Malgorzata Malec RawinskiSenior lecturer
About me
I am an Associate professor in Education at Stockholm University, Department of Education. I used to work for many years (2006-2017) at the University of Wrocław, Poland. I held a position as a head of University of the Third Age (U3A), at University of Wrocław (2016 – 2017).
My interest research fields: adult education, older adults learning – social and critical educational gerontology, lifelong learning, biographical approach, local community activation, education of social exclusion-risk adults. In recent years, my interest and research work started to focus on migration in socio-cultural and educational perspectives, the old age, ageing and learning in life-long perspective, problems and needs of older people, learning while being old, education of aging keeping the orientation on biographical learning.
In my research, I am trying to use different methodological approaches such as case studies, biographical research and ethnography. I was awarded post-doc scholarship within the Swedish Institute (SI)twice. Accordingly, I was a researcher at the University of Stockholm, Department of Education (periods: 09.2010 - 02-2011; 09.2011-02.2012) and I conducted research on the Polish senior immigrants’ in Sweden.
The recent project is called Old Guys say Yes to Community. In this project, we focus on the learning of older men in different communities in four countries: Slovenia, Estonia, Poland and Portugal. In 2016, I did the ethnographical research of Men’s Sheds in Australia and New Zealand, I collected data about the learning places (Men's Sheds) of older men. I took part in the unique study tour and exchange members of ESREA, network ELOA (Education and Learning for Older Adults) and members of Adult Learning Australia and Federation University Australia and ACE Aotearoa in New Zealand.
I have experience in coordinating projects:
2017 the project at U3A University of the Third Age, at University of Wroclaw, title: UTW – Uczyc- Tworzyc -Wspierac (U3A – Learning- Creating- Supporting). Financed by Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education, Republic of Poland
2016-2019 - the project, Erasmus +, ‘Old Guys say Yes to Community’ in Poland, at University of Wroclaw. Financed by EU.
2008 - 2010 the Grundtvig project: VECU –Virtual European Cultural Centre, at U3A University of the Third Age, at University of Wroclaw Financed by EU.
2006-2007 the Grundtvig 2- EFOSEC- The European Federation of Older Students Enlargement and Cooperation, at U3A University of the Third Age, at University of Wroclaw. Financed by EU.
I am a member of ESREA (European Society for Research on Education of Adults) networks: Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), Life History and Biography, Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development, Migration, Ethnicity, Racism and Xenophobia). In 2012, I was invited by EU to be a member of expert panel discussion at the European Commission Conference, One Step Up in later life: learning for active ageing and international solidarity.Since 2018, I have also been collaborating with Tokyo University in the context of aging.
Since 2018, I have also been collaborating with Tokyo University in the context of aging.
C. Cecilia Bjursell, M.Malec Rawinski (ed.), 2022, Äldres lärande : utblickar och insikter, Natur & Kultur.
Fredriksson U., Hagerman F., Kreitz-Sandberg S., Malec Rawinski M,. Moreno Herrera L., Thunborg C., Ullman A. (ed.), 2022, The Department of Education at Stockholm University – Developments and footprints in education and research, Atlas Akademi.
Malec M. (2008), Biographical learning of people with acquired stigma. Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT. - In Polish
Malec M. (2011), (Ed.), Educational, cultural and social contexts of elderly. Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT. In Polish
Malec M., Kurantowicz E. (Eds), 2004, Between ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Worlds of Adult Learning, proceedings of the ESREA conference, 3 vol.
Editor of the Journal
Malec-Rawiński M. ed., 2017, Gerontological Discourse, in in Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów (Adult Education Discourses, 18), ed. M.Olejarz, pp. 186-257
Publications from 2010
- Malec Rawiński, M., 2022, The Constant Negotiation of Belonging: Experiences of Aging Polish Migrants in Sweden , in Ch. Hoggan, T. Hoggan-Kloubert (ed.), Adult Learning in a Migration Society, (pp.80-89), Routledge.
- Bron A., Carlhed Ydhag C., Malec Rawiński M., Osman A., Thunborg C., 2022, The mosaic of adults learning landscape, The Department of Education at Stockholm University – Developments and footprints in education and research, Atlas Akademi.
- Malec Rawinski M., 2022, Att dö i ett främmande land – berättelser om lärande i livets slutskede, in C. Cecilia Bjursell, M.Malec Rawinski (ed.), Äldres lärande : utblickar och insikter, Natur & Kultur.
- M. Malec Rawiński, B. Golding, 2021, Researching Men’s Sheds in Australia: Reflections from the Antipodes: A European female visitor and an Australian male guide, B. Mikulec,S. Kump, T. Kosmerl (ed.), Reflection on Adult Education and Learning: The Adult Education Heritage of Sabina Jelenc Krašovec. (pp.97-108) Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts. The open access book is available at this link.
- Malec Rawiński M., 2021, In search of understanding biographical ageing - a research-based concept, Australian Journal of Adult Learning, ISSN 1443-1394, Vol. 61, no 1, p. 86-108.
- Malec-Rawiński M. (2020). The meaning of critical thinking from the perspective of international students, Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów / Adult Education Discourses, ISSN 2084-2740, no 21, p. 55-64.
- Malec-Rawiński M. (2019). Older men’s biographical learning and masculinity. Studies in Adult Education and Learning (Andragoška spoznanja), 25 (2), 53-66.
- Malec-Rawinski M., Zakowicz I., (2018), The renaissance or twilight of the idea of the University of the Third Age? reflections and conclusions from the project “U3A – Learning – Creating – Supporting”, Rocznik Andragogiczny, vol. 25, pp.141-156 (in polish) DOI:
- Malec-Rawiński M., Bartosz B., (2017), An educational model for work with seniors– experiences of teachers working at the University of the Third Age, in Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów (Adult Education Discourses, 18), ed. M.Olejarz, in English. pp. 219-232.
