Stockholm university

Janne KontioSenior lecturer

About me

Janne Kontio

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in education, currently working as a researcher and senior lecturer at the department of Education at Stockholm University.

Main interests: Vocational education, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Classroom interaction, Language and identity, Digitalization

Conducts empirical research on vocational education.

Defended his PhD thesis in June 2016.

The title of his PhD thesis is "Auto Mechanics in English: Language Use and Classroom Identity Work." and focusses on students in Vocational Education being taught in and through a foreign language.

Has held a post doc-position at Karlstad University, Karlstad (2017-2019): (see link above)

Janne Kontio & Sofia Lundmark are currently producing a podcast on the topic of recent doctoral theses in education, called Poddagogen (see link above)


Publications (in selection)

Lundmark, S. & Kontio, J. (red.) (2024). Fritidsdidaktiska dilemman. (Första utgåvan). [Stockholm]: Natur & Kultur.

Lundmark, S. & Kontio, J. (2024). Inledning: fritidsdidaktiska dilemman In: S. Lundmark & J. Kontio (red.) (2024). Fritidsdidaktiska dilemman. (Första utgåvan). [Stockholm]: Natur & Kultur.

Bräck, L., Kontio, J. & Lundmark, S. (2024). När fritiden tar över: strategier för att möta elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro. In: S. Lundmark & J. Kontio (red.) (2024). Fritidsdidaktiska dilemman. (Första utgåvan). [Stockholm]: Natur & Kultur.

Kontio, J. & Lundmark, S. (2024). Epilog: fritidshemmens, fritidsaktiviteters och den fria tidens dilemman. In: S. Lundmark & J. Kontio (red.) (2024). Fritidsdidaktiska dilemman. (Första utgåvan). [Stockholm]: Natur & Kultur.

Kontio, J., Gougoulakis, P., Moreno Herrera, L. & Teräs, M. (2024). Emerging issues in research on vocational education & training vol. 9 (special issue). Premiss förlag.

Moreno Herrera, L., Teräs, M., Gougoulakis, P. & Kontio, J.  (2023). Emergent issues in research on vocational education & training Vol. 8 Learning, teaching and policy making in VET. [Stockholm]: Atlas.

Kontio, J. (2023). Top dead center: the transformation of a lexical item into practical work in bilingual vocational education. In: Moreno Herrera, L., Teräs, M., Gougoulakis, P. & Kontio, J.  (2023). Emergent issues in research on vocational education & training Vol. 8 Learning, teaching and policy making in VET. [Stockholm]: Atlas.

Lundmark, S. & Kontio, J. (2022). Digitala didaktiska dilemman. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Lundmark, S., Jonsson, M., Kontio, J. (2022). "Makerspace i skolan - didaktiska möjligheter och utmaningar" In: S. Lundmark & J. Kontio (eds.) Digitala didaktiska dilemman, p. 367–390.

Kontio, J. & Lundmark, S. (2021). Yrkesdidaktiska dilemman. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Kontio, J. & Lundmark, S. (2021). Yrkesutbildning i förändring — yrkeskunnande,språk och bedömning på fordonsprogrammet. In: J.  Kontio, & S. Lundmark (eds.) Yrkesdidaktiska dilemman, p. 97–120. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Asplund, S-B, Kontio, J. & Olin-Scheller, C. (2021). Texten bakom texten. Böcker, mobiltelefoner och manliga läsare på Bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet. In: J.  Kontio, & S. Lundmark. (eds.) Yrkesdidaktiska dilemman, p. 205–230. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Lundmark, S. & Kontio, J. (2021). Risker med mobiltelefoner i yrkesklassrummet: Användningen av mobiltelefoner i yrkesklassrummets vardagsinteraktion. In: J.  Kontio, & S. Lundmark. (eds.) Yrkesdidaktiska dilemman, p. 279–298. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Olin-Scheller, C., Tanner, M., Asplund, S-B., Kontio, J. & Wikström, P. (2020). Social Excursions During the In-between Spaces of Lessons. Students’ Smartphone Use in the Upper Secondary School Classroom, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2020.1739132

Asplund, S-B. & Kontio, J. (2020). Becoming a construction worker in the connected classroom: Opposing school work with smartphones as happy objects. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 10(1): 65-94.

Kontio, J. & Asplund, S.-B. (2019). Collective and individual use of smartphones : Embodied interaction in Swedish upper secondary Building and construction and Hairdresser educations. In: Emerging Issues in Research on Vocational Education & Training (4th ed., pp. 174–216). Stockholm: Premiss.

Kontio, J., &; Lundmark, S. (2019). Narcissism or Masquerade? Selfies as Visual Communication in Vocational Education Classrooms. In: Proceedings of NERA 2019 : The Annual Conference of the Nordic Educational Research Association.

Kontio, J.  (2018). Top dead centre: the transformation of a lexical item into practical work in bilingual vocational education. Presented at: Sociolinguistics Symposium 22,  Auckland, New Zealand, June 27-30, 2018.

Kontio, J. (2017). Making Fun of Language Use : Teasing practices and hybrid language forms in auto mechanic student peer interactions. Linguistics and Education. 37: 22-31.

Kontio, J. (2016). Auto Mechanics in English: Language Use and Classroom Identity Work. (PhD dissertation). Uppsala.

Kontio, J. & Evaldsson, A-C. (2015). Last year we used to call it a man’s hammer : (un)Making gender and materiality relevant in everyday vocational education. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 10:1.

Kontio, J. & Sylvén, L-K. (2015). Language Alternation and Language Norm in Vocational Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The Language Learning Journal, 43:3.

Kontio, J. (2012) "Language alternation in vocational CLIL". Poster presented at the: NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association), Copenhagen, March 2012.

Kontio, J. (2011) "Code-­switching in vocational content and language integrated learning (CLIL)". Presented at: NORDYRK (Nordiskt yrkespedagogiskt och yrkesdidaktiskt nätverk) Mariehamn, June 2011.

Kontio, J. (2006) "Kielikylpy – språkbadsmodellen i Finland. Finska lärare och lärarstudenter reflekterar över språkbad"