Stockholm university

Konstantin KazeninPhd Student

About me

I am a doctoral student in Sociological Demography at the Stockholm University Demography Unit.

I’ve graduated from Moscow State University, where I got my “first” PhD in linguistics and was involved in research on minority languages of Russia, especially those of the North Caucasus. Doing much field work there, I gradually shifted my focus from linguistic situation to more general aspects of social development of that region and other post-Soviet countries and regions where Muslims form the majority of population. Demographic trends in the Caucasus and Central Asia, mainly related to fertility and impact of migration upon it, became my main interest. During the recent decade I was involved in research on these issues at Russian Academy for National Economy and Public Administration and at National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow. 

I’ve joined SUDA because I’m interested to cooperate with the researchers here who have got most excellent results on fertility of migrants. My goal is to work on this topic in a more general context than I did before, not restricting myself to the regions I’ve been working at so far.  


My research project concerns son preference as a factor influencing fertility behavior in some countries of Asia and the way migration transforms it. 

Recent publications

Kazenin K. (2021): Son preference, gender asymmetries and parity progressions: the case of Kyrgyzstan. Asian Population Studies. DOI: 10.1080/17441730.2021.1992858

Kazenin K., Kozlov V. (2021) Ethnicity and fertility of descendants of rural-to-urban migrants: the case of Daghestan (North Caucasus). Journal of International Migration and Integration.  DOI:

Kazenin K., Kozlov V. (2021) Post-Soviet traditionalism, human capital, and fertility: the case of the North Caucasus. Post-Soviet Affairs. 2021. Vol. 37. No. 2. P. 137-154

Kazenin K. (2020) North Caucasus: Regions and their demography. In: Polinsky, M. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Languages of the Caucasus. P. 67-86. Oxford University Press. 

Kazenin K., Kozlov V. (2020) What factors support the early age patterns of fertility in a developing country: the case of Kyrgyzstan. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research. Vol.18  P.185-213 doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2020.res04

Kozlov V., Kazenin K. (2020) Survey Responses on Desired Fertility in Patriarchal Societies: Community Norms vs. Individual Views. Comparative Population Studies. Vol. 45. P. 201-228 DOI: