Stockholm university

Marie BerlinResearcher

About me

I have a Ph.D. in sociological demography and work as a researcher at the Department of Social Work, Stockholm University. My research interests relate to vulnerability among children and young people, where I mainly have experience in analyzing population register data from a life course perspective. Current reserach is focused on children and youth in out-of-home care. 


Publications, manuscripts and reports in selection

Berlin M, Mensah T, Lundgren F, Klingberg G, Hjern A, Vinnerljung B & Cederlund A. Dental care consumption among young adults who were in societal out-of-home care as children – a Swedish national cohort study. Manuscript submitted in 2017.

von Greiff N, Skogens L, Berlin M & Bergmark A. Mortality and cause of death among a cohort of 1163 substance abusers who were in inpatient drug treatment in the early 1980s. Manuscript submitted in 2017.

Daehlen M, Kääriälä A, Berlin M, Lausten M & Hiilamo H. The educational disadvantage among vulnerable youths: How early school leaving among youth placed in out-of-home care varies across four Nordic countries. Manuscript submitted in 2017.

Tandhälsa bland unga vuxna som varit placerade. Registerstudie av tandhälsa och tandvårdskonsumtion bland 20–29-åringar som varit placerade i heldygnsvård under uppväxten. Socialstyrelsen; Rapport 2014-11-3,, februari 2016.

Förskrivning av psykofarmaka till placerade barn och ungdomar. Socialstyrelsen; Rapport 2014-11-3., november 2014.

Vinnerljung B, Sallnäs M & Berlin M. Placement breakdowns in long-term foster care – a regional Swedish study. Child and Family SocialWork 2014.

Lager A, Berlin M, Heimerson I & Danielsson M. Chapter 3 Young people's health in Health in Sweden: The National Public Health Report 2012. Scand J Public Health 2012 40: 42.

Berlin M, Vinnerljung B & Hjern A. School performance in primary school and psychosocial problems in young adulthood among care leavers from long term foster care. Children and Youth Services Review 2011;33:2489–2497.


Research projects