Jarkko PeltomäkiProfessor
Jarkko is currently the Head of Finance Section. His research and teadhing interests include alternative investments, financial markets, and behavioural finance.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Gender Gap in Investment Performance Revisited: The Role of Attention. (with D. Davydov and K. Eskner). European Financial Management, 2024 (forthcoming).
- Investor Attention and the Use of Leverage (with D. Davydov). The Financial Review 58, 2023, 287-313.
- Age, Gender, and Risk-Taking: Evidence from the S&P 1500 Executives and Firm Riskiness (with J. Sihvonen, S. Swidler and S. Vähämaa). Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 48, 2021 1988-2014.
- Investor Attention and Portfolio Performance: What Information Does it Pay to Pay Attention to? (with D. Davydov and I. Khrashchevskyi), 2021. European Journal of Finance 27, 2021, 1740-1764.
- Speculator Activity and the Cross-Asset Predictability of FX returns (with A. Hasselgren and M. Graham). International Review of Financial Analysis 72, 2020, 101561.
- Web-Based Investor Fear Gauge and Stock Market Volatility: An Emerging Market Perspective (with M. Graham and J Nikkinen). Journal of Emerging Markets Finance 19, 2020, 127-153.
- Crash Fears and Stock Market Effects: Evidence from Web Searches and Printed News Articles. (with J. Nikkinen). Journal of Behavioral Finance 21, 2020, 117-127.
- Hedge and Safe Haven Investing with Investment Styles (with A. J. Hou and I. Khrashchevskyi). Journal of Asset Management 20, 2019, 351-364.
- The Long and Short of Trend Followers (with J. Agerback and T. Gudmundsen-Sinclair). The Journal of Alternative Investments 22, 2019, 65-80.
- Optimal Embedded Leverage (with C. Lundström). Quantitative Finance 18, 2018, 1077-1085.
- Investor Attention to Market Categories and Market Volatility: Case of Emerging Markets (with M. Graham and A. Hasselgren). Research in International Business and Finance 44, 2018, 532-546.
- Commodity-Driven Integration of Stock Markets in Africa (with M. Graham and P. Alagidede). Applied Economics Letters 24, 2017, 784-789.
- Where is the 'Meat' in Smart Beta Strategies? (with J. Äijö). Journal of Wealth Management 20, 2017, 24-32.
- Portfolio Performance across Genders and Generations: The Role of Financial Innovation (with D. Davydov, O. Florestedt, and M. Schön). International Review of Financial Analysis 50, 2017 44-51.
- Beta as a Determinant of Investor Activity in Sector Exchange Traded Funds. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 65, 2017, 137-145.
- Investment Styles and the Multifactor Analysis of Market Timing Skill. International Journal of Managerial Finance 13, 2017, 21-35.
- Changes in Investors’ Market Attention and Near-Term Stock Market Returns (with A. Klemola and J. Nikkinen). Journal of Behavioral Finance 17, 2016, 18-30.
- Beyond Trends: The Reconcilability of Short-Term CTA Strategies with Risk Shocks (with C. Lundström). Journal of Alternative Investments 18, 2016, 74-83.
- Global Economic Activity as an Explicator of Emerging Market Equity Returns (with M. Graham and V. Piljak). Research in International Finance and Business 36, 2016, 424-435.
- Do Capital Controls Affect Stock Market Efficiency? Lessons from Iceland (with M. Graham and H. Sturludóttir). International Review of Financial Analysis 41, 2015, 82-88.
- Ownership as a Determinant of Chairperson Activity (with T. Brunzell). Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 7, 2015, 412-428.
- Investor Attention to the Eurozone Crisis and Herding Effects in National Bank Stock Indexes (with E. Vähämaa). Finance Research Letters 14, 2015, 111-116.
- Cross-Sectional Anomalies and Volatility Risk in Different Economic and Market Cycles (with J. Äijö). Finance Research Letters 12, 2015, 17-22.
- The Relation between Manager Description and Fund Performance. Evidence from Emerging Market Hedge Funds. Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds 20, 2014, 52-70.
- Does Diversity of Derivatives Use Affect Fund Performance? Evidence from Hedge Funds and Funds of Hedge Funds. Managerial Finance 39, 2013, 756-785.
- Geographical Focus in Emerging Markets and Hedge Fund Performance (with J. Kotkatvuori-Örnberg and J. Nikkinen). Emerging Markets Review 12, 2011, 309-320.
- On Derivatives Use by Equity Specialized Hedge Funds. Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds 17, 2011, 42-62.
- The Performance of Currency Hedge Funds and the Yen/USD Carry Trade. International Journal of Finance and Economics 16, 2011, 103-113.
- Profitability and Diversification Benefits of Momentum Strategies on Commodity Index Futures (with A. Aalto, J. Nikkinen, and S. Vähämaa). International Journal of Accounting and Finance 3, 2011, 21-32.
- Style Rotation and the Performance of Equity Long/Short Hedge Funds (with E. Peni). Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds 16, 2010, 162-175.
- Nonlinear Exposures of Fundamental Index Returns. Journal of Wealth Management 13, 2010, 96-106.
- Investor Sentiment and Time-Varying Market Risk in Market-Neutral Hedge Funds. Journal of Behavioral Finance 10, 2009, 226-233.
- Is There Momentum in Cross-Sectional Anomalies? (with E. Peni). Journal of Wealth Management 12, 2009, 78-88.
- Emerging Market Hedge Funds and the Yen Carry Trade. Emerging Markets Review 9, 2008, 220-290.
- The Asymmetric Impact of Volatility Risk on Hedge Fund Returns. Journal of Applied Finance 17, 2007, 88-95.