Stockholm university

Research group Martin Ott's research group

Mitochondria allow our cells to use oxidative phosphorylation as a highly efficient way to generate ATP. The membrane-bound respiratory chain complexes are composed of proteins from two genetic origins, namely the nuclear and the mitochondrial DNA. The research of our group concerns the synthesis and assembly of the mitochondrially encoded proteins.

Group description

Defects in the expression of mitochondrial genes can cause or influence many human diseases including cancer, aging and mitochondrial disorders. However, surprisingly little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying the biogenesis of mitochondrially encoded proteins. We employ a large variety of biochemical, cell and molecular biology methods to gain mechanistic insights into this fundamental process.

We are always interested in qualified and motivated new co-workers. If you are interested in joining the group as undergraduate student for a Bachelor or a Master thesis, as PhD student or postdoc, please contact Martin Ott.

Group members

Group managers


Andreas Carlström

PhD student

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Carmela Vazquez Calvo


Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute