Stockholm university

Kieron James BarclayResearcher, Docent in Sociology

About me

I am a Pro Futura Scientia Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) and Docent at the Department of Sociology at Stockholm University.

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Selected Publications

Gardner, E. J., Neville, M. D. C., Samocha, K. E., Barclay, K. J., Kolk, M, Niemi, M. E. K., Kirov, G., Martin, H. C. and Hurles, M. E. Reduced reproductive success is associated with selective constraint on human genes. Nature

Baier, T., Lang, V., Grätz, M., Barclay, K. J., Conley, D., Dawes, C. T., Laidley, T. and Lyngstad, T. H. Genetic influences on educational achievement in cross-national perspective. European Sociological Review.

Keenan, K., Barclay, K. J. and Goisis, A. Health outcomes of only children across the life course: an investigation using Swedish register data. Population Studies.

Barclay, K. and Hällsten, M. (2022). Does the impact of parental death vary by parental socioeconomic status? A study of children's educational and occupational attainment. Journal of Marriage and Family. 84(1), 141-164.

Grätz, M., Barclay, K., Wiborg, Ø., Lyngstad, T. H., Karhula, A., Erola, J., Präg, P., Laidley, T. M. and Conley, D. (2021). Sibling similarity in education across and within societies. Demography 58(3), 1011-1037.

Barclay, K., Lyngstad, T. H. and Conley, D. (2021). The production of inequalities within families and across generations: the intergenerational effects of birth order on educational attainment. European Sociological Review. Online First.

Filser, A., Barclay, K., Beckley, A., Uggla, C. and Schnettler, S. (2021). Are skewed sex ratios associated with violent crime? A longitudinal analysis using Swedish register data. Evolution and Human Behavior 42(3), 212-222.

Barclay, K. and Kolk, M. The influence of health in early adulthood on male fertility (2020). Population and Development Review 46(4), 757-785.

Barclay, K., Donrovich Thorén, R., Hanson, H. and Smith, K. R. The effects of marital status, fertility, and bereavement on adult mortality in polygamous and monogamous households: evidence from the Utah Population Database (2020). Demography 57(6), 2169-2198.

Barclay, K., Baranowska-Rataj, A., Kolk, M. and Ivarsson, A. (2020). Interpregnancy intervals and perinatal and child health in Sweden: a comparison within families and across social groups. Population Studies 74(3), 363-378.

Molitoris, M., Barclay, K. and Kolk, M. (2019). When and where birth spacing matters for child survival: an international comparison using the DHS. Demography 56(4), 1349-1370.

Kolk, M. and Barclay, K. (2019). Cognitive ability and fertility among Swedish men born 1951-1967: evidence from military conscription registers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286(1902).

Barclay, K. and Kolk, M. (2019). Parity and mortality: an examination of different explanatory mechanisms using data on biological and adoptive parents. European Journal of Population 35(1), 63-85.

Barclay, K. and Kolk, M. (2018). Birth intervals and health in adulthood: a comparison of siblings using Swedish register data. Demography 55(3), 929-955.

Barclay, K. and Myrskylä, M. (2018). Parental age and offspring mortality: negative effects of reproductive aging may be counterbalanced by secular increases in longevity. Population Studies 72(2), 157-173.

Barclay, K., Hällsten, M. and Myrskylä, M. (2017). Birth order and college major in Sweden. Social Forces 96(2), 629-660.

Barclay, K. and Kolk, M. (2017). The long-term cognitive and socioeconomic consequences of birth intervals: a within-family sibling comparison using Swedish register data. Demography 54(2), 459-484.

Goisis, A., Remes, H., Barclay, K., Martikainen, P., and Myrskylä, M. (2017). Advanced maternal age is not an independent risk factor for low birth weight or preterm birth. American Journal of Epidemiology.

Baranowska-Rataj, A., Barclay, K. and Kolk, M. (2017). The Effect of Number of Siblings on Adult Mortality: Evidence from Swedish Registers. Population Studies 71(1), 43-63.

Barclay, K., Keenan, K., Grundy, E., Kolk, M. and Myrskylä, M. (2016). Reproductive history and post-reproductive mortality: a sibling comparison analysis using Swedish register data. Social Science & Medicine 155, 82-92.

Barclay, K. and Myrskylä, M. (2016). Advanced maternal age and offspring outcomes: reproductive aging and counterbalancing period trends. Population and Development Review 42(1), 69-94.

Barclay, K. and Kolk, M. (2015). Birth order and mortality: a population-based cohort study. Demography 52(2), 613-639.

Barclay, K. (2015). A within-family analysis of birth order and intelligence using population conscription data on Swedish men. Intelligence 49, 134-143.

Barclay, K. (2015). Birth order and educational attainment: evidence from fully adopted sibling groups. Intelligence 48, 109-122.

Barclay, K. and Myrskylä, M. (2014). Birth order and physical fitness in early adulthood: evidence from Swedish military conscription data. Social Science & Medicine 123, 141-148.

Barclay, K. (2013). Sex ratios at sexual maturity and longevity: evidence from Swedish register data. Demographic Research 29(31):837-864.

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Research keywords

Family demography, fertility, mortality, health, status attainment.