Jarmo LainioProfessor of Finnish
About me
Curriculum Vitae
Jarmo Lainio published his Ph.D. thesis in 1989 at Uppsala University (Spoken Finnish in Urban Sweden). He holds the Chair of Finnish at Stockholm University since 2008. He was the head of the Centre for Finnish Studies (2003-2011), and its Guest Professor (2011-2014), at Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden.
His research covers sociolinguistics, bilingual studies/education, the sociology of language, minority languages, language policy and educational linguistics. He has published about 100 works on these issues, in English, Swedish and Finnish. He is Docent at the University of Tampere, Finland, since 1994. He was Visiting Research Fellow at University of Ottawa, Canada (1990-1991) and Senior lecturer at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University (1998-2004).
He has supervised PhD works in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Karelia/Russia on various minority languages. Within teacher education he is since 2014 involved in the recently developed mother tongue teacher education and further training of the national minority language Finnish; connected to this is the recently founded network of teacher training educators of the national minority languages of Sweden.
Since 2006 Lainio is the Swedish member of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts, which monitors the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages; 2015-2017 and 2020-2022 he is also a member of its Bureau/Chair’s committee. He is involved in several international networks on the promotion of multilingual education, multilingualism, language policy and linguistic diversity.
In February 2017 he was appointed Special Commissioner for the Swedish Government's inquiry on the improvement of mother tongue instruction for the five national minority languages of Sweden. It was published under the title of SOU 2017:91.
Current Position:
Professor of Finnish, Department of Slavic and Baltic languages, Finnish, Dutch and German, Stockholm University (2008-).
Teaching at basic level and postgraduate levels.
Supervising at all postgraduate levels and teaching at doctorate degree level
Research within the fields of sociolinguistics, variational linguistics, minority language issues and language policy with a special focus on Sweden Finnish and Meänkieli, as well as within educational linguistics, especially targeting bilingual education.
Research projects
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Flerspråkiga elever och deras tillgång till utbildning och språk i skolan
2016. Jarmo Lainio, Birgitta Norberg Brorsson. Lisetten (1), 10-13
Article -
Practiced Linguistic-Cultural Ideologies and Educational Policies
2016. Annaliina Gynne, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Jarmo Lainio. Journal of Language, Identity & Education 15 (6), 329-343
ArticleThis article explores linguistic-cultural ideologies and educational policies as they emerge and are negotiated in everyday life in a bilingual school setting located in the geopolitical spaces of Sweden. Taking sociocultural theory and discourse analysis as points of departure, we focus on empirical examples of classroom interaction and locally established formal policing. Linguistic-cultural ideologies and educational policies that frame life at the school are investigated by employing nexus analytical methods, focusing on social (inter)actions through which a number of locally and nationally relevant discourses circulate. Our findings indicate that refocusing ideology and policy research from the lens of a practiced perspective allows the situated and distributed nature of everyday life to inform issues related to bilingualism as well as their relations to wider societal discourses. Furthermore, our analysis highlights the crucial role of educators in (re)locating bilingual education in its societal contexts as well as making these connections visible in classrooms.
Språklig mångfald och interkulturalitet – lika världar men olika begreppsvärldar
2016. Jarmo Lainio. Vem vågar vara interkulturell? En vänbok till Pirjo Lahdenperä , 47-69
Chapter -
The LEARNMe White Paper on Linguistic Diversity
2016. Jarmo Lainio.
Report -
Meänkieli today – to be or not to be standardised
2015. Jarmo Lainio, Erling Wande. Sociolinguistica 29 (1), 121-140
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Ruotsinsuomalaisuus tänään
2014. Jarmo Lainio. Siirtolaisuus / Migration 41 (2-3), 14-25
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Språkpolitik implementerad på höjden och tvären
2014. Jarmo Lainio. Rom for språk, 71-98
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Flerspråkiga elever och deras tillgång till utbildning och språk i skolan - Implikationer för lärarutbildningen
2015. Birgitta Norberg Brorsson, Jarmo Lainio.
Book -
Flerspråkiga sverigefinska ungdomar på den nordiska arbetsmarknaden - möjligheter och förväntningar
2013. Jarmo Lainio, Marja-Terttu Tryggvason, Annaliina Gynne.
Report -
Ett segt begrepp i svensk tvåspråkighetsdebatt
2008. Jarmo Lainio. Revitalisera mera!, 87-105
Chapter -
Lapsista voi tulla kaksikielisiä aikuisia
2006. Jarmo Lainio.
Report -
Sverigefinne duger nästan, sverigefinska finns inte än.
