Stockholm university

Lisa DellmuthProfessor

About me

Lisa Dellmuth is Professor of International Relations at Stockholm University and co-director of the Stockholm Center on Global Governance (SCGG). Dellmuth is also the director of the PhD Programme in International Relations
New book: "Legitimacy Politics: Elite Communication and Public Opinion in Global Governance" (Cambridge University Press, 2023). ORDER NOW.
After obtaining her PhD in political science in 2011 from the University of Mannheim in Germany, Dellmuth has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (2015-2016) and the Department of Political Science at Stockholm University (2011-2014). She held assistant and associate professor positions at Stockholm University, and has been visiting the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, Hertie School in Berlin, the UNC Center for European Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the departments of Political Science at the University of Bergen and the University of Tampere. She has received several awards for her research, among them the 2021 Michael Endres Prize and the 2012 prize for best article published in European Union Politics ("Distributive politics and intergovernmental transfers”). Dellmuth has received numerous grants from funders such as Formas, Mistra, the European Union, Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds, and the Swedish Research Council.
Dellmuth’s research focuses on questions of legitimacy, distribution, and climate cooperation in national, regional and global governance. She combines experimental, quantitative, and qualitative research methods in her interdisciplinary research agenda. Her research has been published in five books and more than 30 scientific articles. For more information, data, and replication materials, please visit her homepage.
Dellmuth is member of the editorial board for European Journal of Political Research and Interest Groups & Advocacy.


Publication list



Gustafsson, M.-T., Dellmuth, L., The Moral Foundations of Private Adaptation. Evidence from the Mining Sector (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Elements Series on "Organizational Responses to Climate Change: Business, Governments, and Nonprofits''), forthcoming. 

Dellmuth, L., Tallberg, J. Legitimacy Politics: Elite Communication and Public Opinion in Global Governance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023). Reviewed in Foreign Affairs, the Review of International Organizations, and in Political Science Quarterly.

Dellmuth, L., Bloodgood, E.A. (eds), Advocacy Effects in Global Governance: Populations, Strategies, and Political Opportunity Structures (Heidelberg, Springer, 2023).

Dellmuth, L., Scholte, J.A., Tallberg, J., Verhaegen, S. Citizens, Elites, and the Legitimacy of Global Governance (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022). Reviewed in the Review of International Organizations.

Dellmuth, L., Is Europe Good for You? EU Spending and Well-Being (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2021). Reviewed in the Journal of Social Policy. Honorable mention for the UACES Book Award in 2022.


Peer-reviewed articles

Dellmuth, L., "Regional inequalities and political trust in a global context", Journal of European Public Policy, 31(6), 1516–1535 (2023).

Dellmuth, L., “International bureaucrats' attitudes toward global climate adaptation", npj Climate Action, 40 (2023).

Shyrokykh, K., Girnyk, M., Dellmuth, L. "Short text classification with machine learning in the social sciences: The case of climate change on Twitter". PLoS ONE 18(9), e0290762 (2023).

Dellmuth, L., Shyrokykh, K., "Climate change on Twitter: Implications for climate governance research". WIREs Climate Change, e848 (2023).

Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., "Legitimacy in the trans-scalar governance of climate adaptation". npj Climate Action, 2:2 (2023).

Shyrokykh, K., Dellmuth, L., Funk, E., Managing networks: Cohesion and fluidity in EU climate cooperation with European neighbours, European Union Politics0 (2023).

Gustafsson, M.-T., Rodríguez, Jorge E., Dellmuth, L., “Private adaptation to climate risks: Evidence from the world’s largest mining companies”, Climate Risk Management, 35 (2022), 100386.

Dellmuth, L., Scholte, J.A., Tallberg, J., Verhaegen, S., “The Elite–Citizen Gap in International Organization Legitimacy”, American Political Science Review, 116:1 (2022), pp. 283-300.

Kural, E., Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., International Organizations and Climate Change Adaptation: A New Dataset for the Social Scientific Study of Adaptation, 1990-2017", PLoS ONE,  16:9 (2021), e0257101.

Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., “Global Adaptation Governance: How Intergovernmental Organizations Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation”, Climate Policy, 21:7 (2021), pp. 868-833.

Dellmuth L., Bender F.A.-M., Jönsson A.R., Rosvold E.L., von Uexkull N., “Humanitarian need drives multilateral disaster aid ”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118 (2021), e2018293118.

Dellmuth, L., Petersson, M.T., Dunn, D., Boustany, A., Halpin, P., “Empowering NGOs? Long-term effects of ecological and institutional change on regional fisheries management organizations”, Global Environmental Change, 65 (2020), 102197.

Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., Kural, E., “Global adaptation governance: Explaining the governance responses of international organizations to new issue linkages”, Environmental Science & Policy, 114 (2020), pp. 204-214.

Dellmuth, L. and Tallberg, J., “Elite Communication and the Popular Legitimacy of International Organizations”, British Journal of Political Science, 51:3 (2021), 1292–1313.

Dellmuth, L. and Schlipphak, B., “Legitimacy beliefs towards global governance institutions: A research agenda”, Journal of European Public Policy, 27:6 (2020), pp. 931-943.

Dellmuth, L. and Tallberg, J., “Why national and international legitimacy beliefs are linked: Social trust as an antecedent factor”, Review of International Organizations, 15 (2020), pp. 311–337.

Dellmuth, L., Scholte, J. A. and Tallberg, J., “Institutional sources of legitimacy for international organisations: Beyond procedure versus performance”, Review of International Studies, 45:4 (2019), pp. 627-646.

Dellmuth, L., Bloodgood, E.A., “Advocacy group effects in global governance: Populations, strategies, and political opportunity structures ”, Interest Groups & Advocacy, 8 (2019), pp. 255–269.

