Research group Vocational and Educational Training
The research group VET/YL focuses on issues within Vocational Education and Training (VET), a well-established international field of research that studies questions of skills, qualifications, competences and professional knowledge in relation to early VET, upper secondary as well as adult VET, and advanced VET.
Group description
The VETYL research group works with many national and international research networks on a variety of research questions. On the societal level, it may involve training systems – both historical and future development. At the institutional level, for instance, our questions concern how vocational education has been and is organized and designed in different contexts. At classroom level, attention is given to analysis and design of processes for teaching, learning, and assessment in a variety of environments.
VET covers a wide range of contents, different professional fields and diverse traditions of knowledge. The VETYL research group at Stockholm University considers collaboration between researchers from different areas as a prerequisite for the development of knowledge in the VET-field.
Core research problems in this field are characterized by interdependence and intersectionality, which demand interdisciplinary work. Issues of harmonization of education, transparency and mobility within the
European political arena, are also focus of our research attention; this often in relation with economic growth and overall social welfare.
VET research focuses on questions about what general and specific competencies are sought within and for different professional areas, how and in what contexts one learns these are examples of questions of vocational didactic interest. At the same time as there is a desire for increased collaboration between school and working life, there are also contradictions in relation to where vocational education should be located – in school or in working life.
Likewise, questions about what promotes vocational learning and enculturation in professional cultures, how vocational teachers and students perceive their vocational subjects and how vocational knowledge and competences are developed, assessed and graded in different environments are relevant.
VETYL research group is expected to contribute both to a research-based professional teacher training and to the development of vocational training for youngsters and adults, regardless of whether the training is carried out in school or at the workplace.
Research seminars
We continuously arrange "Vocational Education & Training Seminar", were discuss current research within the field. See our Calendar for more information.
Group members
Group managers
Lazaro Moreno Herrera
Marianne Teräs
Ruhi Tyson
Senior lecturer
Mikael Persson
Senior lecturer
Rebecca Ye
Senior lecturer
Janne Kontio
Senior lecturer
Eva Eliasson
Senior lecturer
Åsa Broberg
Senior lecturer/director of studies for the doctoral program
Katarina Lagercrantz All
Senior lecturer
Petros Gougoulakis