Jonas Monié-Nordin
About me
Jonas Monié Nordin fil. dr i arkeologi, docent i historisk arkeologi, associate professor
About me
My research is focused on three main areas: Sámi archaeology, global historical archeology, and critical cultural heritage studies. I have extensive experience in historical archeology from the earliest Middle Ages to today's society and I wrote my dissertation on feudal practices in Central Sweden during the High and Late Middle Ages with particular regard to Dalarna When power became visible. Late Middle Ages in southern Dalarna (2005).
In the field of Sámi archaeology, I have worked on projects related to early resource colonialism and its social and environmental consequences in Sápmi, specifically in the Torne, Lule and Pite river valleys, as well as the emergence of church and market places in Sápmi during the early modern period. My global archaeological studies have mainly revolved around Scandinavia's role in early modern globalization and the expansion of European colonialism during the long seventeenth century. I have conducted case studies in and around North America, West Africa, the Arctic and India, as well as in large parts of Scandinavia. The work is summarized in the book The Scandinavian Early Modern World: A Global Historical Archeology (Routledge 2020).
In recent years, the bulk of my research revolves around Sámi history in Central Scandinavia, south of what is generally considered to be the southern borders of Sápmi. I work interdisciplinary with scientific and historical archaeological methods at the intersection of material culture, landscape, historical, and depictive sources. I have summarized my methodological vantage points in Mellan medeltid och modernitet. En introduktion till historisk arkeologi från senmedeltid till idag (Studentlitteratur 2021).
In recent years, I have carried out archaeological excavataion of Sámi settlements in Dalarna, Hälsingland and Uppland, from the early modern and modern period. I have also studied early modern collecting practices and the creation of images of Sámi and Sápmi and the importance of Sámi material culture in the creation of the first museums, during the early modern period.
I am a member of the Truth Commission for the Sámi People (Ku2021.02, and in the editorial board for the research volume of the final report.
Ongoing project
I am currently working on the Swedish board of science funded project Shared Spaces – Separated Past? A historical Archeology of the Sámi Middle Ages and Early Modern Period in Central and Middle Sweden where I carry out a broad survey of Sami history in Southern and Central Scandinavia. Preliminary results show a widespread sedentary, as well as nomadic Sámi population in southern and central Sweden during the Middle Ages, the early modern and modern periods.
Publications (selected items)
Articles in International Scientific Journals (peer reviewed)
- Nordin, J.M & Olofsson, S. 2023. Voices of the Forests: Eviction, Control, and the rise of the so-called Parish-Lap system in Central Early Modern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of History 48:4, 401–426 DOI:10.1080/03468755.2023.2219680.
- Nordin, J.M. 2022. Spaces of Resilience and Resistance: Sámi Habitation in Southern and Central Sweden During the Late Medieval and the Early Modern Period. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 27, 480–505,
- Fredriksson, A., Nordin, J.M. & Ojala, C-G. 2022. Deductionis Coloniarum rationes & causae: a Swedish Seventeenth-Century Dissertation on the Establishment of Colonies. LIAS – Journal of Early Modern Intellectual Culture and its Sources 48:1, 10.2143/LIAS.48.1.3290522. 123–193.
- Nordin, J.M. Fernstål, L. & Hyltén-Cavallius, C. 2022. Living on the Margin: An Archaeology of Swedish Roma Camps. World Archaeology 2021:2, 517–530.
- Nordin, J.M. & Ojala, C-G. 2020, An Industrial revolution in an indigenous landscape. The copper industry of the early modern Torne River Valley in a global perspective. Fennoscandia Archaeologica 37, 61–81.
- Nordin, J.M., & Ojala, C-G, 2020, Kolonialt samlande i Sápmi, Historisk tidskrift (Sw), 140:3, 529–542.
- Ojala, C.-G. & Nordin, J.M. 2019, Mapping land and people in the North: Early modern colonial expansion, exploitation and knowledge. Scandinavian Studies 91:1, 98–133.
- Ojala, C-G. & Nordin, J.M. 2018, Sámi archaeology in a global perspective: Heritage, Indigeneity and Politics Fennoscandia Archaeologica 34, 122–126.
- Nordin, J.M. 2018. Political economy and global repercussions: Reflections on past and present in global historical archaeology. Journal of Post-Medieval Archaeology 52, 134–145. DOI: 10.1080/00794236.2018.1461435.
