Stockholm university

Linnéa Bruno

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Heroes and others

    2020. Linnéa Bruno (et al.). Journal of Gender-Based Violence


    This article explores the challenges that were detected in the first evaluation of the violence prevention programme Mentors in Violence Prevention at senior levels of compulsory schools and upper-secondary schools in Sweden. In particular, we analyse how the gender-transformative dimension and the bystander perspective aspect of the programme played out in the classroom. What are the implications of implementing a gender-transformative violence prevention programme such as Mentors in Violence Prevention when it is carried out by teachers in the school setting? The empirical basis for this study includes classroom observations during all seven Mentors in Violence Prevention sessions in two schools, and group interviews with a total of 14 teachers and 26 pupils (aged 13–19) from five schools. Our findings suggest that most teachers did not appear to be comfortable with either the Mentors in Violence Prevention programme’s pedagogical model or its theoretical approach. Consequently, they occasionally worked in manners contrary to the programme’s intentions. However, observations and interviews demonstrated that a learning process about gender-based violence had been initiated. It may be necessary to make further adjustments if Mentors in Violence Prevention is to be used in schools in Sweden, particularly if teachers are to be the programme leaders.

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  • Barn och unga i utsatta livssituationer

    2020. Linnéa Bruno, Zulmir Bečević.


    I denna tvärvetenskapliga antologi skärskådas kopplingar och dynamiker mellan barndom och utsatthet av några av Sveriges främsta forskare.

    - Vilka möjligheter har barn och unga i utsatthet att göra sin röst hörd och bli lyssnade på?

    - Vilka skyldigheter och möjligheter har vuxna att tillgodose barns och ungas rätt?

    - Hur kan utsatthet, livsvillkor och egna berättelser förstås utifrån forskning, teori och erfarenheter från praktik?

    Dessa och många andra frågor kring barn och unga i utsatthet belyses i boken. De medverkande har sin bakgrund och sitt forskningssammanhang inom socialt arbete, sociologi, barn- och ungdomsvetenskap, historia, folkhälsovetenskap, juridik, kriminologi och psykologi.

    Boken kan användas som kursbok vid utbildningar inom socialt arbete, sociologi, barn- och ungdomsvetenskap, lärarutbildning med mera, och som stöd vid konkret arbete med barn och unga.

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  • Proximal or peripheral

    2020. Tanja Joelsson, Linnéa Bruno. Gender and Education


    This article explores how young people in Sweden talk about and understand violence, with a particular emphasis on how violence, gender, space and time are co-constructed in this discourse. We found that young people display an ambivalent relation to violence reinforcing several contradictory discourses of violence. Young people employ various understandings that place violence differently in time (ongoing vs. past) and space (distant/absent vs. close/present). They discursively construct the school as a non-violent space while considering digital spaces to be violent. Yet, they still find violence as occurring at different places and times at school. These ‘discursive manoeuvres’ highlight how talk of violence territorialises and re-territorialises places as ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’ and takes part in the gendered spatial regulation of young people’s lives. By specifically analysing time and space in young people’s discourse on violence, the article contributes to research on their perspectives on gendered violence. 

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