Stockholm university

Jarkko PeltomäkiProfessor


Jarkko is currently the Head of Finance Section. His research and teadhing interests include alternative investments, financial markets, and behavioural finance.


Publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Gender Gap in Investment Performance Revisited: The Role of Attention. (with D. Davydov and K. Eskner).  European Financial Management, 2024 (forthcoming).
  2. Investor Attention and the Use of Leverage (with D. Davydov). The Financial Review 58, 2023, 287-313.
  3. Age, Gender, and Risk-Taking: Evidence from the S&P 1500 Executives and Firm Riskiness (with J. Sihvonen, S. Swidler and S. Vähämaa). Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 48, 2021 1988-2014.
  4. Investor Attention and Portfolio Performance: What Information Does it Pay to Pay Attention to? (with D. Davydov and I. Khrashchevskyi), 2021. European Journal of Finance 27, 2021, 1740-1764.
  5. Speculator Activity and the Cross-Asset Predictability of FX returns (with A. Hasselgren and M. Graham). International Review of Financial Analysis 72, 2020, 101561.
  6. Web-Based Investor Fear Gauge and Stock Market Volatility: An Emerging Market Perspective (with M. Graham and J Nikkinen). Journal of Emerging Markets Finance 19, 2020, 127-153.
  7. Crash Fears and Stock Market Effects: Evidence from Web Searches and Printed News Articles. (with J. Nikkinen). Journal of Behavioral Finance 21, 2020, 117-127.
  8.  Hedge and Safe Haven Investing with Investment Styles (with A. J. Hou and I. Khrashchevskyi). Journal of Asset Management 20, 2019, 351-364.
  9. The Long and Short of Trend Followers (with J. Agerback and T. Gudmundsen-Sinclair). The Journal of Alternative Investments 22, 2019, 65-80.
  10. Optimal Embedded Leverage (with C. Lundström). Quantitative Finance 18, 2018, 1077-1085.
  11. Investor Attention to Market Categories and Market Volatility: Case of Emerging Markets (with M. Graham and A. Hasselgren). Research in International Business and Finance 44, 2018, 532-546.
  12. Commodity-Driven Integration of Stock Markets in Africa (with M. Graham and P. Alagidede). Applied Economics Letters 24, 2017, 784-789.
  13. Where is the 'Meat' in Smart Beta Strategies? (with J.  Äijö).  Journal of Wealth Management 20, 2017, 24-32.
  14. Portfolio Performance across Genders and Generations:  The Role of Financial Innovation (with D. Davydov, O. Florestedt, and M. Schön). International Review of Financial Analysis 50, 2017 44-51.
  15. Beta as a Determinant of Investor Activity in Sector Exchange Traded Funds. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 65, 2017, 137-145.
  16. Investment Styles and the Multifactor Analysis of Market Timing Skill. International Journal of Managerial Finance 13, 2017, 21-35.
  17. Changes in Investors’ Market Attention and Near-Term Stock Market Returns (with A. Klemola and J. Nikkinen). Journal of Behavioral Finance 17, 2016, 18-30.
  18. Beyond Trends: The Reconcilability of Short-Term CTA Strategies with Risk Shocks (with C. Lundström). Journal of Alternative Investments 18, 2016, 74-83.
  19. Global Economic Activity as an Explicator of Emerging Market Equity Returns (with M. Graham and V. Piljak). Research in International Finance and Business 36, 2016, 424-435.
  20. Do Capital Controls Affect Stock Market Efficiency? Lessons from Iceland (with M. Graham and H. Sturludóttir). International Review of Financial Analysis 41, 2015, 82-88.
  21. Ownership as a Determinant of Chairperson Activity (with T. Brunzell). Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 7, 2015, 412-428.
  22. Investor Attention to the Eurozone Crisis and Herding Effects in National Bank Stock Indexes (with E. Vähämaa). Finance Research Letters 14, 2015, 111-116.
  23. Cross-Sectional Anomalies and Volatility Risk in Different Economic and Market Cycles (with J. Äijö). Finance Research Letters 12, 2015, 17-22.
  24. The Relation between Manager Description and Fund Performance. Evidence from Emerging Market Hedge Funds. Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds 20, 2014, 52-70.
  25. Does Diversity of Derivatives Use Affect Fund Performance? Evidence from Hedge Funds and Funds of Hedge Funds. Managerial Finance 39, 2013, 756-785.
  26. Geographical Focus in Emerging Markets and Hedge Fund Performance (with J. Kotkatvuori-Örnberg and J. Nikkinen). Emerging Markets Review 12, 2011, 309-320.
  27. On Derivatives Use by Equity Specialized Hedge Funds. Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds 17, 2011, 42-62.
  28. The Performance of Currency Hedge Funds and the Yen/USD Carry Trade. International Journal of Finance and Economics 16, 2011, 103-113.
  29. Profitability and Diversification Benefits of Momentum Strategies on Commodity Index Futures (with A. Aalto, J. Nikkinen, and S. Vähämaa). International Journal of Accounting and Finance 3, 2011, 21-32.
  30. Style Rotation and the Performance of Equity Long/Short Hedge Funds (with E. Peni). Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds 16, 2010, 162-175.
  31. Nonlinear Exposures of Fundamental Index Returns. Journal of Wealth Management 13, 2010, 96-106.
  32. Investor Sentiment and Time-Varying Market Risk in Market-Neutral Hedge Funds. Journal of Behavioral Finance 10, 2009, 226-233.
  33. Is There Momentum in Cross-Sectional Anomalies? (with E. Peni). Journal of Wealth Management 12, 2009, 78-88.
  34. Emerging Market Hedge Funds and the Yen Carry Trade. Emerging Markets Review 9, 2008, 220-290.
  35. The Asymmetric Impact of Volatility Risk on Hedge Fund Returns. Journal of Applied Finance 17, 2007, 88-95.

Research projects