- Nordin, J.M. 2018, Center of Diversity: Sámi in early modern Stockholm in the light of European colonial expansion. A historical archaeological approach. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 22:4, DOI 10.1007/s10761-017-0430-5, 663–685.
- Nordin, J.M. & Ojala, C-G. 2017, Copper Worlds: A Historical Archaeology of Abraham and Jakob Momma-Reenstierna and their Industrial Enterprise in the Torne River Valley, c. 1650–1680. Acta Borealia 2:2017, 103–133.
- Nordin, J.M. & Ojala, C-G. 2017, Collecting, Connecting, Constructing: Early Modern Commodification and Globalization of Sámi Material Culture. Journal of Material Culture 23:1, 58–85. DOI: 10.1177/1359183517741663.
- Nordin, J.M. 2016, The World in a Nutshell: A Historical Archaeology of Early Modern Entanglement of Scandinavia and India studied through the Life Course of the Danish Nobleman Ove Gjedde, 1594–1660. Journal of Post Medieval Archaeology 50:2, 244–263.
- Fur, G; Naum, M & Nordin, J.M. 2016, ‘Intersecting Worlds: New Sweden’s Transatlantic Entanglements. Journal of Transnational American Studies 7 (1) 2016.
- Nordin, J.M. 2016, Organized Materiality: A Study of Material Culture and Space of the late Medieval Swedish Guilds. Scandinavian Journal of History. Published online 15 July 2016. 42:1, 2017.1–27.
- Ojala, C-G & Nordin, J.M. 2015.‘Mining Sápmi – colonial histories and postcolonial perspectives on the exploitation of natural resources in northern Sweden’Arctic Anthropology 52(2), 6–21.
- Eriksdotter, G., Nilsson, P & Nordin, J.M. 2015. A Baroque Landscape of Earth, Water and Fire: The Production of Space at Skokloster, a Swedish Estate of the Seventeenth Century. Landscapes 16(2) 126–144.
- Herva, V-P. & Nordin, J.M. 2015. Unearthing Atlantis and performing the past: Ancient things, alternative histories and the present past in the Baroque world. Journal of Social Archaeology 15(1), 116–135.
- Nordin, J.M. 2013. The Centre of the World: The Material Construction of Eurocentric Domination and Hybridity in a Scandinavian Seventeenth-Century Context. Journal of Material Culture 18:2, 189–209.
- Nordin, J. M. 2012. Embodied Colonialism – The cultural meaning of Silver in a Swedish colonial perspective in the 17th century. Journal of Post Medieval Archaeology 46(1), 143–165.
- Nordin, J. M. & Eriksdotter, G. 2011. Being on the Inside, Forgetting to Look Out: The Need for a Historical Archaeology of Global Relevance. Current Swedish Archaeology 19. Pp143–165.
- Nordin, J. M. 2011. Archaeological Investigations in the world of Display. A Material Study of the use of History in the Stockholm Exhibition of 1897. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 15:3. Pp 358−380.
Monographs and anthologies (peer reviewed)
- Nordin, J.M. 2022. Samisk historia i Sverige och Stockholm – Från Molnby till Paradiset. Nedslag i den samiska historien från den tidiga medeltiden till idag men med särskilt avseende på Stockholm med omnejd och tidigmodern tid. Stockholms stadsmuseum: Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-7031-354-7
- Nordin, J.M. 2021. Mellan medeltid och modernitet. En introduktion till historisk arkeologi från högmedeltid till idag. Studentlitteratur, Lund. ISBN: 9789144128788
- Nordin, J.M. 2020. The Scandinavian Early Modern World: A Global Historical Archaeology. London: Routledge.
- Fredriksson, A; Nordin, J.M. & Ojala, C-G. 2019, Om anledningen till att anlägga kolonier: En dissertation framlagd 1668 av Johannes Schefferus och Johan Hoffman. Bibliotheca Neolatina Upsaliensis XIV, Uppsala: Uppsala University. ISBN: 978-91-985049-3-4
- Fernstål, L., Hyltén-Cavallius, L. & Nordin, J.M. 2018. Romska liv och platser: Berättelser om att leva och överleva i 1900-talets Sverige. Stockholm: Stockholmia förlag.
- Naum, M. & Nordin, J.M. (eds). 2013. Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity. Small time agents in a global arena. Magdalena Naum & Jonas M Nordin. Springer International: New York.