Petersson, M., Dellmuth, L., Merrie, A. N. and Österblom, H., “Patterns and trends in non-state actor participation in regional fisheries management organizations”, Marine Policy, 104 (2019), pp. 146-156.

Târlea, S., Bailer, S., Degner, H., Dellmuth, L., Leuffen, D., Lundgren, M., Tallberg, J. & Wasserfallen, F. “Explaining governmental preferences on Economic and Monetary Union Reform”, European Union Politics, 20:1 (2019), pp. 24-44.

Lundgren, M., Bailer, S., Dellmuth, L., Tallberg, J. & Târlea, S. “Bargaining success in the reform of the Eurozone”, European Union Politics, 20:1 (2019), pp. 65-88.

Dellmuth, L. and Chalmers, A.W., “All spending is not equal: European Union public spending, policy feedback, and citizens’ support for the EU”, European Journal of Political Research, 57:1 (2018), pp. 3-23.

Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., Bremberg, N. and Mobjörk, M.,“Intergovernmental organizations and climate security: Advancing the research agenda”, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 9:1 (2018), doi:10.1002/wcc.496.

Tallberg, J., Dellmuth, L., Agné, H. and Duit, A., “NGO influence in international organizations: Information, access, and exchange”, British Journal of Political Science , 48:1 (2018), pp. 213-238.

Dellmuth, L., Schraff, D. and Stoffel, M.F., “Distributive politics, electoral institutions, and European Structural and Investment Funding: Evidence from Italy and France”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 55:2 (2016), pp. 275-293.

Dellmuth, L., Tallberg, J., “Advocacy strategies in global governance: Inside vs. outside lobbying”, Political Studies, 65:3 (2017), pp. 705-723.

Dellmuth, L., “The knowledge gap in world politics: Assessing the sources of citizen awareness of the United Nations Security Council”, Review of International Studies, 42:2 (2016), pp. 673-700.

Agné, H., Dellmuth, L. and Tallberg, J., “Does stakeholder involvement foster democratic legitimacy in international organizations? An empirical assessment of a normative theory”, Review of International Organizations, 10:4 (2015), pp. 465–488.

Sahlin, K., Wijkström, F., Dellmuth, L., Einarsson, T. and Oberg, A., “The 'Milky Way' of intermediary organizations. A transnational field of university governance”, Policy and Politics, 43:3 (2015), pp. 407–424. Reprinted in: Ansell, C. and Torfing, J. (eds) How Does Collaborative Governance Scale? (Bristol: Policy Press, 2018).

Chalmers, A.W. and Dellmuth, L., “Fiscal redistribution and public support for European integration”, European Union Politics, 16:3 (2015), pp. 386–407.

Dellmuth, L. and Tallberg, J., “The social legitimacy of international organizations: Interest representation, institutional performance, and confidence extrapolation in the United Nations”, Review of International Studies, 41:3 (2015), pp. 451–475.

Dellmuth, L. and Stoffel, M.F., “Distributive politics and intergovernmental transfers: The local allocation of European Union Structural Funds”, European Union Politics, 13:3 (2012), pp. 413–433. Sage Award for the best article published in European Union Politics in 2012 (vol. 13).

Dellmuth, L., “The cash divide: The allocation of European Union regional grants”, Journal of European Public Policy, 18:7 (2011), pp. 1016–1033. Best Paper Award for young scholars presented at the Swedish Political Science Association in 2010.


Book chapters

Dellmuth, L., "Adaptation". In Fiorino, D, Eisenstadt, T., & Ahluwalia, M.K. (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), 

Dellmuth, L., “Interest Groups and the United Nations”, in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, ed. by Harris P., Bitonti A., Fleisher C., Skorkjær Binderkrantz A. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).

Dellmuth, L., “Legitimacy as a resource for effective international marine management”, in Predicting Future Oceans: Sustainability of Ocean and Human Systems Amidst Global Environmental Change, ed. by Ota, Y., Cheung, W.W.L., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. (Elsevier, 2019).

Dellmuth, L., "Individual sources of legitimacy: Theory and data”, in: Tallberg, J., Bäckstrand, K. & Scholte, J.A. (eds.), Legitimacy in Global Governance: Sources, Processes, and Consequences (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).



Policy papers

Broek, E., Olczak, N., Dellmuth, L., "The involvement of civil society organizations in Arctic governance", SIPRI Insights, 2023:2 (2023). 

Zhou J, Dellmuth L, Adams KM, Neset T-S, von Uexkull N., “The geopolitics of food security: Barriers to the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger", SIPRI Insights on Peace & Security, 11 (2020).

Dellmuth L, Lundgren M and Tallberg J, “State Interests and Bargaining Power in the Reform of the Eurozone" (Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Sieps: 2020:4) (96 p.).

Mobjörk M, Gustafsson MT, Sonnsjö H, van Baalen S, Dellmuth L and Bremberg N, “Climate-Related Security Risks. Towards an Integrated Approach" (Stockholm: SIPRI, 2016) (76 p.).

Cheung, W et al. (2015) “Predicting future oceans. Climate change, oceans and fisheries”, scientific report for the Nereus Program, a global interdisciplinary initiative between the Nippon Foundation, the University of British Columbia, the University of Cambridge, Duke University, Princeton University, Stockholm University, the United Nations Environmental Program-World Conservation Monitoring Centre, and Utrecht University.

Dellmuth, L. (2011) " European structural, agricultural and environmental spending in Germany: Challenges and problems during the allocation and implementation of EU resources”, policy paper, Stockholm University, Department of Political Science (35 p.).



Various replication datasets available at the Harvard Dataverse and the personal homepage.

Research projects