Stockholm university

Research project Storage, Transmission, and Renewable Interactions in the Nordic Grid (STRING)

The intermittency of variable renewable energy sources, such as wind power, may be balanced by flexible generation from hydropower. Via game theory, we examine how strategic hydro producers could exploit this enhanced leverage in the Nordic power sector.

Genre photo: Sollefteå water power plant. Photo: Pia G Johansson/Mostphotos.
Sollefteå water power plant. Photo: Pia G Johansson/Mostphotos.

Decarbonising the power sector by 2040 requires substantial investment in variable renewable energy sources (VRES). Since VRES output is intermittent and location specific, it necessitates flexible production, for example hydro storage, and transmission-network expansion.

Yet, in a deregulated electricity industry, flexible producers’ objectives are not necessarily aligned with society’s, which means that policymakers must proactively devise market-based mechanisms to mitigate undesirable economic or environmental outcomes. Likewise, transmission planning, although regulated, will need to adapt to the altered landscape in order to ensure a competitive power system.

We will develop game-theoretic models that (i) reflect agent behaviour in a market with high VRES penetration and (ii) distil regulatory mechanisms to resolve conflicting objectives. Our methodological innovation will support policymakers in crafting a welfare-enhancing transition to a flexible and robust renewable power system.

Project members

Project managers

Afzal Siddiqui


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Afzal Siddiqui

Fredrik Hedenus

Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology

Aron Larsson

Senior lecturer

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Photo of Aron Larsson

Lina Reichenberg

Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology


Hanna Ek Fälth

Department of Space, Earth & Environment, Chalmers University of Technology

Farzad Hassanzadeh Moghimi


Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Xiaoming Kan

Department of Space, Earth & Environment, Chalmers University of Technology

