.). Journal of Heredity 112 (3), 276-285


    Genetic rescue can facilitate the recovery of small and isolated populations suffering from inbreeding depression. Long-term effects are however complex and examples spanning over multiple generations under natural conditions are scarce. The aim of this study was to test for long-term effects of natural genetic rescue in a small population of Scandinavian Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus). By combining a genetically verified pedigree covering almost 20 years with a long-term dataset on individual fitness (n=837 individuals), we found no evidence for elevated fitness in immigrant F2 and F3 compared to native inbred foxes. Population inbreeding levels showed a fluctuating increasing trend and emergence of inbreeding within immigrant lineages shortly after immigration. Between 0-5 and 6-9 years post immigration, the average population size decreased by almost 22 % and the average proportion of immigrant ancestry rose from 14 % to 27 %. Y chromosome analysis revealed that two out of three native male lineages were lost from the gene pool, but all founders represented at the time of immigration were still contributing to the population at the end of the study period through female descendants. The results highlight the complexity of genetic rescue and suggest that beneficial effects can be brief. Continuous gene flow may be needed for small and threatened populations to recover and persist in a longer time perspective.

    Read more about Low persistence of genetic rescue across generations in the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus)
  • Genetic consequences of conservation action: Restoring the arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) population in Scandinavia

    2020. Elisa June Keeling Hemphill (et al.). Biological Conservation 248


    The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) population in Fennoscandia experienced a drastic bottleneck in the late 19th century as a result of high hunting pressure. In the 1990s, despite nearly 70 years of protection, the population showed no signs of recovery. In order to mitigate the population decline and facilitate re-establishment, conservation actions including supplementary feeding and red fox culling were implemented in 1998, followed by the reintroduction of foxes from a captive breeding programme, starting in 2006. A positive demographic impact of these actions is evident from a doubling of the population size over the past decade. We used genetic data collected in eight subpopulations between 2008 and 2015 to address whether the recent demographic recovery has been complemented by changes in genetic variation and connectivity between subpopulations. Our results show that genetic variation within subpopulations has increased considerably during the last decade, while genetic differentiation among subpopulations has decreased. A marked shift in metapopulation dynamics is evident during the study period, suggesting substantially increased migration across the metapopulation. This shift followed the recolonization of an extinct subpopulation through the release of foxes from the captive breeding programme and was synchronized in time with the implementation of supplementary feeding and red fox culling in stepping stone patches between core subpopulations in mid-Scandinavia. Indeed, the increase in genetic variation and connectivity in the Scandinavian arctic fox population suggests that metapopulation dynamics have been restored, which may indicate an increase in the long-term viability of the population.

    Read more about Genetic consequences of conservation action
  • Genetic rescue in an inbred Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) population

    2018. Malin Hasselgren (et al.). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 285 (1875)


    Isolation of small populations can reduce fitness through inbreeding depression and impede population growth. Outcrossing with only a few unrelated individuals can increase demographic and genetic viability substantially, but few studies have documented such genetic rescue in natural mammal populations. We investigate the effects of immigration in a subpopulation of the endangered Scandinavian arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), founded by six individuals and isolated for 9 years at an extremely small population size. Based on a long-term pedigree (105 litters, 543 individuals) combined with individual fitness traits, we found evidence for genetic rescue. Natural immigration and gene flow of three outbred males in 2010 resulted in a reduction in population average inbreeding coefficient (f), from 0.14 to 0.08 within 5 years. Genetic rescue was further supported by 1.9 times higher juvenile survival and 1.3 times higher breeding success in immigrant first-generation offspring compared with inbred offspring. Five years after immigration, the population had more than doubled in size and allelic richness increased by 41%. This is one of few studies that has documented genetic rescue in a natural mammal population suffering from inbreeding depression and contributes to a growing body of data demonstrating the vital connection between genetics and individual fitness.

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  • Multiple recolonization routes towards the north

    2018. Johan Wallén (et al.). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 124 (4), 621-632


    Understanding the response of boreal species to past climate warming can help to predict future responses to climate change. In the Northern Hemisphere, the distribution and abundance of northern populations have been influenced by previous glaciations. In this study, we investigated the population history of the Fennoscandian red fox (Vulpes vulpes), which is a generalist carnivore currently undergoing range expansion in the tundra ecosystem. By analysing a 696 bp sequence of the mitochondrial DNA (N = 259) and two Y chromosome-specific microsatellite loci (N = 120), we specifically investigated where the red fox survived the Last Glacial Maximum and how Fennoscandia was recolonized. There was high genetic continuity across most of Fennoscandia, and we identified at least two recolonization pathways: one from continental Europe and one from the northeast (Siberia). Mitochondrial haplotype diversity displayed a significant decline with increasing latitude, consistent with expectations of unidirectional colonization. Each region displayed signatures of recent demographic and/or range expansions. For Finland, an additional recolonization route was suggested from the mismatch distribution analysis and identification of novel haplotypes. We concluded that, as with many boreal generalist species, the Fennoscandian red fox originates from multiple refugia, suggesting that it has benefited from diverse evolutionary histories, potentially enhancing its tolerance to different habitat conditions.

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  • Evolution, ecology and conservation—revisiting three decades of Arctic fox population genetic research

    2017. Karin Norén (et al.). Polar Research 36 (suppl. 1)


    Three decades have passed since the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) was first put into a population genetic perspective. With the aim of addressing how microevolution operates on different biological levels, we here review genetic processes in the Arctic fox at the level of species, populations and individuals. Historical and present dispersal patterns, especially in the presence of sea ice, are the most powerful factors that create a highly homogeneous genetic structure across the circumpolar distribution, with low detectable divergence between the coastal and lemming ecotypes. With dispersal less pronounced or absent, other processes emerge; populations that are currently isolated, for example, because of the lack of sea ice, are genetically divergent. Moreover, small populations generally display signatures of genetic drift, inbreeding, inbreeding depression and, under specific situations, hybridization with domestic fox breeds. Mating system and social organization in the Arctic fox appear to be determined by the ecological context, with complex mating patterns and social groups being more common under resource-rich conditions. In isolated populations, complex social groups and inbreeding avoidance have been documented. We emphasize the value of genetic data to decipher many previously unknown aspects of Arctic fox biology, while these data also raise numerous questions that remain unanswered. Pronounced intra-specific ecological variation makes the Arctic fox an ideal study organism for population genetic processes and the emergence of functional genomics will generate an even deeper understanding of evolution, ecology and conservation issues for several species.

    Read more about Evolution, ecology and conservation—revisiting three decades of Arctic fox population genetic research

Show all publications by Johan Fredrik Wallén at Stockholm University