Stockholm university

Patryk Sapa

About me

I graduated from Stockholm University in 2020 with a degree of Master of Laws. I have thereafter been working as a law clerk and junior judge at the Gothenburg district court of law. I am, since the fall of 2022, working on a comparative PhD-project regarding immoral contracts at Stockholm University.


I currently teach law students in private law and comparative law. I also teach contract law to students at the actuarial mathematics programme.


The aim of my project is to acquire knowledge of the similarities and differences in the way the legal systems of Poland, Spain, and Sweden handle immoral contracts by identifying so-called legal formants. Thus, the main research question is: How does the Polish, Spanish, and Swedish legal systems handle contracts that conflict with public interests, constitutional values or moral principles?

Research projects



Elgebrant, Larsson & Sapa (eds.), Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok XV, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, 2024

Schultz, Karlervik, & Sapa (eds.), Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok XIV, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, 2023


Sapa, Domarideal: Dworkins Herkules, Holmgårds Präst, Ungers Profet eller Latours Justitia, SvJT 2022, pp. 722-729

Presentations at conferences etc. (selection)

"Immorality of contracts – Poland, Spain and Sweden", research seminar at the Adam Mickiewicz university in Poznan, 2024

"Om avtal i strid med lag och goda seder", research seminar at Uppsala university, 2023

"Reflections on Legal Formants", conference Musings about Comparative Methodology, at the University of Florence, 2023