Patrick HammerGuest
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
A Model of Unified Perception and Cognition
2022. Pei Wang, Christian Hahm, Patrick Hammer. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5
ArticleThis article discusses an approach to add perception functionality to a general-purpose intelligent system, NARS. Differently from other AI approaches toward perception, our design is based on the following major opinions: (1) Perception primarily depends on the perceiver, and subjective experience is only partially and gradually transformed into objective (intersubjective) descriptions of the environment; (2) Perception is basically a process initiated by the perceiver itself to achieve its goals, and passive receiving of signals only plays a supplementary role; (3) Perception is fundamentally unified with cognition, and the difference between them is mostly quantitative, not qualitative. The directly relevant aspects of NARS are described to show the implications of these opinions in system design, and they are compared with the other approaches. Based on the research results of cognitive science, it is argued that the Narsian approach better fits the need of perception in Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
Neurosymbolic Systems of Perception and Cognition: The Role of Attention
2022. Hugo Latapie (et al.). Frontiers in Psychology 13
ArticleA cognitive architecture aimed at cumulative learning must provide the necessary information and control structures to allow agents to learn incrementally and autonomously from their experience. This involves managing an agent's goals as well as continuously relating sensory information to these in its perception-cognition information processing stack. The more varied the environment of a learning agent is, the more general and flexible must be these mechanisms to handle a wider variety of relevant patterns, tasks, and goal structures. While many researchers agree that information at different levels of abstraction likely differs in its makeup and structure and processing mechanisms, agreement on the particulars of such differences is not generally shared in the research community. A dual processing architecture (often referred to as System-1 and System-2) has been proposed as a model of cognitive processing, and they are often considered as responsible for low- and high-level information, respectively. We posit that cognition is not binary in this way and that knowledge at any level of abstraction involves what we refer to as neurosymbolic information, meaning that data at both high and low levels must contain both symbolic and subsymbolic information. Further, we argue that the main differentiating factor between the processing of high and low levels of data abstraction can be largely attributed to the nature of the involved attention mechanisms. We describe the key arguments behind this view and review relevant evidence from the literature.
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