- Malec-Rawiński, M. (2017), Ageing and learning experiences: The perspective of a Polish senior immigrant in Sweden, Australian Journal of Adult Learning (AJAL), Vol. 57, nr 3, s. 421-439
- Malec-Rawiński M., 2017, Wolontariat seniorów, in: in A. Zych (ed.), Encyklopedia starości, starzenia się i niepełnosprawności 4, Katowice: Thesaurus Silesiae. (in polish)
- Malec-Rawiński M., Piasecka-Robak A., 2017, Poradnictwo gerontologiczne, in A. Zych (ed.), Encyklopedia starości, starzenia się i niepełnosprawności 3, Katowice: Thesaurus Silesiae. (in polish)
- Malec-Rawiński, M. (2016). Longevity and learning from the biographical perspective: Two case studies - locally rooted and globally oriented, Andragoška Spoznanja, Vol. 1, pp.43-56.
- Malec-Rawiński M., Zakowicz I. (2016), "Be like Dj Wika?" : a word about an unexpected turn of senescence, Rocznik Andragogiczny. - T. 23, p. 233-247
DOI: - Malec-Rawiński M., (2016), What came along during and after the biographical narratives : considering the meaning of photo portraits of interviewees , w: red. Rob Evans, Before, beside and after (beyond) the biographical narrative, Duisburg : Nisaba Verlag, s. 391-407
- Malec-Rawiński M., (2015), Fotografie i drogowskazy życia polskich seniorów emigrantów w Szwecji - kontekst edukacyjny , in: Theologica Wratislaviensia., T. 10, s. 49-62.
- Golding B., McDonald J., Malec-Rawiński M., (2015). Uczenie się starszych mężczyzn we współczesnych badaniach andragogicznych : wybrane konteksty, implikacje i przypadki, Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów, T.16, red. M.Olejarz, s. 59-72
- Malec-Rawiński, M. (2014). Fenomen długowieczności i starzenia się z perspektywy auto/biograficznej. Rocznik Andragogiczny, Vol. 21, pp.283-295 DOI:
- Malec Rawiński M. (2014), Voluntary work as the seniors' space for learning. In B. Schmidt-Hertha, S. Jelenc Krašovec, M. Formosa (Eds.), Learning across generations in Europe: contemporary issues in older adult education, (pp. 131-141), Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers ( updated 29.10.2014).
- Malec Rawiński M. (2014). Life landscapes of Polish seniors in Sweden– emerged from narrations, read from portraits. Combining biographical perspectives in a research strategy, Teraźniejszość Człowiek Edukacja, 66 (3), 127-147. In Polish
- Malec Rawiński M. (2013), The meaning of critical educational gerontology for research, Rocznik Andragogiczny, pp.173-184. In Polish DOI:
- Malec M. (2013), Voluntary as a place of learning of seniors, Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów T.14, ed. M.Olejarz, (pp. 105-119). In Polish – refereed
- Malec, M. (2012). Learning in later life and the construction of meaning: Biographical research and the ‘signposts of life’. International Journal of Education and Ageing, 2 (3), pp.197–210. C:/Users/mmale/Downloads/Malec,%20IJEA%20Vol%202%20No%203.pdf
- Malec M. (2012), Gerotranscendence – theory of positive ageing - assumption and meaning, Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów, red. M. Olejarz - [Vol.] 13, pp. 45-60. In Polish
- Malec M. (2012), Gerotranscendence – theory of positive aging - assumption and meaning, Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów, Ed. S.Słowińska, - [Vol.] 13, pp. 45-60. In Polish – refereed
- Malec M. (2011), Elderly people in small local communities of Lower Silesia - spaces of marginalization? In A. Fragoso, E. Kurantowicz, E. Lucio-Villegas (Eds.). Between global and local: adult learning and development (pp. 205-215), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
- Malec M (2011), Seeking the recipe for the old age – the challenge for adult education. Reflection on the lifelong learning of how to be old. In M. Malec (Eds.)., Edukacyjne, kulturowe i społeczne konteksty starości, (pp. 11-28), Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, In Polish – refereed
- Malec M. (2011), When we cross the border of dis/ability. In R. Bibik, A. Urbanek (Eds.), Człowiek w sytuacji (bez)nadziei - konteksty teoretyczne i praktyczne (pp. 117-127), Legnica: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Witelona w Legnicy. In Polish - refereed
- Malec M (2010), A mobile community as a platform of development initiatives of Lower Silesia region. In T. Siemież, R. Kaczmarek (Eds.), Przedsiębiorczość akademicka a jakość życia, (pp. 94-101), Wrocław: Venom Systems. In Polish - refereed
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Ageing and learning experiences
2017. Malgorzata Malec Rawinski.
ArticleThe general aim of this paper is to present some insights into Polish senior immigrants in Sweden. In particular, it seeks to identify and illustrate the important contribution of previous generations of Polish senior immigrants in building on the diverse culture, traditions and values of the Polish community (Polonia) in Sweden. The paper considers what it means to be an older (age 65+ year) Polish immigrant in Sweden. A biographical method was used in this research to gain these insights. The research evidence was largely collected by means of narrative interviews. Life history is one of the ways to gain insights into the experiences of individuals. A narrative output is never an isolated product. There is always a close link between narrative and other social, cultural and ideological contexts. This paper emphasizes that stories and participant experiences will make more sense if there is a good understanding of the broader contexts in which the individual's story and experiences are embedded. Because of its brevity, the focus of this paper is an in-depth rendition of one older woman's learning experiences in adjusting from war-torn Poland to Sweden.
Show all publications by Malgorzata Malec Rawinski at Stockholm University