Vera SundinPhD student
About me
PhD student in Comparative Literature since September 2017. Born in 1989. Master's degree in Comparative Literature from Uppsala University. Courses in French, English and Psychology. Active in the Swedish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.
The topic of my PhD project Den pastorala koden (The Pastoral Code) is the different functions of pastoral in Swedish literature from the Mid-Eighteenth Century to the second half of the Nineteenth Century. I am particularly interested in themes such as urbanity, patriotism, protofeminism and genre. My dissertation will examine writings by Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht (1718–1763), Gustaf Fredrik Gyllenborg (1731–1808), Erik Johan Stagnelius (1793–1823) och Julia Nyberg/Euphrosyne (1785–1854), among others.
Anna Albrektson, Thomas Götselius
Areas of interest
Eighteenth-Century studies, pastoral, literary salons, protofeminism, genre theory, temporality
Conference papers
"Pastoralen i frihetstidens tragedi – inledande reflektioner", Den frihetstida svenska tragedien, Stockholm, December 2022
"Lejon eller lo? Rätt och fel i det sena 1700-talets naturgestaltning. Cool Nature: Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1740–1820" (panel discussion), Nordic 18th Century Conference, Copenhagen, August 2022
"Finding a Northern Arcadia: The Role of Pastoral in the Works of Tankebyggarorden", The Pleasures of Imagination – Art, Architecture and Aesthetics in 18th Century Europe, Helsinki, October 2021
"I pastoralens rum: Tankebyggarna och det svenska Arkadien", SWECS19, Stockholm, October 2019
"The Potential of Pastoral: Female Authorship and the Elasticity of the Idyllic Code", ISECS Congress 2019, Edinburgh, July 2019
"Cool Nature: Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1740–1840", with Anna Albrektson et al., 1700-tal, 2022
Review: Arne Jönsson, Valborg Lindgärde, Daniel Möller & Arsenii Vetushko-Kalevich (eds.): Att dikta för livet, döden och evigheten, Lychnos, 2021
"Nordenflycht vågade ta debatten med Gud", Under strecket, Svenska Dagbladet 2016-11-05
Review: Hugo Nordland: Känslor i krig: Sensibilitet och emotionella strategier bland svenska officerare 1788–1814, 1700-tal, 2016
"L’Amour Raisonnable: Précieuse Perspectives on Love – Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht and the French Seventeenth-Century Salon", Traces of Transnational Relations in the Eighteenth Century, ed. Tim Berndtsson et al., Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2015