Sideek Seyad
About me
Current Position: Docent (Associate Professor of EU Law)
Docent in European Integration Law (14 October 2002)
Doctor in Law (LLD), Faculty of Law, University of Stockholm, Sweden (2 June 1997)
Post Graduate Diploma in Law, University of Stockholm, Sweden (17 October 1989)
Master’s degree in Law (LLM), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (1 July 1986)
Attorney at Law, Sri Lanka Law College, Colombo, Sri Lanka (27 September 1982)
Bachelors degree in Law, (LLB), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (1 October 1980)
Professional qualifications:
Attorney-at Law, Shri lanka
Life member, Bar Association of Shri lanka
Former Public Prosecutor, Attorney Generals Department, Shri lanka
1." Environmental Law and Introduction to EEC Law", Duke University, North Carolina, course conducted in Denmark.
2. "Problems in Contemporary International Law", Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Finland.
3. "A general course on Human Rights", International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
4. "East-West Relations", Institute of International Public Law, Thessaloniki, Greece.
5. “The International Community and the EC in view of the challenge of 1992", Institute of International Public Law, Thessaloniki, Greece.
6. "General and Specialised course on EEC Law and the Law of Human Rights in Europe", European University Institute, Academy of European Law, Italy.
List of Publications:
1. EU Financial Law, Jure Publishing House, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2010 (447 pages).
2. European Financial Integration Law, Jure Publications, Stockholm, Sweden, November 2001 (261 pages).
3. European Law on the Free Movement of Capital and EMU, Kluwer Law International, the Netherlands 1999 (399 pages).
4. Professor Bernitz, Ulf, (co-author) The Legal Structure of the European Financial Market, Norstedts Juridik AB, Stockholm, Sweden, 1997 (178 pages).
Peer-reviewed articles
1.A critical overview of the objectives and future direction of the Brics and its New Development Bank (2016) 9 J.I.B.Reg.
2. ‘Current developments in the enforcement of WTO rulings under European Union Law’, [2015] Int.T.L.R. 102-115.
3 “ A legal analysis of the ECB’s OMT program to combat the debt crisis” (2015) 30 J.I.B.L.R.349-358.
4. “A legal analysis of the control of national budgets by the EU institutions” (2015) 30 J.I.B.L.R.251-260.
5. “The impact of the financial and fiscal crisis on regional integration within and outside EU” (2015) Chinese Journal of International Law 35-50.
6. “The impact of the proposed Banking Union on the unity and integrity of the EU’s single market” (2013) J.I.B.L.R. 49-58.
7. “A critical evaluation of the revised and enlarged European Stability and Growth Pact (2012) J.I.B.L.R. 202-211.
8. “Protection of EU bank depositors after the 2008 global financial crisis” (2012) ET 55-80.
9. “A Legal Analysis of the European Financial Stability Mechanism” (2011) 26 J.I.B.L.R. 421-433.
10. “A Critical Assessment of the Payment Services Directive” (2008) J.I.B.L.R. 218-230
11. “The European Constitutional Crisis and its Consequences on the Euro” (2007) JT 148-160
12. “Legal Consequences of the EU Enlargement for the Euro: Part 11” (2007) J.I.B.L.R. 39-48
13. “Legal Consequences of the EU Enlargement for the Euro: Part 1” (2006) J.I.B.L.R. 708-718
14. “Reflections on the Stability and Growth Pact” (2004) E.T. 129-135
15. “Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact” (2004) E.T. 655-665
16. “Destabilization of the European Stability and Growth Pact” (2004) J.I.B.L. R. 239
17. “The World, Safety and International Law: A sight in the Future”, Law Faculty, St. Petersburg State University, Russia (2003)
18. “A critical assessment of the proposed EU Savings Income Directive” (2002) 6 E.C.T.J. 45-68
19. “Swedish Accession to the Euro land” (2002) 2 E.T. 191-211
20. “Legal instruments to combat money laundering in the EU financial market” (2002) 6 J.M. L. C. 66-79
21. “A Critical Assessment of the Lamfalussy Report on the E.U. Securities Market” (2002) B.L.I. 290-306
22. “The impact of the euro on the future developments of the European Union" (2001) 4 E.T. 125-138
23. “Consumer Protection in the EC Financial Market"(2001) 8 Consum.L.J. 383-405
24. “Recent Case Law in the Field of Free Movement of Capital" (2001) 3 J.I.B.Reg. 178-191
25. “A Single Regulator for the EC Financial Market" (2001) 16 J.I.B.L. 203-212
26. “Is the purported exclusion of Sweden from the Euro land Justified?” (2000) 11 E.B.L.R. 363-372.
