Stockholm university

Marta ReuterSenior lecturer

About me

My research is located at the intersection of Political Sociology, Organization Studies and Public Administration, and focuses on civil society as an institutional sphere, and on civil society organizations (CSOs or nonprofits) as political actors. I am primarily interested in: CSOs and governance (including both the roles of CSOs in the governance of society and the internal, organizational governance structures in CSOs themselves); CSOs as agents and objects of transnationalization processes; and the relationship between the different institutional spheres in society, particularly civil society and the state, from a comparative perspective. I am affiliated with the Stockholm Center for Civil Society Studies (SCCSS) at the Stockholm School of Economics and with the Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (Score)

Marta Reuter on ResearchGate


My current and recent research projects focus on:

  1. think tanks as a new organizational actor in the Swedish policy arena and civil society (grant from the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation in 2015).
  2. audit practices in the field of elderly care in Sweden (grant from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond in 2014);
  3. the chain of governance in welfare service producing CSOs (grant from the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society 2014); and
  4. transnationalization and the Swedish popular movements (grant from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond in 2009);                  

My other academic activities include acting as a:

  • co-convenor of the Standing Group on Civil Society (2019-2022 ) at the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
  • member of the senior editorial board, the international journal Nonprofit Policy Forum
  • reviewer for Voluntas: International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
  • member of the scientific council of the Ideell Arena think tank
  • co-convenor (together with Stefan Einarsson) of the standing research seminar on organized civil society at the Stockholm Center for Civil Society Studies (SCCSS), Stockholm School of Economics.
  • frequent speaker and lecturer in executive education programs directed at civil society and public sector office holders and executives.

Recent publications (selected)

Åberg, P., Einarsson, S. & Reuter, M. (2020) Organizational Identity of Think Tank(er)s. A Growing Elite Group in Swedish Civil Society. Politics & Governance, Vol. 8, No. 3.

Wijkström, F., M. Reuter & A. Emami (eds., 2017) Civilsamhället i det transnationella rummet. Stockholm: European Civil Society Press.

Reuter, M. (2017) Nationalstatens sista väktare. Vad är den svenska folkrörelsen utan Sverige? In Wijkström, F., M. Reuter & A. Emami (eds., 2017) Civilsamhället i det transnationella rummet. Stockholm: European Civil Society Press.

Reuter, M., F. Wijkström & A. Emami (2017) Idéer som reser, containrar som formatterar. In Wijkström, F., M. Reuter & A. Emami (eds., 2017) Civilsamhället i det transnationella rummet. Stockholm: European Civil Society Press.

Wijkström, F. and M. Reuter (2015) Two Sides of the Governance Coin: Civil Society Inside-Out. In Eynaud, P., J-L. Laville and D. Young (eds.) Governance and Democracy: Civil Society in a Changing World. New York: Routledge.

Reuter, M., F. Wijkström and M. Meyer (2014) Who Calls the Shots? The Real Normative Power of Civil Society. In Freise, M. and T. Hallman (eds.) Modernizing Democracy. Associations and Associating in the 21st century. New York: Springer.

Reuter, M., F. Wijkström and B. Kristensson Uggla (2013, eds.) Trust and Organizations: Confidence Across Borders. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Reuter, M., Wijkström, F. & von Essen, J. (2012). Policy Tools or Mirrors of Politics. Government-Voluntary Sector Compacts in the Post-Welfare State Age. Nonprofit Policy Forum 3(2).

Reuter, M. (2012). Överenskommelsen som spegel och arena. Betraktelser över ett avtal i tiden. In: F. Wijkström (red) Civilsamhället i samhällskontraktet. Vad står på spel? Stockholm: European Civil Society Press.