- Nordin, J.M. & Lihammer, A. (eds) 2010. Modernitetens materialitet. Arkeologiska perspektiv på modernitetens framväxt. Museum of National Antiquities Studies 17.
- Nordin, J.M. 2009. Det medeltida Dalarna och Västmanland. En arkeologisk guidebok. Historiska Media. Lund.
- Nordin, J.M. 2005. När makten blev synlig. Senmedeltid i södra Dalarna. When Power Became Visible – the late Middle ages in Southern Dalecarlia. Stockholm Studies in Archaeology 36.
Bookchapters and other Journals (peer reviewed)
- Nordin, J.M., Björck, M. & Blennå, I. 2023. Kolningsgropar och härdar. Aktuella arkeologiska undersökningar av samisk historia i Hälsingland, Fornvännen 2023:1, 52–56.
- Zachrisson, T., Nordin, J.M., & Qviström, L. 2022. Lapphällarna, Lappkällan och Lappviken. Samisk historia i nordvästra Uppland. Saga och Sed 2022, 37–54.
- Nordin, J.M. 2022. Samer i äldre Historiska källor. Samiska spår. Dalarna – Gävleborg – Västmanland. Wehlin, J., Cassé, S. & Andersson, M (red.) Dalarnas fornminnes- och hembygdsförbund m.fl. Västerås, 74–77.
- Nordin, J.M. 2022. Arkeologiska utgrävningar i Uppland. Samiska spår. Dalarna – Gävleborg – Västmanland. Wehlin, J., Cassé, S. & Andersson, M (red.) Dalarnas fornminnes- och hembygdsförbund m.fl. Västerås. 45–48.
- Lindkvist, A. & Nordin, J.M. 2022. En undersökt kåta vid Lapphällan i Gävle. Samiska spår. Dalarna – Gävleborg – Västmanland. Wehlin, J., Cassé, S. & Andersson, M (red.) Dalarnas fornminnes- och hembygdsförbund m.fl. Västerås, 118–119.
- Qviström, L. Nordin, J.M., & Zachrisson, T, 2022. Samer i nordvästra Uppland – arkeologiska forskningsundersökningar. Årsboken Uppland 2022, 138–155.
- Nordin, J.M. 2022. Samerna i maktens närhet: nedslag i den samiska historien i Stockholm med omnejd. Samer i Syd, Larsson, Lars-Gunnar; Rydving, Håkan & Svanberg, Ingvar (eds), Kungl. Vetenskapssamhället I Uppsala Handlingar, Uppsala, 135–148.
- Nordin, J.M. 2021, Object worlds. Connecting Commodities, Global Exoticism, and Local Entanglement, Cultural History of Objects, Vol. IV ‘Enlightenment’ (series eds Dan Hicks & William Whyte; Volume ed. Audrey Horning), London: Bloomsbury Press, 177–193.
- Björck, M., Blennå, I., Nordin, J.M., Ulfhielm, B. & Wehlin, J. 2021, Härdar och husgrunder – arkeologi i det samiska kulturlandskapet i Syd- och Mellansverige, META 2021, 85–108.
- Naum, Magdalena & Nordin, J.M., 2019, Colonial Entanglements: Crossroads, Contact Zones, and Flows in Scandinavian Global History. Itinerario, Special Issue on Scandinavian Colonial Entanglement, Guest editors Naum & Nordin, Vol. 43, No. 2, 191–193.
- Nordin, J.M. 2019, Arkeologi i kolonialismens tjänst. Tidens landskap: En vänbok till Anders Andrén. Ed. Ljung, Cecilia et al. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 283–285.
- Nordin, J.M. 2019. Industriarkeologi i norr: globala och lokala perspektiv på 1600-talets gruvindustri och industriarkeologi som arkeologisk erfarenhet, META – Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift 2019, 119–142.
- Nordin, J.M. 2018, Tactile Relations: Material Entanglement between Sweden and its Colonies, in Naum, M. & Ekengren, F (eds), Facing Otherness in Early Modern Sweden. Travel, Migration and Material Transformations, 1500 – 1800. Monographs of the Society for the Post-Medieval Archaeology, Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 87–106. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctt22zmbnp.12.