27. “The impact of the judgment in Trummer and Mayer on the E.U. financial market" (2000) 3 E.T. 487-497
28. “National Interests Limiting E.U. Cross-Border Bank Mergers" (2000) 21 E.C.L.R. 248-257
29. “Exchange Control Regulations in Malaysia: A Critical Overview” (1999) 14 J.I.B.L. 364-372
30. “A Critical Assessment of the ECJ Judgment in Trummer and Mayer” (1999) 14 J.I.B.F.L. 396-401
31. “Competition Rules of Sweden and the European Union Compared" (1998) 19 E.C.L.R. 237-242
32. “The Impact of E.U. Law on bank mergers in Sweden" (1998) 13 J.I.B.L. 305-311
33. “Limitations to Free Movement of Banking Services" (1997) 12 J.I.B.L. 67-73
34. “European Monetary Union: A Legal Analysis of the Budget Stability Pact" (1997) 12 J.I.B.F.L. 351-353
35. “A legal analysis of the Euro Regulations" (1997) 8 E.B.L.R. 166-169
36. “A critical interpretation of the EMU Convergence Rules" (1997) 24 L.I.E.I. 1-16
37. Bernitz, Ulf, (co-author) “National Prudential Rules Override Capital Freedom" (1996) 11 J.I.B.L. 235-238
38. “A Critical Overview of the Banking Laws in Russia" (1996) 3 E.F.S.L. 107-112
39. “EC Court Sanctions International Capital Movements" (1996) 3 INT T.L.R. 96-102
40. “Capital movements and the currency crisis in the European Union" (1996) 3 E.F.S.L. 193-200
41. “Legal and Judicial Developments in the Field of Capital Movements" (1996) 7 E.B.L.R. 273-279
42. “National tax laws reign supreme over capital freedom in the European Union" (1995) 2 E.F.S.L. 180-185
43. “Public Policy Limits Capital Movements in the European Common Market" (1995) 6 E.B.L.R. 262-269
44. “Sweden and European Economic and Monetary Union" (1995) 2 E.F.S.L. 288-295
45. “Nature and Scope of the European Banking Laws and Systems" (1994) 4 Pravo Vegeniya 112-115, Faculty of Law, Leningrad University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
46. “Evolution of the European Common Market", (1992) 2 Law Gazette 40-41, Bar Association of Sri Lanka
Other scientific articles:
1. “An evaluation of the European Council report on its roadmap towards a genuine economic and monetary union”, policy report submitted to the Swedish National Board of Trade (Kommerskollegium) 2012 (14 pages).
2. “A Legal Analysis of the Global Financial crisis from an EU Perspective”, European Policy Report, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2009 (7 pages).
3. “The Lisbon Treaty and the Economic and Monetary Union”, European Policy Report, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm, 2008 (8 pages).
Other Scientific work:
1. A Comparative Study of the Ombudsman System in Sri Lanka and Scandinavia, Faculty of Law, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 1990.
2. Writ remedies in Sri Lanka and Common Wealth Jurisdictions-A Comparative Study, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1987.
