Denna sida på svenska Niklas Wikström Stockholm University Research projects Ongoing Completed Evolution and Diversity in Isoetes (Isoetales) Catarina Rydin works with Isoetes (Isoetaceae), a distinct group of lycopods that are often semi-aquatic but may also be terrestrial or grow submersed in lakes. Macroevolution and biodiversity in the Gnetales Catarina Rydin's main research interest concerns the Gnetales, gymnospermous seed plants comprising the genera Gnetum, Welwitschia and Ephedra. Edit the profile
Evolution and Diversity in Isoetes (Isoetales) Catarina Rydin works with Isoetes (Isoetaceae), a distinct group of lycopods that are often semi-aquatic but may also be terrestrial or grow submersed in lakes.
Macroevolution and biodiversity in the Gnetales Catarina Rydin's main research interest concerns the Gnetales, gymnospermous seed plants comprising the genera Gnetum, Welwitschia and Ephedra.