Tara NanavazadehPhD student
About me
I am a PhD-student in Theoretical Philosophy and my area of expertise is in the History of Philosophy. Most specifically, ancient philosophy and the Platonic corpus. My supervisors are Miira Tuominen and Henrik Lagerlund.
My research is on Plato’s theory of evil in his last dialogue the Laws. I discuss the possibility of a metaphysical shift in the source of evil and how this is reflected in the moral and political scheme of the dialogue. The latter referring to the totalitarian accusation and the line between force and persuasion in the best state.
I received my MA at Uppsala University, under the supervision of Olof Pettersson and Pauliina Remes. My master thesis was on the ontological status of the perceptible qualities in the Timaeus.
My area of interest includes the metaphysics and ethics of the Laws, Timaeus, Gorgias and the Republic, as well as theories of cosmology, ancient medicine and questions regarding the divided soul.