1. Legal Framework to Combat Human Trafficking in the European Union: Relevance for South Asia, in (Editors) Henrik Berglund, Mondira Dutta and Per Hilding, “Development and Regional Cooperation in Central Asia and South Asia, Euro-Asian Perspectives” Pentagon Press, Delhi, India, 2016
2. Chapters on A. ‘Free movement of Capital, Articles 63-66 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union’ (75 pages) and B ‘Transitional provisions on Economic and Monetary Union, Articles 139-141 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union’ (75 pages), (Eds.) Professor Stelio Mangiameli and Professor Hermann-Josef Blanke Commentary on the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, Springer Publishing (Heidelberg, Germany (to be published in 2019)
3. Chapter on “Free Movement of Capital after Lisbon Treaty” (Ed.) Professor Dennis Patterson The Companion to European Union Law and International Law, Wiley-Blackwell Malden, MA 02148, 2016 (15 pages).
4. Chapter on “The EU Anti-Money Laundering Legal Regime”, (Eds.) Karin Svedberg Helgesson, Ulrika Mörth, Securitization, Accountability and Risk Management, Transforming the Public Security Domain, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group 2012.
5.”The EU Response to the Global Financial Crisis” (Eds.) Rådmannen Kavita Mirchandani och Justitierådet Kristina Ståhl, Förhandlingarna vid Det 39: e nordiska juristmötet i Stockholm, 18-19 August 2011.
6. ”En rättslig analys av EUs stabilitetspakt och möjligheten att inrätta en fiscal union” (Eds.) Ulf Bernitz, Lars Oxelheim, “Överlever EMU Utan Fiskal Union? Santerus, Sweden 2011.
7. “Contribution of general principles to EC financial market integration”, (Eds.) Ulf Bernitz and Joachim Nergelius, General Principles of EC Law in a Process of Development, Kluwer Law International, 2008
8. “Supervisory barriers to cross-border bank mergers” ‘The EU Single Market in Financial Services: Latest Steps, Future Initiatives and Pending Tasks", European Institute of Public Administration, European Centre for Judges and Lawyers, Luxembourg, 11 and 12 October 2007
9. “Legal basis and scope of the EC insurance market” Essays on Tort, Insurance, Law and
Society in Honour of Professor Bill W. Dufwa, Jure Förlag AB, Stockholm, 2006
10. “Legislative Initiative in the Field of Direct Taxation in the EC” (2003) 45 Scandinavian Studies in Law, Company Law, 249-258
11. "Legal Impediments to European Banking Integration" in (Ed.) Matti Rudanko, The European Financial Area 101-120, University of Helsinki, Katti 31, 1998
12.”Banking System in the European Union” 4 Ceybank News 27-29, Bank of Ceylon, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1998
13. "The relevance of the free movement of capital for the establishment of the internal market" (1997) XX Thesaurus Acroasium, 343-358 (Institute of International Public Law and International Relations, Thessaloniki, Greece)
14. "Is there a Conflict between the Principle of Free Flow of Capital and Prudential Supervision on National Level?” Sideek Mohamed and Ulf Bernitz (co-editors.) The Legal Structure of the European Financial Market 51-67, Juristförlaget, Stockholm, 1997
15. "A survey of regional economic organizations and their compatibility to the South Asian region", Asia on the Leap, The Role of Law, Joint Publication of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka and the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific 47-55, Ceylon Printers Ltd., Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1993
16. "The Legal Basis for the Free Movement of Capital under the Treaty of Rome" 109-134, in Pekka Timonen (Ed.) Nordic Perspectives on European Financial Integration, University of Helsinki, Katti 4, 1992
17. ”A Comparative Study of the Protection of Human Rights Under the European Convention and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights and its Implications for East-West Relations”, Institute of International Public Law and International Relations, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1990
Book Reviews
1. Francis, Snyder, The EU, the WTO and China: Legal pluralism and international trade regulation, Hart Publishers, 2011, electronic version, Law and Politics Book Review, Department of Government & Politics, University of Maryland, USA.
2. Stefan Zleptnig., Non-Economic Objectives in WTO Law: Justification Provisions of GATT, GATS, SPS and TBT Agreements, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010, electronic version, Law and Politics Book Review, Department of Government & Politics, University of Maryland; USA.
