Stockholm university

Nhu Truong

About me

Nhu Truong is a Doctoral student in Science Education at the Department of Teaching and Learning at Stockholm University. Her primary research interests focus on academic resilience, educational equity, social justice and gender issues in education. Her ongoing research project investigates the factors that contribute to promote student's academic resilience in science.

Nhu is also currently working as a Research Assistant at the IMMPACT Project

Nhu holds a Master degree in Sociology and Social Research at Trento University (Italy); was a visiting scholar at Department of Education (University of Oxford), and Department of Teacher Education and School Research (University of Oslo); and also worked at UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand).



Valero, P., Österling, L., Truong, N., Danielsson, A., Nunes, B., & Berge, M. (2025). First-year university students’ mathematics capital and identities. The Mathematics Enthusiast22(3), 311-334.

Truong, N., Danielsson, A., Anderhag, P. (2023). Understanding Disciplinary-specific Academic Resilience: Case Study of a Southeast Asian Scholar in Higher Education in Sweden. The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, Scotland.

Truong, N., Teig, N. (2023). How do socioeconomically disadvantaged students overcome the ’odds’ to succeed in science? – Evidence from PISA 2015. LIVES International Conference, Lusanne, Switzerland.

Danielsson, A., Berge, M., Österling L., Valero, P., Truong, N., Nunes, B. L. (2023). Walking ethnographies in Higher education spaces of Physics and Mathematics. The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, Scotland.  

Truong, N.,Triventi, M. (2022, July). How adverse family characteristics and events shape children’s educational outcomes in Viet Nam? - Evidence from Young Lives surveys. European Consortium for Sociological Research annual conference (ECSR), Amsterdam, Netherland.


Invited talks

Academic resilience in science. Humanization of Computing and Engineering Education 2024 (HCEE), Uppsala University (Uppsala, 2024).

How do minoritised students overcome the odds to succeed in science? Department of Education, University of Oxford (Oxford, 2023).

Academic resilience in science - Evidence from PISA 2015. Department of Education, University of Oxford (Oxford, 2023).

Academic resilience – How do socioeconomically disadvantaged students overcome adversities to do good in science? Center for Educational Leadership and Excellence, Stockholm School of Economics (Stockholm, 2023).

Measuring academic resilience in the different contexts. Workshop on Academic Resilience – Large-scale Educational Assessment (LEA) research group, University of Oslo (Oslo, 2023). 

Research projects