Stockholm university

Lena RoxellLecturer


Researcher, Lecturer


Pedrosa, A., Alm, S., Roxell, L., & Manchado, M. (2023). God moves in mysterious ways: Faith units and their influence on prison governance in Argentina and Sweden. European Journal of Criminology0(0).

Alm, S & Roxell, L. (2018).” Your Own Personal Jesus? Doctrinal Beliefs Versus Personal Spirituality Among Inmates Involved in the Monastery Route in Swedish Prisons”. Journal for the Scientific Study of  Religion.

Roxell, L (2016). ”Imprisonment and co-offending: results from a 10-year follow-up study”. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention. Vol. 17:2, 203-219.

Roxell, L., Alm, S. & DeMarinis, V. (2016). Röster om att gå I tystnad – en beskrivning och analys av Kriminalvårdens Klosterverksamhet. Norrköping: Kriminalvården.

Roxell, L. (2011): Hate, Threats, and Violence. A Register Study of Persons
Suspected of Hate Crime
, Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 12:2, 198-215

Roxell, L. (2011) “Co-Offending Among Prison Inmates”. The Prison Journal. September 2011 vol. 91 no. 3 366-389.

Roxell, L. (2009). ”Tur och retur. Tidsaspekter på återfall efter fängelset.” (”Round trip. Timing of relapse after prison") I: “Efter løsladelse” - ”Nyere forskning i ungdomskriminalitet” - ”Kriminalitetskontrol og nordisk kriminalpolitik/Nordisk komparativ forskning” ”Ungdomskriminalitet – nye kriminalpolitiske tendenser”. Rapport fra NSfK:s 51. forskerseminar, Gilleleje, Danmark 2009. Oslo: Nordiska samarbetsrådet för kriminalvetenskap.

Roxell, L. och Tiby, E. (2008). ”Hatbrott i vardag och arbetsliv. Frågor, fält och filter”(”Hate crimes in the living and working. Questions, fields and filters”) Rapport: Våld i välfärdsland, Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap.

Roxell, L. (2007). Fångar i ett nätverk? Fängelser, interaktioner och medbrottslingsskap. (”Prisoners in a network? Prisons, interaktiona and co-offending”) Akademisk avhandling i allmän kriminologi. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, Kriminologiska institutionen.

Roxell, L. och Tiby, E., (red.), (2006). Frågor, fält och filter. Kriminologisk metodbok. (Questions, fields and filters. Criminological methods book). Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Roxell, L. (2006). ”Betydelsen av anonymitet, kontext och bortfall vid självrapportundersökningar.” (”The importance of anonymity, context and failure at self-report surveys”). I: Roxell, L. och Tiby, E., (red). Frågor, fält och filter. Kriminologisk metodbok. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Roxell, L. (2006). ”Vem begår brott med vem? Nätverksanalys av registerdata.” (”Who commits crimes with whom? Network analysis of registry data”) I: Roxell, L. och Tiby, E., (red). Frågor, fält och filter. Kriminologisk metodbok. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • God moves in mysterious ways: Faith units and their influence on prison governance in Argentina and Sweden

    2023. Albert Pedrosa (et al.). European Journal of Criminology


    Faith-based units are prison spaces centred on the performance of religious practices that can nowadays be found in prisons in several countries. These faith-based practices have usually been explored in relation to the effects they have on inmates, but there are few studies that have explored how their presence affects prison life and how they can influence prison governance. This article will compare two different faith-based prison experiences located in two very different social and penitentiary contexts, Argentina and Sweden, in order to explore how the presence of these units affects prison management. To do so, we will analyse semi-structured interviews with 55 individuals conducted in prisons in both countries.

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