3. Joel Trachtman, The Economic Structure of International Law, Harvard University Press, 2008, electronic version, Law and Courts Section of the American Political Science Association, 2009。
4. Julio Baquero Cruz, Between Competition and Free Movement: The Economic Constitutional Law of the European Community, Hart Publishing, 2002, electronic publication, Law and Courts Section, American Political Science Association, 2003。
5. Sara Dillon, International Trade and Economic Law and the European Union, Hart Publishing, 2002, Law and Politics Book Review, electronic publication, Law and Courts Section, American Political Science Association, 2003.
6. Joseph J. Norton, Financial Sector Law Reform in Emerging Economies, British Institute for International and Comparative Law Publication, London, 2000, reviewed in (2002) 51 I.C.L.Q. 752
7. Fabian Amtenbrink, The Democratic Accountability of Central Bank: A comparative study of the European Central Bank, (Hart Publishing1999) reviewed in (2001) 4 E.T.
8. Walker and Beaumont, Legal Framework of the European Single Currency, (Hart Publishing 2000) reviewed in (2000) 3 E.T. 701.
Guest research fellow:
1. Research fellow, Law Institute, University of Edinburg, UK
2. Centre for European Law, King College, London
3. Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
4. International Banking Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
5. Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
6. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing and Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China
7. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark.
8. International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden, the Netherlands.
9. National University of Singapore
10. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
11. Academy of Science, Riga, Latvia.
12. Polotsk State University, Polotosk, Belarus
13. Guest research fellow, Institute of European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford
14. Fellowship, Law School, Seoul National University, Korea
Conference paper presenations-national and international:
1.”A critical overview of the EU’s Banking Union”, School of Law, Seoul National University, Korea, 24 May 2016.
2. ”A Comparative Analysis of the BRICS Bank and European Investment Bank” International Law Forum: “Global Governance and Rule of International Law” 31 October-1 November 2015, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of International Law, Beijing, China
3. “Legal aspects of sanctions under European and International Law,’ International Legal Forum, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, organized by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, 28-30 May 2015, St Petersburg, Russia.
4. Chief organiser of the two-day conference ‘EU-China relations in the post global financial and euro crisis, 18/19 May 2015, Stockholm (funded by the Vetenskapsrådet)
5. ‘A critical overview of the legal measures adopted to combat the EU fiscal crisis’, seminar paper presented at joint seminar organised by the Faculty of Law/Said Business School, University of Oxford, 18 January 2015, Oxford.
6. ‘The impact of the financial and fiscal crisis on regional integration within and outside EU’, The Opportunities and Challenges for International Law: Crisis, Order and Law”, 15-16 November 2014, Beijing, China.
7. Swedish Report on Economic and Monetary Union, FIDE XXV1 Congress, June 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark,
8. Objectives and Key Elements of EU’s Banking Union, 4 March 2014, Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, Stockholm University,
9. ‘EU as a Model of Social Justice and its Relevance to MENA Region’, Research Seminar on Religion, Law and Society, organised jointly by the Swedish Institute and Network of Swedish Universities, 10-11 February 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
10. Enforcement of WTO Rulings under EU Law, 10th International Law Forum: “International Law in an Era of Globalization: New Structure, New Order and New Development” 9-10 November 2013, Beijing, China.
