Stockholm university

Kjerstin Andersson Bruck

About me

I am associate professor in Social Work and senior lecturer at Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University.

I received my doctorate in Child Studies at the Thematic Department at Linköping University. My thesis is on young men's identity construction and talk about their own use of violence. I have since conducted research on child poverty, young victims of crime, and written on research ethics on doing research with children.







Selected publications:

Andersson Bruck, K. (2020). Child poverty in rich contexts: The example of Sweden. Global Studies of Childhood, 10(2), 95–105.  

Tholander, M., & Andersson Bruck, K. (2020). The ART of apologizing: Entering the black box of an intervention program, Text & Talk (published online ahead of print 2020), 000010151520190111. doi: 


Thunberg, S., & Bruck, K. A. (2020). Young victims’ positioning: Narrations of victimhood and support. International Review of Victimology, 26(2), 196–211.  