Stockholm university

Kamilla György UllholmSenior lecturer


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Same Mother Tongue - Different Origins

    2010. Kamilla György-Ullholm (et al.).

    Thesis (Doc)

    This study investigates intergenerational language transmission amongst Hungarian immigrants, using in-depth interviews and participant observation as the main methods. The analysis examines the experiences of parents and their school-aged children in 61 families living in Sweden´s two main cities, Stockholm and Göteborg.

    The sample families were separated into four groups, based on two pre-contact factors, namely (1) the parents´ linguistic environment and (2) their social identity prior to migration. Three of the four groups turned out to be comparable in size and serve as the focus groups of the study. Group 1 comprises families in which one or both parents are former majority members from monolingual parts of Hungary. Group 2 comprises families in which one or both parents are former majority members from Hungary, but in contrast, these parents grew up in bilingual areas, being exposed to other languages in their childhood settings. Group 3 comprises families in which often both parents grew up as members of a vital ethnic minority in bilingual or multilingual settings in Transylvania (Romania).

    It was hypothesised that the parents´ childhood experiences would have an effect on their ways of raising children in a migrant situation, which, in turn, will affect children´s bilingualism as well as the group´s maintenance chances. The results of the statistical analysis confirm the hypothesis and show significant differences between the focus groups in a number of factors, e.g. marriage pattern, religious engagement, cultural orientation, children’s opportunities to meet other group members, and language awareness. Most importantly, the investigation revealed broad variation in language use norms among the sample families, especially for family and group internal communication. This, together with the poor demographic conditions of the group, seriously threatens group cohesion. The prospects for Hungarian language maintenance in Sweden are therefore seen as limited.

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  • Språkval i praktiken

    2005. Kamilla György Ullholm. Invandrare & minoriteter 32 (3), 9-12


    Funktionellt flerspråkiga tar ständigt nya, mer eller mindre medvetna beslut – vilket av språken de ska använda och i vilka sammanhang. Artikeln bygger på intervjuer med förlädrar och barn i flerspråkiga familjer och diskuterar föräldrarnas roll som språkliga modeller och deras påverkan för barnens framtida valmöjligheter i språkligt och socialt avseende.

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  • Language planning between pluralism and assimilationism

    2004. Kamilla György Ullholm. Estudios de Sociolingüística 5 (2), 277-298


    Sweden is internationally known as a pluralistic country, providing supplemental instruction in the languages of immigrant minorities as part of the regular education. However, the mother tongue instruction system established in the 1970s has undergone several changes during the last decades. In an earlier study the effects of current Swedish language policy and its implementation on a micro level have been examined, using Hungarian, one of the country 's minor immigrant languages, as an example (György-Ullholm, 2002). This paper examines the second generation's opportunities to reach active bilingualism, the officially expressed goal of Swedish minority education. Nevertheless, the results of the study indicate that monolingualismor in the best case passive bilingualism are the most probable outcomes of the current language-in-education policy for these pupils.

    Read more about Language planning between pluralism and assimilationism
  • Så blir dina barn tvåspråkiga

    2004. Lenore Arnberg, Kamilla György Ullholm.


    Föräldrahandbok författad 1988 av Lenore Arnberg, uppdaterad enligt senaste forskninsrönen av Kamilla György Ullholm 2004.

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