Stockholm university

Research project Energy conversion in biological membranes

The respiratory chain of mitochondria and aerobic bacteria is composed of membrane-bound enzymes that transfer electrons from a donor, NADH, to an acceptor, O2. The sequential electron transfer through these complexes is linked to transmembrane proton translocation, which maintains an electrochemical proton gradient that is used to store free energy.

In mitochondria the functionality of the respiratory chain is underpinned by dynamic interactions, which involve structural changes, modulation of subunit isoforms, binding of regulatory proteins or small molecules. The aim of the current project is to understand how these interactions regulate function of the respiratory chain.

We study proton transport across biological membranes, electron and proton-transfer reactions within the respiratory complexes, and regulatory interactions between membrane proteins involved in these processes. We investigate isolated respiratory oxidases from bacteria and mitochondria, supramolecular assemblies of respiratory chain complexes as well as intact mitochondrial membranes. A wide range of biochemical and biophysical techniques are used (several of these developed by us), combined with the use of single-particle cryogenic electron microscopy, to study and understand energy conversion at the molecular level in terms of physical mechanisms.

Project members

Project managers

Peter Brzezinski

Professor of Biochemistry

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Peter Brzezinski