Sini TalvinenPost doc
About me
I started as a PostDoc at ACES-L in autumn 2023 and I am studying the feedbacks between a changing climate and vegetation with special focus on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and biogenic aerosols. I am especially interested how changes in tree physiology affect their emissions, and what their climate impacts are. We want to investigate whether there is a connection between plant physiological behaviour expressed, e.g., through sap flow, and biogenic VOCs, and how those connections are linked to environmental variables including, for example, photosynthetically active radiation and cloudiness.
I am also part of the EU project FORCeS ( in which I have focus on the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. I have a special focus on the effects of clouds and precipitation during the travel of the airmass by utilising long-term observations and General Circulation Model (GCMs) data within the Lagrangian trajectory framework.