Kåre VernbyProfessor
About me
Kåre Vernby, Ph.D., Uppsala University, 2006, is Professor at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, where he teaches courses in comparative politics and methods. His papers have been published in academic journals such as American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics and British Journal of Political Science.
New Working Papers
Frödin-Gruneau, Moa, Jan Teorell and Kåre Vernby (2024). "Polity Size and Women's Representation."
Ekholm, Kalle, Lina Eiksson and Kåre Vernby (2024). "More a Swell than a Ripple: The Persistent Impact of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami on Voter Turnout."
Dehdari, Sirus H., Mathilde van Ditmars, Karl-Oskar Lindgren, Sven Oskarsson and Kåre Vernby (2024). "Early Voting Can Widen the Turnout Gap." Electoral Studies.
Lajevardi, Nazita, Moa Mårtensson and Kåre Vernby (forthcoming). "Do Minorities Feel Welcome in Politics? A Cross-Cultural Study of the United States and Sweden" British Journal of Political Science.
Dancygier, Rafaela, Sirus Dehdari, David Laitin, Moritz Marbach and Kåre Vernby. (forthcoming). “Emigration and Radical Right Populism” American Journal of Political Science. Covered in The Conversation.
Lajevardi, Nazita, Moa Mårtensson and Kåre Vernby (2024). "The Empowerment Effect of Visible Political Representation: Examining the Impact of Muslim Representation on Political Outcomes" Electoral Studies.
Eriksson, Lina and Kåre Vernby. (2023). “Let Me Be the Judge: Ideology, Identity and Judicial Selection.” Journal of Experimental Political Science, 10: 221-230
Dehdari, Sirus, Karl-Oskar Lindgren, Sven Oskarsson and Kåre Vernby. (2022). “The Ex-Factor: Examining the Gendered Effect of Divorce on Voter Turnout”. American Political Science Review 116: 1293-1308.
Eriksson, Lina and Kåre Vernby. (2021). “Welcome to the Party? Ethnicity and the Interaction between Potential Activists and Party Gate-Keepers”. Journal of Politics.
Dancygier, Rafaela, Karl-Oskar Lindgren, Pär Nyman and Kåre Vernby. (2020) "Candidate Supply is Not a Barrier to Immigrant Representation: A Case-Control Study”. American Journal of Political Science.
Vernby, Kåre and Rafaela Dancygier. 2019. “Can Immigrants Counteract Employer Discrimination? A Factorial Field Experiment Reveals the Immutability of Ethnic Hierarchies”. PLoS ONE 14(7): e0218044
Heléne Berg, Matz Dahlberg & Kåre Vernby. 2019. "Post-WWI military disarmament and interwar fascism in Sweden". Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History.
Dancygier, Rafaela, Karl-Oskar Lindgren, Sven Oskarsson and Kåre Vernby. 2015. ”Why Are Immigrants Underrepresented in Politics: Evidence from Sweden”, American Political Science Review 109: 703-724. Here is a working paper version. Winner of the 2015 SAGE Best Paper Award, Comparative Politics Section, APSA and the 2016 Lawrence Longley Award for the best article on representation and electoral systems in the previous year.
Finseraas, Henning and Kåre Vernby. 2014. “A Mixed Blessing for the Left? Early Voting, Turnout and Election Outcomes in Norway, Electoral Studies 33: 278–291. Covered by The Guardian and LSE’s EUROPP blog. Here is a working paper version that was covered by The Monkey Cage.
Erlingsson, Gissur, Kåre Vernby and Richard Öhrvall. 2014. ”The Single-Issue Party Thesis and the Sweden Democrats”, Acta Politica 49: 196–216. Here is a working paper version.
Vernby, Kåre. 2013. “Inclusion and Public Policy: Evidence from Sweden’s Introduction of Noncitizen Suffrage” American Journal of Political Science 57: 15-29. Covered by Libération. The article has an on-line appendix and the data are on the AJPS Dataverse. Here is a working paper version. There is also an older version of the paper that includes a formal model of noncitizen enfranchisement.
Book Chapters
Lajevardi, Nazita, Moa Mårtensson and Kåre Vernby. 2022. ”Välrepresenterade, välkomna och uppdragsvilliga? Uppfattningar om gruppers politiska representation 2021” in Du sköra nya värld, SOM-antologi nr. 81, Den nationella SOM undersökningen. eds. Ulrika Andersson, Henrik Oscarsson, Björn Rönnerstrand och Nora Theorin. Göteborg: SOM-institutet
Bäck, Hanna, Thomas Persson, Kåre Vernby and Helena Wockelberg. 2009. “In Tranquil Waters: Swedish Cabinet Ministers in the Post-War Era” in The Selection of Ministers in Europe: Hiring and Firing, eds. Keith Dowding and Patrick Dumont, London: Routledge
Bäck, Hanna and Kåre Vernby. 2006. “Medborgarna uppfattar partiernas politik” [The Citizen’s Perceive Parties’ Policies] in Valets mekanismer, eds. Hanna Bäck and Mikael Giljam, Stockholm: Liber
Vernby, Kåre. 2005. “Classes, Sectors and Political Cleavages” in Power and Institutions in Industrial Relation Regimes, eds. PerOla Öberg and Torsten Svensson, Stockholm: Arbetslivsinstitutet