Olle Nolgård
About me
I am Senior Lecturer in Social Studies and History Education at the Department of Teaching and Learning and obtained my doctoral degree in Curriculum Studies (Didaktik) from Uppsala University. My research interests include the teaching and learning of history, difficult histories, historical justice, human rights and Global Citizenship Education.
Journal articles (peer-review)
Nolgård, O (2022) De svenska romernas historia i SO-klassrummet: En designstudie på högstadiet [Swedish Roma History in the Social Studies Classroom: A design-based study in Lower Secondary School]. Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education. (2022:4).
Nolgård, O. (2021) Realising Roma rights through a high-stakes history test: Secondary school students narrating the Swedish Roma past, present and future. History Education Research Journal. Vol. 18(2):199-223. DOI: 10.14324/HERJ.18.2.05
Björk, O., Nolgård, O., & Nygren, T. (2020). Barn skriver historia: En studie av fjärdeklassares skrivande i historieämnet [Children writing history: A study on fourth-graders writing in History education] Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, (2020:2), 73–106.
Nolgård, O., Nygren, T., Tibbitts, F., Anamika, A., Bentrovato, D. Enright, P., Wassermann, J. & Welply, O. (2020). A global history in a global world? Human rights in history education in the Global North and South, Historical Encounters Journal: A journal of historical consciousness, historical cultures and history education, 7(1), 24 – 49. DOI: 10.52289/hej7.100
Nolgård, O. & Nygren, T. (2019) Considering the past and present of Romani in Sweden: secondary school pupils’ thinking and caring about the history of the Romani in national tests, Education Inquiry, DOI: 10.1080/20004508.2019.1607708
Doctoral dissertation
Nolgård, O. (2023). Historisk rättvisa i högstadiets historieundervisning: Elevperspektiv på de svenska romernas historia och mänskliga rättigheter [Historical Justice in Lower Secondary History Education: Student perspectives on Swedish Roma History and Human Rights]. Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala: Uppsala universitet
Conference presentations
Nolgård, O. (2022). De svenska romernas historia i klassrummet: en designstudie. Presented at ”Nationell historiedidaktisk konferens 2022”, Högskolan Dalarna, Falun, 11 – 12 maj, 2022.
Björk, O. & Nolgård, O. (2021). Emergent Historical Literacy: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Analysing Discplinary Literacy in Primary School History Education. Presented at “Nationell historiedidaktisk konferens 2021”, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 11-12 may 2021.
Nolgård, O. (2018). Considering the past and present of Romani in Sweden: Secondary school pupils’ thinking and caring about the history of the Romani in national tests. Presented at “Controversial societal issues in education and democracy”, Umeå Research Centre for Social Studies Didactics: Umeå University, Umeå, 24 - 25 october 2018.
Nolgård, O. (2018). Meeting the Romani with an Attitude?: National tests making Secondary school students’ think and care about the history of the Romani. In “4ème Conférence de l’Association Internationale de Recherche en Didactique de l’Historie et des Sciences Sociale (AIRDHSS): Citoyenneté, identité et altérité” . Université de Paris Diderot | Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC), Paris France, 6 au 8 juin, 2018.
Nolgård, O. (2018). Meeting the Romani with an Attitude?: National tests making Secondary school students’ think and care about the history of the Romani. Presented at ‘Nationell historiedidaktisk konferens’, Malmö University, Malmö, May 2018.
Other/in media
Nygren, T och Nolgård, O. 2019. ”Skolverket osynliggör minoriteter i historieundervisningen”. Skolvärlden (2019:8). Available through: https://skolvarlden.se/artiklar/skolverket-osynliggor-minoriteter-i-historieundervisningen
Nolgård, O. (tillsammans med 22 andra forskare). 2019. Remissvar på Skolverkets prop. Revidering av kurs-och ämnesplaner: ” Urfolk och minoriteter hör hemma i historieundervisningen”.
Oral presentations
“Empiriska elevperspektiv på de svenska romernas historia: möjligheter, utmaningar och didaktiska implikationer”, Forum för levande historia [The Living History Forum], Stockholm, May 31, 2023
”Global Citizens? Student Views on their Learning About Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development: reports from a comparative study”, The Global Citizenship Forum: Community Engagement in Higher Education, University of Otago, Dunedin, Nya Zeeland, July 30 2018