Martin QvistSenior lecturer, Associate professor
About me
Martin Qvist is Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Political Science with specialization in Public Administration. His research interests lie in the areas of public sector reform, collaborative governance and decision-making. Qvist is particularly interested in the consequences of introducing new forms of governance for actors at the local level, and for inter-organizational relations. His research covers several policy areas including refugee and integration policy, employment policy, environmental policy and transport infrastructure planning.
Selected Publications
PhD Dissertation
Qvist, M. (2012) Styrning av lokala integrationsprogram: Institutioner, nätverk och professionella normer inom det svenska flyktingmottagandet [Governing Local Integration Programmes: Institutions, Networks and Professional Norms in Swedish Refugee Reception]. Linköping Studies in Arts and Science. Full text
Peer-reviewed articles
Emma Ek Österberg & Martin Qvist (2022) Meta-governance as partial organization, Administrative Theory & Praxis, DOI: 10.1080/10841806.2022.2025737
Maritta Soininen & Martin Qvist (2021) Political integration and the career opportunities of immigrants in political parties: Experiences from Swedish party organisations. Migration Studies, 9(3): 556–575,
Livia Johannesson and Martin Qvist (2020) «Navigating the policy stream: Contested solutions and organizational strategies of policy entrepreneurship», International Review of Public Policy, 2(1). DOI:
Ek Österberg, E. & Qvist, M. (2020) Public Sector Innovation as Governance Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Competitive and Collaborative Strategies in the Swedish Transport Sector. Administration & Society, 52(2): 292-318. DOI: 10.1177/0095399718789077
Qvist, M. (2017) Meta-Governance and Network Formation in Collaborative Spaces of Uncertainty: The Case of Swedish Refugee Integration Policy, Public Administration, Vol. 95 (2), pp. 498-511. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12310.
Qvist, M. (2016) Activation reform and inter-agency cooperation: Local consequences of mixed modes of governance in Sweden. Social Policy & Administration, Vol. 50 (1), pp. 19-38. DOI: 10.1111/spol.12124
Other publications
Grafström, M., Qvist, M., & Sundström, G. (Eds.). (2021). Megaprojektet Nya Karolinska Solna : Beslutsprocesserna bakom en sjukvårdsreform. Stockholm: Makadam förlag. Full text