Laura Alvarez LopezVice Dean, Professor
About me
I am a sociolinguist and professor of Portuguese at Stockholm University. My research focuses on language variation and change over time and across regions, with particular emphasis on the dynamic processes that occur when speakers of different languages come into contact. I study how social and linguistic factors interact and influence language change.
After earning my PhD at Stockholm University in 2004, I have had the privilege of serving as a lecturer in Spanish and Portuguese at several Swedish institutions, including Mälardalen University, Linköping University, and Dalarna University. In 2009, I returned to Stockholm University as a research fellow and became a associate professor in 2011, before being appointed full professor in 2016.
My research has also had an international dimension, with collaborations serving as a great source of inspiration. I have had the opportunity to spend time at leading universities such as UC Berkeley in the USA and the University of Campinas in Brazil, and I have conducted fieldwork in countries such as Angola, Mozambique, and Uruguay. These international experiences have not only deepened my understanding of the global significance of language, but also allowed me to actively contribute to the field of linguistics on an international level.
Administrative responsibilities
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (2024-2027).
I am responsible for the courses Language Contact, Multilingualism and Minorities in the Romance-Speaking World and Portuguese Sociolinguistics within our Master's courses. I teach Portuguese at all levels and supervise degree projects, Master dissertations and Doctoral theses within the field of Portuguese as well as Spanish Linguistics.
My research focuses on the interaction between linguistic and cultural practices within different groups, particularly in multilingual contexts. By examining how speakers of different languages live and engage with one another, I gain insights into a wide range of linguistic and cultural expressions and identities. One key area of my work has been understanding the linguistic and social factors behind language variation and change. I am also interested in how linguistic norms, ideologies, and attitudes can either reinforce or challenge social power structures.
Member of ABRALIN (Brazilian Linguistics Association), ACBLPE (Association of Portuguese and Spanish-Lexified Creoles) and ABRE (Association of Brazilianists in Europe).
Research areas
Sociolinguistics, Language Contact and Change, Multilingualism and Language policies
International research groups
Estudos histórico-gramaticais baseados em redes de corpora digitais anotados (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Research projects
Current projects
(2022-2025) Language policies and linguistic landscapes in higher education. The aim of the project is to map and analyze how languages are used in public spaces on campuses and how the presence and use of different languages relates to language ideologies and policies in higher education institutions. In collaboration with Jhonni Carr (PI, University of California Berkeley). Information about treatment of personal data.
(2018-2025) Routes and Roots in the Swedish Migration to South America (1870-1914)
The overall purpose of this initiative is to study emigration from the Nordic countries to South America by adopting an interdisciplinary approach within the area of Humanities and Social Sciences. In collaboration with Professor Erik Olsson (Stockholm University) and Professor Eeva Sippola (University of Helsinki). Funding from Stockholm University (2018) and Åke Wibergs Stiftelse (2019, 2024).
(2014-2025) Cupópia: The Afro-Brazilian speech of Cafundó
The studies focus on the social history of the community of descendants of enslaved Africans in relation to their language practices. With financial support from STINT (2014) Romling at Stockholm University (2014-2017), University of Campinas (2015-2017) and Lars Hiertas Minnesfond (2014-2017).
Past projects
(2014-2020) Portuguese in Africa
The project dealt with language change in multilingual settings. Funding from STINT (2014), Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2015), Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (initiation grant 2015), RomLing at Stockholm University (2016-2018), Wenner-gren Foundation (2018-2019), Anérstiftelsen (2018). In collaboration with Anna Jon-And (Dalarna University), Juanito Avelar (University of Campinas), Torun Reite (Stockholm University), Marie-Eve Bouchard (Stockholm University).
(2010-2014) Afro-Latin Linguistics: language contact in intercultural settings Coordinated by Laura Álvarez López with financial support from STINT (1,2 million SEK). Researchers and students at Stockholm University, Universidade Estadual de Campinas in Brazil and Universidad de la República in Uruguay studied language contact between Portuguese or Spanish and African languages in Latin America.
(2012) AFRO-LATIN linguistic contacts: corpora development and grammatical analysis, with Juanito Avelar, financial support from FAPESP (60000 BRL).