Paolo MoligniniPostdoctor
About me
I divide my research mainly between interacting quantum light-matter systems and driven-dissipative many-body theory.
On the quantum optics side, I investigate correlated and strongly interacting phases of matter in ultracold quantum simulators. I am also a co-developer of MCTDH-X , a software that implements the MultiConfigurational Time-Dependent Hartree Method for indistinguishable particles to solve the many-body time-dependent Schroedinger equation. Recently, we have started to marry MCTDH-X with machine learning, and created UNIQORN - the Universal Neural-network Interface for Quantum Observable Readout from N-body wavefunctions. This program performs an efficient machine-learning-enhanced regression of observables in ultracold quantum simulators. I have also been applying machine learning to study topological phases of matter.
On the condensed matter side, my current research interests lie at the intersection between topological order, Floquet engineering, and quantum thermodynamics. I am investigating ways to extend the formalism of topological phase transitions to open and thermal systems, and how this relates to non-Hermitian quantum mechanis. On a more practical front, the goal is to apply this formalism to develop topological quantum heat machines at a microscopic scale.