11. Chair, panel discussion, ‘Eurasian Economic Community’, comprising of the Honourable Ministers of Justice, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, St Petersburg Legal Forum, May 2013, St Petersburg, Russia
12. “Critical reflections on the draft Fiscal treaty and the proposed Banking Union” Seminar on the Euro Pact” The Swedish Network for European Legal Studies, Stockholm Waterfront, Stockholm, Sweden, 11 December 2012
13. “ EU’s legal response to the fiscal crisis” The European Union as a Political and Economic Environment, Nordic-Chinese Academic Conference on European Integration Nordic Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai, China 29 November – 1 December, 2012
14. “EU as a model for the integration of the Euro-Asian Economic Community”, International Legal Forum, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, organized by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, 18-19 May 2012
15. “En rättslig analys av EU’s stabilitetspakt och möjligheten att inrätta en fiscal union” “Överlever EMU Utan Fiskal Union?, Santerus, Sweden , book presentation, City Conference Center, Stockholm, Sweden, 2 February 2011
16. “Reforming the EU Financial Market: A New Legal Framework”, Swedish Network for European Legal Studies, Sheraton Stockholm Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden 11 March 2011
17. “Can the EMU survive without a fiscal union?" Joint organizers Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and Skåne European Office, Sweden House, Brussels, Belgium, 6 May 2011
18. “Soft law from the Perspective of EU Law’, International symposium on Practice and Theory of Soft Law, Peking University Law School, Peking, China, 9 July 2011
19. “An Overview of EU Legal Reforms after the Global Financial Crisis’, Nordic Lawyers Conference, City Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 August 2011
20. “EU Legal Instruments to combat cross border crimes, Kherson Law Institute and Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 29 October 2010
21. “Post global financial and economic crisis”, Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China, November 2010
22. “Scope and effectiveness of EC legal instruments to combat money laundering” Workshop on Accountability and Anti Money Laundering, Hotel Kung Carl, Stockholm, 25 April 2009
23. “Current Developments in the European Financial Market” European Centre for Judges and Lawyers, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) Luxembourg 2003-2006
24. “Contribution of general principles to EC financial market integration” Swedish Network for European Studies, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2007
25. “The Legal Implications of EU Enlargement”, Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany 2004
26. “EU Enlargement’ Centre for European Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom 2004
27. “The World, Safety and International Law: A Sight in the Future”, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University, Russia 2003
28. “How Does the Internal Market for Financial Services Work?”, Academy of European Law, Trier, Germany and the Institute of International Economic Law, University of Helsinki, Finland 2002
29. “Financial Services and the General Good”, jointly organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers, The Swedish Network for Research on European Legal Studies and Skandia Insurance Company, Stockholm, Sweden 2000
30. “Legal Aspects of the Euro”, Swedish Network for Research on European Legal Studies, Stockholm, Sweden 1999
31. "The Legal Structure of the European Financial Market", Swedish Network for European Legal Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden, 1996
32. “European Financial Area", Institute of International Economic Law, University of Helsinki, Finnish National Fund for Research and Development, the Bank of Finland and the Academy of Finland, Helsinki, Finland 1996
33 “Asia on the Leap, The Role of Law", Bar Association of Sri Lanka and the Law Association of Asia and the Pacific, held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1993
34. “Nordic Perspectives on European Financial Integration”, Institute of International Economic Law, University of Helsinki and the Nordic Council for Research on European Integration Law, Helsinki, Finland, 1992
Current Research:
My area of legal research for the next five years (Fall 2015-2020) deals with the European Banking Union (EBU). I have secured a prestigious research funding from the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (MMW) to carry out this research project. I initiated this project during my sabbatical leave at the University of Oxford, UK in the fall term 2014-2015.
Apart from my main research project dealing with the Banking Union, I also focus my research to following EU legal issues:
Law of the Money
Banking law
Taxation of financial services
Financial crimes
Consumer protection-deposit guarantee schemes and the payment system,
Monetary law
Constitutional Law
Financial law in China.
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Free Movement of Capital
2016. Sideek M. Seyad. Companion to European Union Law and International Law, 229-241
ChapterThis chapter examines the progressive nature of liberalization of the free movement of capital supported by reference to the relevant treaty provisions, secondary legislation, and case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The free movement of capital is closely associated with the single currency of the European Union, the euro; consequently, the chapter will also briefly examine the current reform measures introduced for its effective management. The rules on the free movement of capital were set out in Articles 67 to 73 European Economic Community (EEC) with the aim of facilitating the liberalization of the capital movements between the member states. The change of the legal foundation of the free movement of capital after the Maastricht Treaty has created some degree of uncertainty over the legal status of Capital Directive 88/361/EEC as it owes its existence to the repealed Article 67 EEC.
Show all publications by Sideek Seyad at Stockholm University