- Herva, V-P., Naum, M. Nordin, J.M. & Ojala, C-G. 2018, Modernization on a Northern Fringe of Europe: The Historical Archaeology of Early Modern Sweden. In Symonds & Herva ed. The Oxford handbook of Historical Archaeology. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- Nordin J.M. 2017, Samer i imperiets mitt. In: Lamberg, M & Götlind, A (eds) Tillfälliga Stockholmare. Stockholm: Stockholmia förlag, 45–72.
- Nordin, J.M. & Haggrén, G. et al. 2016. Svensk järnhantering och det 30-åriga kriget 1618–1648: Öllösa bruk och de sörmländska järnindustriernas tidiga blomstringstid. Hammare och Fackla. 85–124.
- Nordin, J.M. 2015 Metals of Metabolism: The Construction of Industrial Space and the Commodification of Early Modern Sápmi, Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism (revised edition) Eds. Mark P. Leone & Jocelyn Knauf. Springer: New York. 249–272.
- Nordin, J.M. 2014. Materiella möten och globala nätverk. Fråga föremålen: handbok till historiska studier av materiell kultur. Red. Forssberg, A.-M. & Sennefelt, K. Studentlitteratur. Lund. 171–86.
- Nordin, Jonas M. 2013 There and back again – the material culture of New Sweden. Towards an Archaeology of hybridity of 17th Century Colonialism, in Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity. Small time agents in a global arena. Magdalena Naum & Jonas M Nordin (Eds). Springer International: New York. 207–225.
- Naum, M. & Nordin, J.M. 2013. Introduction. Situating Scandinavian Colonialism. Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity. Small time agents in a global arena. Magdalena Naum & Jonas M. Nordin, red. Springer International: New York. 3–16.
- Herva, V-P. & Nordin, J.M. 2013. Classicism and Knowing the World in Early Modern Sweden. Relational Archaeologies: Humans, Animals, Things. Christopher Watts (ed.). Routledge: London. 209–227.
- Nordin, J.M. 2010: Det emblematiska silvret. Sverige i den atlantiska världen under 1600-talet. Modernitetens materialitet. Arkeologiska perspektiv på modernitetens framväxt. Museum of National Antiquities Studies 17. Eds. Nordin, J.M. & Lihammer, A. Pp. 47−70.
- Nordin, J.M. 2009: Of Brick and Stone: The Archaeology of Birgitta Sonadotter and Stig Hansson. Individuality and Architectural Strategies in Late medieval Darlecarlia, Sweden. From Ephesos to Dalecarlia. Studies in Medieval Archaeology conducted at the department of Archaeology, University of Stockholm. Eds. Elisabet Regner et al. Stockholm. Pp.247–275.
- Nordin, J.M. 2009. Den iscensatta medeltiden och drömmarna om moderniteten: historiebruket vid Stockholmsutställningen 1897. Tankar om ursprung. Forntiden och medeltiden i nordisk historieanvändning. Eds. Samuel Edquist et al, Historiska museet: Stockholm. Pp. 223−248.
Other journals and articles
- Nordin, J.M. 2023. Från nomader till så kallade sockenlappar – så har samer levt i Mellansverige. Forskning och Framsteg 2023:5
- Nordin, J.M. 2022. Sverige i Amerika och Amerika i Sverige.
- Nordin, J.M. 2019. Fattiglappens betydelse,, 11.3.2019.
- Nordin, J.M. 2019. Även Norden har en pinsam kolonial historia. Dagens Nyheter, 11.1.2019.
- Nordin, J.M. 2018. Vart tog samiskan vägen? Upsala Nya Tidning, 10.9.2018.
- Nordin, J.M. 2018. När samerna slutade betraktas som svenskar. Under strecket, Svenska Dagbladet 7.9.2018.
- Nordin, J.M. 2017, Skandinaviens koloniala arv. In: History Unfolds. Samtidskonst möter historia, ed. Larson-Pousette. Art and Theory: Stockholm, 189–195. (English edition: The Colonial Legacy of Scandinavia: The Reenstierna Brothers, Early Modern Globalisation and the Exploitation of People and Nature in Sápmi. In: History Unfolds. Samtidskonst möter historia, ed. Larson-Pousette, H, Art and Theory: Stockholm, 196–205).
- Nordin, J.M. 2017. Global industriarkeologi i Torne älvdal. Kulturmiljö vid Norrbottens museum: aktuellt om Norrbottens förhistoria, historia och nutid. Online, 15 September.