2005. Jarmo Lainio. Språk och kultur i det multietniska Sverige 44, 98-118
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Tvåspråkighet och språkkontakter i Sverige
2013. Jarmo Lainio. Sociolingvistik, 274-312
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The art of societal ambivalence
2014. Jarmo Lainio. Language policies in Finland and Sweden, 116-144
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Pluricentric varieties of one language or multiple language birth?
2006. Jarmo Lainio. Alpes Europa, 94-124
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Kahden ruotsinsuomalaisen sukupolven suomen ja ruotsin käyttöä
1993. Jarmo Lainio. Folia Fennistica & Linguistica, 173-192
Conference -
Meänkieli and Sweden Finnish
2001. Jarmo Lainio.
Report -
Flerspråkiga ungas identiteter och diskurser om dessa – ett internationellt projekt som börjar avkasta resultat
2012. Jarmo Lainio, Carla Jonsson, Anu Muhonen. Fenno-Ugrica Suecana - Nova Series 14, 41-56
ArticleThe paper presents the local, global and sociolinguistic contexts of an international HERAproject (IDII4MES; the Humanities in the European Research Area, 2010-2012). Its main aims are summarized as follows; to:
- investigate the range of language and literacy practices of multilingual young people and how these practices are used to negotiate inheritance and identities,
- explore the cultural and social significance of language and literacy practices of multilingual young people,
- develop innovative multi-site, ethnographic team methodologies using interlocking case studies across national, social, cultural, and linguistic contexts
- contribute to policy and practice in the inclusion of non-national minority languages in the wider European educational agenda.
The four research sites, Birmingham (U.K.; coordinator), Copenhagen (Denmark), Stockholm (Sweden), and Tilburg (Netherlands), followed similar routes for data creation, but concentrated on school-age children of different language-backgrounds: Punjabi (Birmingham), Finnish and Spanish (Stockholm), Chinese (Tilburg, Eindhoven, Utrecht), and mainstream context (Danish) for various language-background children (Copenhagen). The methods involve ethnographic fieldwork in- and out-of-school, interviews, discussions, linguistic landscaping and ‘nethnographic’ studies of multilingual adolescents’ social media and internet communication. Analyses and reports based on the qualitative data from the diverse, multilingual contexts have been discussed and produced. Following these, new datadriven and comparative-theoretical studies of the project are being produced.
Björklund Krister: Suomalainen, ruotsalainen vai ruotsinsuomalainen? Ruotsissa asuvat suomalaiset 2000-luvulla
2013. Jarmo Lainio. Siirtolaisuus (1), 51-54
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Situationen för Sveriges östersjöfinska nationella minoritetsspråk finska och meänkieli 2016
2017. Jarmo Lainio. Multiethnica (36-37), 13-27
ArticleGenom språklagen 2009 fick de nationella minoritetsspråken, däribland finska och meänkieli, samma rättigheter som svenska och teckenspråk. Genom det allmännas försorg skulle man kunna få använda, utveckla och lära sig språken. I sin artikel granskar Jarmo Lainio hur lagar om nationella minoriteter har uppföljts i Sverige, hur kunskaperna i minoritetsspråken ser ut, hur utbildningssystemet fungerar och hur språkutvecklingen sker idag. I synnerhet koncentrerar Lainio sig på indikatorer med vilka man kan analysera språkbytessituationen för finska och meänkieli. Viktiga och delvis nya aspekter i diskussionen om Sveriges minoritetsspråk är bl.a. Jarmo Lainios granskning av litteracitetens och skriftspråkets roll i språkbevaringen. Genom att använda Einar Haugens språksociologiska modell argumenterar Lainio bl.a. för att utbildningssystemet behöver förnyas ur de språkpolitiska målens synvinklar, samt att minoritetsspråken bör följas upp och uppdateras för nya behov. Även kunskaperna i minoritetsspråken bör öka inom den offentliga förvaltningen.
Nationella minoritetsspråk i skolan – förbättrade förutsättningar till undervisning och revitalisering
2017. Jarmo Lainio, Moa Nordin, Sari Pesonen.
Book -
The five national minorities of Sweden and their languages – The state of the art and ongoing trends
2018. Jarmo Lainio. Perspectives on minorities in the Baltic Sea area, 45-76
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Selvitys kansallisista vähemmistökielistä koulussa
2018. Jarmo Lainio, Sari Pesonen. Kieliviesti (1), 4-8
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Vågor av migration och byar av flyttare – finskan i Sverige över tid och rum
2021. Jarmo Lainio. Vårt gemensamma innanhav, 31-55
Show all publications by Jarmo Lainio at Stockholm University