Maria TyrbergResearcher
About me
Maria Tyrberg (Ph.D. in Political Science) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, and the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. Her research interests include radical right wing parties, political behaviour, contextual effects, migration and integration.
Maria is currently involved in two different research projects. The first project, together with Jens Rydgren (SU) and Gabriella Elgenius (GU), is about working class voter support for the populist radical right. The second project, together with Frida Boräng (GU) and Linna Martén (UU), is about contextual effects on immigrants’ political integration.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
Tyrberg, Maria (2021). ’Support for the political community in a community that doesn’t support you: immigrant youths’ exposure to anti-immigrant attitudes’, Journal of Youth Studies
Tyrberg, Maria (2020) ‘Immigrants’ electoral participation – the cross-national impact of public and political hostility’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Rydgren, Jens och Maria Tyrberg (2020). ’Contextual explanations of radical right-wing party support in Sweden: a multilevel analysis’, European Societies
Dahlström, Carl, Marina Nistotskaya och Maria Tyrberg (2018). ‘Outsourcing, Bureaucratic Personnel Quality and Citizen Satisfaction with Public Services’, Public Administration
Tyrberg, Maria och Carl Dahlström (2018). ‘Policy Effects of Anti-Immigrant Party Representation on Aid to Vulnerable EU/EEA Citizens’, Political Studies