Stockholm university

Marianne TeräsProfessor

About me

I am Professor of Education with a special focus on Health care education. I hold a Docentship in Adult Education at the University of Helsinki, Finland and a Docentship in Education with a focus on simulation pedagogy (2020) at the University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland.


My research interests are transcultural education and professional/vocational education and training in the area of health care. My studies cover simulation-mediated learning in health care, inter-professional challenges and co-operation and vocational teacher education as well as intercultural learning and migrant education. Themes concerning equality and equity in education and working life have guided my research work.  


I teach future vocational health care teachers on undergraduate level, future pedagogical experts on advanced level and future researchers on doctoral level. Here are some examples of the courses that I have taught at the Stockholm University:

Bedömning och betygsättning av yrkeskunnande [Assessment and grading of vocational knowledge] (7,5 ECTS)

Metod, design och analys [Method, design and analysis] (7,5 ECTS)

Hypothesis, action and design (7,5 ECTS)

Cultural-historical activity theory and developmental work research – Uses in research and in working life (7,5 ECTS)

I have also supervised students’ Thesis on Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level. 

Recent publications:

I am a co-editor of a book series called  Palgrave Studies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training

I was a co-editor of a book series focusing on emerging issues in research on vocational education and training

More publications you can find in DiVA-portal.

Projects at the Stockholm University

2023-2028 I am Princial Investigator of the research environment project financed by the Swedish Research Council (2022-01681). The project is called: Navigating Places and Negotiating Boundaries: A Multidisciplinary Study of Migrant Children's Educational Transitions in Sweden.

You can read more about the project: Places and Boundaries

2024 I am responsible of a project called: Adult migrants' language learning among speakers of Arabic in the Nordic countries. The project is a Research Initiative funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. During year 2024 we organised three workshops with researchers from Finland, Norway and Sweden.

2020-2022 I was a Principal Investigator of the project called: Integration and inclusion of migrants in and through vocation and work. The project was funded by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare.

You can read more about the project: Integration and Inclusion

2018-2019 I initiated a project focusing on 21st century skills, which are often referred to when talking about future competences in society and in working life. We have collected data though e-survey among vocational teacher students at the Stockholm University. This project is co-operation between our University and University of Helsinki.  

2017- 2019 I created a Nordic Network for Migration and Vocational Education and Training with my colleague Ali Osman to reflect on and share common challenges in the area on migration and vocational education. The network had eight partners from four Nordic countries.

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Transformative agency and tensions in knowledge management—A qualitative interview study for nurse leaders

    2019. Anne Lunden (et al.). Journal of Clinical Nursing 28 (5-6), 969-979



    To describe Finnish nurse leaders’ perceptions of and experiences with knowledge management.


    Health science research has traditionally focused on knowledge transfer and research evidence instead of knowledge management, culture and organisational learning. Systematic reviews indicate a lack of awareness about nurse leaders’ activities in knowledge management.


    Qualitative interview study according to the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (see Supporting Information Table S1).


    Data were collected at a Finnish public, social and healthcare organisation from 33 persons in 2015 and 2017 through 35 individual interviews and seven focus groups. Data were analysed by thematic analysis.


    Nurse leaders’ daily knowledge management activities included assurance of smooth work functions and decisions about sudden changes. When managing knowledge promotion, nurse leaders focused on the near future and served information providers, coaches and developers of operating culture. Anticipatory management of knowledge requirements emphasised nurse leaders’ roles as assessors and visionaries. Tensions while managing knowledge were related to the following: changes in clients’ service needs, insufficient structures and tools to support the assessment and joint development of competence, time and information management, the operating culture, and nurse leader support. Participants reported only few attempts to solve tensions and therefore little to no transformative agency.


    Nurse leaders prioritised daily knowledge management over management of knowledge promotion and anticipatory management of knowledge requirements. Knowledge management in nursing is a complex task requiring a command of different kinds of agency and related leadership styles. The structures, processes and tools supporting knowledge management should be developed to ensure that activities are systematic.

    Relevance to clinical practice

    A description of nurse leaders’ perceptions of and experiences with knowledge management could improve recognition of nurse leaders’ agencies for knowledge management, identification of related tensions and application of lessons learned from tensions. This description could also promote nurses’ professional competence and supplement nurse leaders’ training.

    Read more about Transformative agency and tensions in knowledge management—A qualitative interview study for nurse leaders
  • Comparative Issues and Research Concerns in the National Landscape of Vocational Education & Training

    2018. Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Marianne Teräs, Petros Gougoulakis.

    Book (ed)

    This book is the second one of the serie Emergent Issues in Research on Vocational Education & Training. It is an outcome of the international networking of the research group VETYL (Vocational Education & Training/ Yrkeskunnande och Lärande), at the Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden.

    In May 2012 the group organized the first Stockholm International Conference in VET, an academic event that has ever since been organized yearly following the modality of invited papers. The book contains selected papers presented in the sessions of the conference held 7 and 8, May 2018. The contributions depict research within the Vocational and Training held in different national contexts as well as cross-national issues.

    This volume illustrates well the diversity of research in the eld in a way that is not frequently available in the literature today. The content is of interest for a diversity of readers including under-graduate students, in particular students in initial and in-service teacher training programs for VET, post-graduate students, researchers and policy makers.

    Read more about Comparative Issues and Research Concerns in the National Landscape of Vocational Education & Training
  • Emergent issues in vocational education & training

    2018. Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Marianne Teräs, Petros Gougoulakis.

    Book (ed)

    This book is an outcome of the international networking of the research group VETYL (Vocational Education & Training/Yrkeskunnande och Lärande), at the Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden.

    In May 2012 the group organised the first Stockholm International Conference in VET, an academic event that has ever since been organised yearly following the modality of invited papers. The book contains selected papers presented in the sessions of the conference held 8 and 9, May 2017. The contributions deal with a wide range of areas of research within the Vocational and Training field in different national contexts as well as cross-nationally.

    The book illustrates well the diversity of research in the field in a way that is not frequently available in the literature today. The content is of interest for a diversity of readers including under–graduate students, in particular students in initial and in-service teacher training programs for VET, post-graduate students, researchers and policy makers.

    Read more about Emergent issues in vocational education & training
  • Vocational Education & Training - The World of Work and Teacher Education

    2018. Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Marianne Teräs, Petros Gougoulakis.

    Book (ed)

    This is the third volume of the serie Emergent Issues in Research on Vocational Education & Training. It is an outcome of the international networking of the research group VETYL (Vocational Education & Training/ Yrkeskunnande och Lärande), at the Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden.

    In May 2012 the group organized the first Stockholm International Conference in VET, an academic event that has ever since been organized yearly following the modality of invited papers. The book contains selected papers presented in the sessions of the conference held 7 and 8, May 2018. The contributions depict research within the Vocational and Training held in different national contexts as well as cross-national issues.

    This volume illustrates well the diversity of research in the field in a way that is not frequently available in the literature today. The content is of interest for a diversity of readers including under-graduate students, in particular students in initial and in-service teacher training programs for VET, post-graduate students, researchers and policy makers.

    Read more about Vocational Education & Training - The World of Work and Teacher Education

Show all publications by Marianne Teräs at Stockholm University