- Nordin, J. M. 2017. Var är samerna? Lyft fram Sveriges blandade historia. Dagens Nyheter 14.12.2017.
- Nordin, J. M. & Ojala, C-G 2017. Att samla Sápmi – tidigmodern insamling av samisk materiell kultur och det samiska kulturarvet i dag. In: Cecilia Hedlund, Gunilla Larsson & May-Britt Öhman (eds.), Uppsala mitt i Sápmi – Sábme – Saepmie II: En supradisciplinär antologi härrörande från vårsymposium organiserat av Uppsam – Föreningen for samiskrelaterad forskning i Uppsala, 28–29 april 2014, Uppsala Universitet: Uppsala, 25–28.
- Nordin, J.M 2016, När Sverige var en global slavnation. Dagens Nyheter 18.12.2016.
- Nordin, J.M 2016, Inget för forskare? Upsala Nya Tidning 14.12.2016.
- Nordin, J.M & Ojala, C.-G,2015, ‘Collecting Sápmi. Early modern collecting of Sámi material culture’ Nordisk museologi 2015:2. 114–122.
- Nordin, J.M. 2015 & Ojala, C-G. Sápmis koloniala historia. Upsala Nya Tidning, 4.9.15,
- Nordin, J.M. 2015. Guldkusten. Slaveriet och det svenska järnet. Sverige i tiden: historier om ett levande land. Lotta Fernstål et al (eds). Historiska museet. Pp. 63–72.
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Spaces of Resilience and Resistance: Sami Habitation in Southern and Central Sweden During the Late Medieval and the Early Modern Period
2023. Jonas Monié Nordin. International Journal of Historical Archaeology (27), 480-505
ArticleThis paper examines traces of Sámi habitation in southern and central Scandinavia, particularly Sweden, addressing the late medieval period to the end of the nineteenth century. It begins with Swedish judicial policy against Sámi nomadism in central Sweden, followed by a discussion of medieval Sámi material culture in southern Scandinavia. Further analysis addresses so-called Parish-Lapp indenture, which allowed nomadic Sámi to escape eviction to the far north (as decreed in 1671) by serving the parish. Yet, Sámi groups maintained and developed ritual practices, foodways, and language in a society parallel to the majority society and in resistance to it.
Living on the margin: an archaeology of a Swedish Roma camp
2021. Jonas Monié Nordin, Lotta Fernstål, Charlotte Hyltén-Cavallius. World archaeology 53 (3), 517-530
ArticleIn 1959, the politics of assimilation led to the creation of a set of municipally organised camps for Roma people in the Stockholm area. The camps were to function as controlled settlements of transition for Roma families awaiting proper homes. This paper focuses on one such camp – the Skarpnäck Camp – which existed longer than anticipated, to the point that its continued operation was criticised as being inconsistent with the government’s assimilation policy. This paper represents an analysis of historical archaeological fieldwork at the former Skarpnäck Camp in southern Stockholm and is based upon interviews conducted with former inhabitants of and visitors to the camp. It uncovers aspects of Roma history on the margins of Swedish society and how marginalisation of the Roma group was given physical form in the creation of sanctioned camps.
The Deductionis coloniarum rationes & causae (1668): Building Arguments for Swedish Colonisation
2021. Anna Fredriksson, Jonas Monié Nordin, Carl-Gösta Ojala. Lias 48 (1), 123-193
ArticleThe dissertation Deductionis coloniarum rationes & causae, submitted at Uppsala University in 1668 under the presidency of Johannes Schefferus, appears to be the first contribution to the Swedish discourse on the subject of colonisation and colonialism. In this paper, a translation of the text is presented with a commentary and a list of sources. In an introduction to the translation, which discusses the text against the background of academic, political, and cultural contexts, we suggest that the dissertation relates to Swedish seventeenth-century colonial experiences in general, and, more specifically, to the colonial endeavour in Sápmi (i. e. the land of the Sámi) in the northern parts of Fennoscandia. Johannes Schefferus was one of the leading intellectuals of seventeenth-century Sweden, known for important contributions to archaeology, history, and philology. The writing of Deductionis coloniarum rationes & causae is put in relation to Scherferus' influential Lapponia (Frankfurt 1673), a work dealing with Sámi culture, economy, religion and history, which was published during a period of intensive Swedish colonial expansion in Sápmi.
Show all publications by Jonas Monié-Nordin at Stockholm University