Stockholm university

Daniel Tarschys

About me

Daniel Tarschys is Professor Emeritus of Political Science.

Professional career

  • Research Associate (docent), Stockholm University, 1972-1976
  • Adviser, Ministry of Finance, 1976-1978 and 1979-1983
  • Secretary of State, Prime Minister's Office, 1978-1979
  • Professor in Soviet and East European Studies, Uppsala University, 1983-1985
  • Professor in Political Science and Public Administration, Stockholm University, 1985-2010 (on leave 1985-99)
  • Secretary General, Council of Europe, 1994-1999.

Political functions

  • City Councillor in Lidingö, 1970-1976
  • Liberal Member of the Swedish Parliament for Stockholm County, 1976-1982 and 1985-1994
  • Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee of the Swedish Parliament, 1985-1991
  • Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Swedish Parliament, 1991- 1994
  • Vice-President of the Liberal International 1992-1994
  • Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 1986-1994, alternate 1981-1983; Chairman of the Liberal, Democratic and Reformers Group 1991-1994.


  • Chairman of the Government Committee on Public Policy Planning (Förvaltningsutredningen), 1977-1983
  • Chairman of the Expert Group for Studies in Public Finance (ESO), 1981-1983 and 1986-1992
  • Chairman of the Nordic Committee on Soviet and East European Studies, 1983-1987
  • Chairman of the Board of the Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation with Developing Countries (SAREC), 1991-1994
  • Chairman of the Board of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 1992-2000
  • Chairman of the Board of the Centre for Evaluation of Social Policy (CUS), 1993-94
  • Chairman of the Board of the Stockholm University-Karolinska Institutet Ageing Research Centre (ARC) 2000-2006
  • Chairman of the Board of the Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies (ITPS) 2001-2007
  • Chairman of the Swedish National Council on Medicine and Ethics 2001-2011
  • Chairman of the Board of the International Programme Office for Education and Training 2003-2007
  • Chairman of the Board of the Edita and Ira Morris Hiroshima Foundation 2004-
  • Chairman of the European Conference of National Ethics Committees (Cometh) 2005-2007
  • Chairman of the Board of Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation) 2006-2014
  • Chairman of the Board of the European Humanities University (Vilnius) 2012-2016
  • Chairman of the Board of the Research Institute of the Åbo Akademi Foundation 2012-
  • Chairman of the Board of the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul 2013-


  • Board Member of the International Committee on Soviet and East European Studies (ICSEES), 1985-90
  • Member, Norwegian Committee on Leadership and Organisation Research (LOS - kommittén), 1991-94
  • Member, Conseil d'Administration, Centre des Études Européennes de Strasbourg, 1995-99
  • Member, Board of Trustees, European University S:t Petersburg, 1997-2000
  • Member, Academia Europea, 1998-
  • Member, European Group of Public Law, 1998-
  • Member of the Convention for Drafting the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, 1999 - 2000 (personal representative of the Swedish Prime Minister)
  • Member, Executive Committee, International Political Science Association (IPSA) 2003-2009; Vice President 2006-2009
  • Member, Scientific Council of the Swedish National Audit Agency, 2003-2012
  • Member of the Government Committee on Constitutional Reform, 2004-2008
  • Member, Immovable Properties Commission (Nicosia), 2006-
  • Member, Board of Trustees of the European Studies Institute (Moscow), 2007-2014
  • Member, Board of Trustees of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (Tbilisi), 2008-
  • Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2008-
  • Member, Recruitment Committee of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2009-2013
  • Member, Board of the Sverker Åström Foundation for the Furtherance of Swedish-Russian Relations, 2009-
  • Member. Stipend Committee of the Sweden-America Foundation 2010-


  • Fil. kand., Stockholm University 1963
  • Jur.kand., Stockholm University 1965
  • Exchange student, Law Faculty of Leningrad University, spring term 1966
  • Fil. lic., Stockholm University, 1967
  • Master of Arts, Princeton University 1967
  • PhD, Princeton University 1972
  • Fil. dr., Stockholm University 1972

Honours and awards

  • Docent, Stockholm University, 1972
  • Herbert Tingsten Award (shared with Ingemar Hedenius), 1976
  • Docent, Åbo Akademi, 1980
  • Nagrada Sloboda (Prix liberté), Centre International pour la Paix, Sarajevo, 1995
  • Grosskreuz des Fürstlich Liechtensteinischen Verdienstordens, 1996
  • Gran Croce de S:ta Agata (San Marino), 1997
  • Gold Medal, Comenius University of Bratislava (Slovakia), 1997
  • Doctor Honoris Causa, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj (Romania), 1997
  • Citoyen d'Honneur, Ville de Dammarie-lès-Lys (France) 1998
  • Nomisma Honoris, Law Faculty, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), 1999
  • Steaua României, în gradul de Mare Cruce (Romania), 1999
  • Gran Cruz de la Orden del Mérito Civil (Spain), 1999
  • Grosses Verdienstkreuz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit Schulterband und Stern, 2000
  • The Swedish King's Medal, 12th Size with Serafim Ribbon, 2004
  • Senior Fellow, Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI), University of Bonn, 2009
  • Karl Staaff Gold Medal, 2009.


Swedish, English, French, German, Russian.


Daniel Tarschys' research interests are European politics and integration, comparative politics, legislatures, human rights, budget policy, accountability in politics and public administration.


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • The Parliament and the Budget

    2009. Daniel Tarschy. Bütçe sürecinde parlamentonun deĝişen rolü


    Performance budgeting is sweeping the globe. What role can legislatures play as agencies of monitoring and oversight? Observers are none too optimistic. "There is very little direct evidence that performance information in budgets and annual reports is directly used by members of parliament in their oversight", concludes one recent comparative study. Most parliaments have limited amending competence in budgetary decisions and exercise scant control and monitoring over the execution of budgets. There seems to be general agreement that MPs pay little attention to the formal reporting on administrative performance. But there are several ways in which parliaments can get involved in decisions on public policy and public finance. Enhancing their contribution to boosting government performance requires attention to the analytical resource base as well as to parliamentary procedure.

    Read more about The Parliament and the Budget

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